The Grasshopper and the Bird: A Tunisian Folktale

Welcome to the world of enchanting and thrilling tales brought to you by "Novpad" In this world, we explore stories that carry valuable lessons and exciting events, making every moment an unforgettable journey. Today, we present "The Grasshopper and the Bird: An Adventure in the World of Fortune-Tellers," one of the cherished Tunisian folktales that has captured hearts through the ages. This story takes us back to a distant time when simple people met with mysterious fates on a journey filled with challenges and cunning. Join us to discover how a poor man and his wife became heroes in facing the strongest fortune-tellers and most dangerous gangs.

I had just finished watering my grandmother's plants in the courtyard and was about to leave when I noticed a strange bump on one of the basil leaves. I approached to inspect it and discovered a small, shiny green grasshopper, as if it had just hatched from its egg. My face showed signs of astonishment, which drew everyone's attention around me. My grandmother came forward, picked up the grasshopper between her fingers, and waved it at the children, saying, "Here is the bird's wife!" The children exclaimed in unison, "Tell us the story again, Grandma!"

Once upon a time, in a city of that era, there lived a poor man nicknamed "The Bird." He resided with his wife, known as "The Grasshopper," in a small cottage on the outskirts of the city. The Grasshopper was very upset that her husband was unemployed, and she would patch clothes to earn a little money.

One day, The Grasshopper went to the market and returned fuming about her husband's condition. She confronted him, saying, "What is this laziness, Bird? Go find a job; if you were working, I wouldn't have to mend other people's clothes." The Bird replied with annoyance, "How can I? In these difficult times?" The Grasshopper responded, "It's very easy. I saw men in the market making a living in ways easier than you think."

The Grasshopper suggested that her husband take a bag filled with sand, place it in front of him, and start rubbing it with his hands, which would attract people around him to learn about their future and see their fortune. The Bird liked the idea and decided to try it. He took the sandbag as his wife suggested and went to the market, beginning to rub the sand and waiting for people to gather around him.

People started gathering around The Bird, one by one. A great fortune-teller entered the market and heard about the new fortune-teller, so he decided to investigate. The great fortune-teller was alarmed by the increasing popularity of The Bird and wondered how to deal with this new competitor. He decided to keep a close watch on The Bird.

The Bird began to feel comfortable and content as coins flowed to him from all directions. However, he did not know that the great fortune-teller was watching him and was looking for a way to test him. As the great fortune-teller pondered how to test The Bird, his eye fell on a small bird chasing a grasshopper, which gave him a new idea.

The great fortune-teller let the grasshopper pass by and then approached The Bird, grabbing him by his cloak and walking until he stood before the man he thought was a new customer. The great fortune-teller opened the sandbag but stopped The Bird, saying, "No, no, I did not come for this reason. I believe you think this job is easy." The Bird stared at the man in surprise, and the great fortune-teller continued, "I am the leader of the fortune-tellers in this market, and since you have intruded into my territory without permission, you deserve punishment. But I will subject you to a test. If you succeed, I will count you as a competent fortune-teller and invite you to join my group. If you fail, I will crush you like a fly."

The Bird was terrified by these words and thought about his wife, the Grasshopper, who had gotten him into this predicament. The great fortune-teller decided to test The Bird by guessing what was inside the cloak he was carrying. The great fortune-teller said, "Guess what is inside it!" The ground seemed to spin, The Bird's color drained from fear, and he mumbled, "If it weren't for the Grasshopper, the Bird wouldn't be in this situation." The great fortune-teller was astonished by The Bird's accurate guess and said, "Well done. I did not expect you to solve my riddle, but you surprised me with your predictions. As a favor to you, I will give you a place in my group that controls the market."

The Bird was given a new opportunity and began working from sunrise to sunset, meeting with group members to share the profits. The Grasshopper proudly boasted to her neighbors about her husband's accurate predictions, and their lives became more comfortable after she stopped mending clothes. Although the Grasshopper could not conceive, The Bird did not complain about her condition.

Months passed, and the situation changed suddenly. One cold morning, the king announced the theft of his state's money and summoned all the fortune-tellers to reveal the culprits. Many heads were cut off, and the king threatened every fortune-teller who did not bring him the truth. The turn came to the great fortune-teller, who knew nothing, and decided to entangle The Bird in this problem. He said to The Bird, "You must bring me the truth about the thieves, or you will face severe consequences."

The Bird knew he had no real knowledge but wanted to buy time until the last moment. He asked the king for forty days and thirty-nine chickens and a rooster. The king did not understand what The Bird was planning but granted him the requested time.

During the forty days, The Bird spent his days enjoying delicious food, and each night he lamented, saying, "This is one of the forty achieved." The thieves heard these words and thought The Bird was talking about them. They were terrified and went to their leader to inform him. The gang leader sent someone to spy on The Bird and heard the same words every night: "This is the second of the forty achieved," and "This is the third of the forty achieved." The fear continued to grip the gang.

On the last night, The Bird said, "This is the head of the forty achieved." The gang leader felt scared and retreated. He knew he was in a difficult situation and could only get rid of The Bird if he acted wisely. The gang leader seized the opportunity to act smartly. He went to The Bird with a group of men and made an offer.

The gang leader said to The Bird, "Please, spare me and keep it a secret from us. I will show you the place where we hid the stolen treasure." The Bird agreed and went with the gang leader to the treasure's location under a large rock. They found sacks filled with gold and jewelry, and The Bird returned to the king with the treasure. The king thanked The Bird and promised him praise and generosity.

The Bird became the king's special advisor and lived a life of luxury with his wife, the Grasshopper, in a splendid wing. One day, the king visited the neighboring country’s king, known for his wisdom and bravery. The neighboring king had prepared a test for The Bird, asking him to guess what was in three sealed barrels.

The Bird was in a difficult position, but luck was on his side once again. The Bird mumbled, "The first is honey, the second is vinegar, and the third is tar." The Bird's answer astonished everyone, and everyone celebrated his success.

The Bird's life was full of remarkable transformations, from a poor man to a royal advisor, thanks to his intelligence and good fortune. His wife, the Grasshopper, felt immense pride, having moved from mending clothes to living in the king's palace. And who knows, one day, The Bird might become the king of the entire land, as everyone said.

This story carries lessons about courage, luck, and sound thinking. It reminds us that life is full of challenges, but with creativity and intelligence, we can face and overcome any difficulty. We hope you enjoyed this story and find its events and lessons valuable for your life. Stay tuned to "Novpad" for more exciting and intriguing stories that will take you on unique journeys through different worlds.

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