Chapter 1

Adjusting the webcam on his computer, Mark starts his stream.

Mark: "Hello? Looks like it's working fine… Anyway…"
"Hello, everyone. I just wanted to share that I’m really struggling in this hou—"

Before he can finish his sentence, his brother suddenly barges in.

Jake: "Hey! Are you talking to yourself, you idiot?"
Mark: "So what if I am?"
Jake: "I’m your older brother. Speak to me with some respect, will you?"
Mark (calmly): "What do you want, anyway? You just ruined my vibe."
Jake (mockingly): "What vibe? You’re talking to yourself in front of a camera!"
Mark: "Am I the one talking, or are you? It’s none of your business, so get out!"
Jake: "I must be the dumb one for trying to talk to you."
Mark: "Glad you finally admit you’re dumb."

Jake glares at Mark before leaving the room.

Mark: "Doesn’t matter, let’s get back to what I was saying."
"First off, my name is Mark. I’m 20 years old, the youngest in this family, and I don’t like my family, except for my brother."

Jake (shouting from outside the room): "There’s no one watching your stupid stream! You’re literally talking to yourself, you lunatic!"
Mark (laughing): "Why do you even care? You know I can’t stand being around your mother."
Jake: "Just bear with it a little longer, and I’ll protect you from her."
Mark: "How exactly are you going to protect me from your mother?"
Jake: "She’s your mother too, just as much as she’s mine."
Mark: "I’m not having this discussion with you. Go away."

Jake is two years older than Mark.

Scene shifts to the dining room:

Stepmother (shouting): "I don’t want Mark to be my son! He’s so rude!"
Father: "He’s still my son, dear. Don’t say things like that; he might hear you."
Mark (entering suddenly): "Who said I want to be your son anyway?" He laughs "I’m still the master of this house. It’s in my mother’s name."
Stepmother: "See? I told you, I don’t want him as my son!"
Mark: "‘My son,’ ‘my son’—shut up already! You’ll get what you want soon enough. You want me dead, right? Don’t worry; you’ll hear the news soon e—"

His father slaps him hard across the face.

Father (shouting): "How many times do I have to tell you to speak to my wife with respect?"
Mark (calmly looking into his father’s eyes): "I heard you. No need to shout. I’m not deaf, and you’re standing right in front of me."
Father (still shouting): "Lower your eyes when you talk to me and get down on your knees, now!"
Mark: "I only told her what she wanted to hear! What did I do wrong?"
Father: "Get down before I kill you!"
Mark: "I won’t! I’m not obli—"

His father forcibly pushes him to his knees.

Father: "You’ll stay like that until you apologize and she forgives you!"
Mark (defiantly): "I’m not afr—"

He starts to stand but is forced back down by his father.

Mark: "Damn it!"
Mark (begrudgingly): "I apologize for what I said. I hope you can forgive me."
Stepmother (smiling smugly): "I don’t accept your apology. It’s obvious you’re just saying it to get out of trouble. I want to see some real emotion."
Mark (taking a deep breath): "Stepmother, I sincerely apologize for my behavior. I was careless. I hope you can forgive me and accept my apology."
Stepmother: "Now I accept your apology."

Mark quickly stands up.

Father: "Don’t you dare raise your voice to her again, do you understand?"
Mark (lowering his head): "Yes, sir."

Mark pulls Jake aside.

Jake: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s wrong with you?"
Mark: "If you care about me, come with me now." He’s clearly angry.
Jake: "Calm down, I’m listening."
Mark (angrily): "I’m not your kid! I’m not some spoiled brat, so don’t patronize me!"
Jake: "Alright, alright. What do you want?"
Mark: "A fake death."
Jake (confused): "A fake death? What do you mean?"
Mark: "I’m going to fake your death."
Jake: "What’s wrong with you?"
Mark: "I’ll make her regret making me bow to her, that witch. I won’t back down just because she’s your mother. Got it?"
Jake: "She made you bow? What’s going on, Mark?"
Mark (increasingly agitated): "I’ve had enough! Just do as I say, and you’ll understand later!"
Jake: "Alright, alright, calm down."

Mark goes down to the kitchen, where his stepmother is.

Stepmother: "Oh, it’s you."
Mark: "No, it’s Batman. Of course, it’s me!"

He sits down and starts eating.

His stepmother suddenly drops a plate, shattering it.

Stepmother (yelling): "Are you going to keep breaking my dishes?"
Mark looks at her, bewildered.

His father rushes in.

Father: "What’s going on?"
Stepmother: "Your son broke another plate!"
Mark: "She’s lying! She broke it herself!"
Father (shouting): "Are you calling my wife a liar?"
Mark: "Fine, fine, it’s my fault."

He then proceeds to smash an entire set of dishes.

Mark: "See? I broke them." He smirks.

Stepmother (in shock): "That set was expensive!"
Mark (sharply): "And the one you broke wasn’t, right?"

He steps closer to her.

Mark: "Don’t bring your twisted logic to me. I’m not in the mood for you."

He leaves without listening to his father.

Later, at 3 AM, Mark returns home drunk.

Father (angrily): "Why was your phone off?!"
Mark: "I needed to live my life alone."
The father wrinkles his nose at the smell of alcohol.

Father: "Have you been drinking?"
Mark: "What’s the problem?"
Father: "Because you broke your stepmother’s dishes and you know I don’t allow drinking in this house, you’ve defied my rules. Your punishment will be severe this time."

The father calls a friend.

Father: "You still need a personal servant for your daughter, right? I’ve got one available. I’ll send him over tomorrow."

He ends the call.

Mark (in shock): "D-Dad…?"

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