Nobira Bo: The Faceless Visitors of the Night

Welcome to a realm of mystery and horror with "Novpad" In this tale, we explore the Japanese legend of Nobira Bo, faceless beings that induce terrifying psychological crises. This story offers a glimpse into how darkness can creep into our lives in unexpected ways, demonstrating that fear does not always come from clear forms, but from the unknown and the enigmatic. Let us delve into this eerie legend and uncover the chilling details that make it one of the most terrifying tales.

The Nobira Bo Legend: The Faceless Visitors

In a tranquil Japanese village, ancient tales spoke of mysterious beings known as Nobira Bo. These entities appeared as ordinary humans but carried a horrifying secret: their faces would suddenly vanish, instilling terror in the hearts of those who saw them. Although Nobira Bo were not physically harmful, their psychological impact could be devastating.

Saki and Kotaro:

Saki: A young woman living in the village, she works as a nanny and is known for her kindness and gentle heart. However, she suffers from disturbing dreams due to the tales of Nobira Bo.

Kotaro: Saki’s loyal friend, a strong and steadfast young man who works in agriculture. He believes that legends are mere superstitions but begins to doubt after unexpected events.

Elder Toshio: The village sage, knowledgeable about myths and ancient stories. He provides guidance to Saki and Kotaro and reveals some dark secrets.

The Haunting Dreams:

On a dark, quiet night, while the village was peacefully asleep, Saki was suddenly awakened from a disturbing dream. In her dream, she saw faceless figures wandering through her village, their empty eyes watching her. Saki decided she needed to learn more about these enigmatic beings causing her nightmares.

Saki: "Kotaro, I saw something strange in my dream. There were people without faces wandering around the village."

Kotaro: "Saki, you’re exhausted. These old stories are nothing more than myths. You need to rest."

Saki: "No, this time it felt different. The feeling was so real, and I must find out what’s happening."

The Search for Truth:

Saki visited Elder Toshio, who was well-versed in ancient myths and stories. The sage informed her that Nobira Bo were beings that appeared as ordinary people but had their faces suddenly disappear. These beings sought to scare and manipulate people, but their goal was not physical harm but psychological distress.

Elder Toshio: "Nobira Bo are not physically dangerous, but their psychological impact can be devastating. They seek you out in your moments of weakness and toy with your mind."

Saki: "What can I do? How can I protect myself?"

Elder Toshio: "You need to stay strong. Do not give in to your fear; instead, accept it as it is. There are rituals that can help protect you."

Preparing for the Ritual:

Saki and Kotaro worked together to gather the necessary ingredients for the rituals described by Elder Toshio. The process was complex, requiring them to travel to remote places to collect herbs and spices. During their journey, they encountered strange occurrences that heightened their fear and anxiety.

Kotaro: "I feel like something is following us. Do you feel it too?"

Saki: "Yes, sometimes I see faceless figures on the edges, but when I turn around, there’s no one there."

Confronting Nobira Bo:

Once they completed the rituals and returned to their village, things started to get worse. Nobira Bo began appearing more frequently, and Saki felt their presence everywhere. Ultimately, Saki and Kotaro prepared to face Nobira Bo directly. They needed to overcome the fear and anxiety that Nobira Bo had instilled in their hearts.

In a direct confrontation with Nobira Bo, Saki and Kotaro used the rituals they had learned. The chanting of ancient words and the performed rituals began to shield the village. Nobira Bo started to fade away gradually, and peace returned to the village. Saki and Kotaro learned a vital lesson about courage and self-belief, becoming symbols of hope and strength in facing the darkness.


It has been a journey full of challenges and secrets with "Novpad: The Global Stories Library." We discovered together the tale of Nobira Bo, those terrifying beings that evoke fear through the absence of faces. Through bravery and belief, we managed to confront these entities and restore peace. We hope this story has intrigued and inspired your imagination, and we look forward to presenting more thrilling tales on  Novpad

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