Hazrat Yahya (as)

When Prophet Yahya (as) observed the clerics of Baytul Maqdas wearing veils made of haircloth and headgears of cotton, he requested his mother to make a similar dress for him.

Later, he began worshipping with them in Baytul Maqdas.

One day, Yahya (as) looked at his body, which had become considerably thin, and began to weep.

Allah revealed to him: “You cry over your body that has thinned down? By My Glory and Majesty! Had you possessed the slightest knowledge of the fire (of Hell), you would have worn overcoats made of iron, not these woven clothes.” Hearing this, Yahya wept to such an extent that the flesh of his cheeks became worn out.

Zakariyya (as) said to his son, “I had sought you from Allah so that you could be the apple of my eyes.

Why do you behave in such a manner?”

“Father, but was it not you who had said: ‘Surely, between Paradise and Hell there lies a pass and none except those who cry immensely due to fear of Allah, shall be able to traverse it’,” Yahya replied.

“Yes, I did!,” admitted Zakariyya (as).

Whenever Zakariyya (as) intended to preach and exhort the Bani Isra`il, he would first look around him, and if he noticed Yahya (as) amongst them, he would refrain from mentioning anything about Paradise and Hell.

Once, Zakariyya (as) was engaged in delivering a sermon to the people when Yahya (as), his head covered with his cloak, arrived and sat down amongst the people.

Zakariyya (as), who had not noticed Yahya (as), preached: “Allah has said: ‘In Hell there is a mountain by the name of Sakaran alongside which there lies a desert by the name of Ghadhaban, in which there is a well whose depth is equivalent to one hundred years of travel.

Within this well, there exist caskets of fire and within these caskets lie chests of fire, which in turn contain clothes and chains of fire.”

As soon as Yahya (as) heard the name ‘Sakaran’, he raised his head, shrieked and in a state of utter distress and disturbance, rushed out and headed towards the wilderness.

Zakariyya and Yahya’s mother set off in search of him; some of the youths of Bani Isra`il too, out of respect for Yahya’s mother joined them in their search.

They came across a shepherd and asked him if he had seen a youth with Yahya’s description.

“Are you looking for Yahya Ibn Zakariyya?” inquired the shepherd.

“Yes,” they replied.

“He is presently in a particular place with his feet in the water and his eyes glued towards the heavens, praying and communicating with his Lord,” he explained. The search party went to that place and located him.

Calling Yahya (as) towards herself, his mother placed him under the oath of Allah and requested him to return home.

Soon, Yahya (as) returned home with his mother.

( Risalah Liqaullah, Page 157-164; Amali of al-Saduq )

Reference : Anecdotes for Reflection Part 2

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