Writing Novels and Earning Money

Welcome to the FAQ section. Here you will find answers to common questions. If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us here.

To publish your novel on the website, you must first submit a request by contacting us. We will review your request and verify the quality of your writing.

After approval, your account will be verified, and you will be able to publish your novels and stories easily and without restrictions.

Yes, you can earn money through several methods:

Direct Sales: Users can purchase your novels using digital currencies, and you will receive the profits directly in your wallet.

Gifts: Fans can send you paid gifts along with their comments on your novels and stories, allowing you to earn additional income.

User Guide

Novel: A long work that includes multiple details, events, and characters.

Story: A shorter work that focuses on one event or character.

On our site, you can create a section that contains multiple stories under one title, allowing you to organize your works better.

Yes, you can browse and read the available free novels at no cost.

You can purchase novels by downloading our app on iPhone or Android, then topping up your account with points and exchanging them for the novels you wish to read.

If you encounter any inappropriate content, you can report it by clicking on the "Report Content" link available next to the content and providing the necessary information. We will review the report and take appropriate action.

Publishing and Improving Content

To improve your novel's visibility in search results, use accurate and relevant keywords in the title, description, and content. Add an attractive description and make sure to update the content regularly to attract more readers.

Yes, you can edit your novel at any time after publishing it. Go to the Content Management section, select the novel you want to edit, then make the necessary changes and save them.

Account Management

To recover your password, click on "Forgot Password" on the login page and follow the instructions to reset it. You will need access to your registered email to complete the process.

To delete your account, go to Account Settings, select "Delete Account," and follow the instructions. Note that this process is irreversible, and all your data will be permanently deleted.