Chapter 6

Maid: Who should I tell her is here?

Shadi: Shadi.

Maid: Right away.

Shadi: I’ll wait.

-The maid goes to inform Mark's mother-

Mark's Mother: Yes, yes, let him in.

Mark: Is that your husband, Mom?

Mark's Mother: He's your brother.

Mark (in shock): What did you say?

Mark's Mother: He's your brother.

Mark (angrily): Are you hiding a brother from me now?

Mark's Mother: Lower your voice. I’m your mother.

Mark (even angrier): I have every right to be upset!

Mark's Mother: Are you yelling at me now?

Shadi enters: Hello, Mom.

Mark (sharply): Did you say he’s my brother? Fine, I don’t accept him as my brother. What are you going to do about it?

Mark's Mother (even more sternly): You will accept him because he’s your brother, and you’ll visit him often.

-Mark angrily throws his phone-

Mark: I won’t accept anyone other than Jake as my brother!

Mark's Mother (sternly): Don’t defy my orders, because you know what will happen, right?

Mark raises his hair: Do you think I’m a child?

-The father was about to intervene, but the mother held him back-

Hana's Mother whispers: This isn’t our issue, don’t get involved.

Hana: Except he looks even more handsome when he’s angry.

Mark (angrily): Mom! Are you going to tell me where this arrogant guy came from?

Mark's Mother (calmly): He’s your brother from your father’s side, which means he’s your blood brother from your father.

Mark: Mom! Since when has Dad been hiding a brother from me?

Mark's Mother (yelling): Since when has your father loved you enough to tell you about his life?

Mark: So Dad doesn’t love me, but you do? Why didn’t you tell me?

Mark's Mother: I didn’t have the chance to tell you!

Mark: When would you have told me? When I died?

-She immediately slaps him and pulls him by the ear-

Mark: Ouch, ouch! And on top of that, you chose him over me, right? You prefer him!

-She tightens her grip on his ear-

Mark: Ouch, ouch! Stop it, I’m not a child!

-She drags him to her room with Shadi following-

Mark's Mother: My dear son.

Mark: I’m not your son.

Mark's Mother: Yes, you are. You’re my precious child.

Mark (jealously): He’s your son. You kept him so close that I didn’t even know I had a brother.

Mark's Mother: You’re my firstborn, you’re the one I spoil.

Mark (jealously): Do you love him more than me?

Mark's Mother laughs softly: Are you upset because you’re jealous that I’m spoiling someone other than you?

Mark (denying it): I’m not that jealous.

Mark's Mother: Don’t you want to know the story?

Mark: It’s obvious. Dad doesn’t want the person in front of me.

Mark's Mother: He’s your brother, Mark, your brother.

Mark: I don’t accept a stranger suddenly appearing in my life.

Mark's Mother: Actually, your father was very excited about him.

Mark: So?

Mark's Mother: Jake’s mother didn’t want him and was going to kill him.

Mark: What?! How could she kill a life like that?!

Mark's Mother: She killed her father too, if that shocks you.

Shadi and Mark (shocked): What?!

-She laughs softly-

Mark: Is that funny, Mom? How could she kill her father like that?

Mark's Mother: I don’t really know, but that’s what people say about her on the streets. Everyone calls her a killer, which is why she divorced your father.

Mark: Really, Mom? And you were pregnant with this idiot, right? You were afraid she’d kill him too, weren’t you?

Mark's Mother: Yes, and you were very strong to protect yourself. That’s how I raised you.

Mark (playfully): I’m also more handsome than him, right?

Shadi (jealously): Yeah, sure, he’s my older brother, but don’t favor him over me!

-Mark throws a pillow at him-

Mark: You, be quiet and don’t speak!

-Jake passes by and overhears what’s being said about his mother-

Jake (to himself): Am I not worthy enough to be Mark’s brother?

Ivan: Sir?

Jake (startled): Y-yes?

Ivan: The bathroom is this way.

Jake: Oh, thank you. I really got lost.

-He quickly goes into the bathroom-

"At the Restaurant"

Jumana: Imagine, Auntie, he insulted my voice as if he was saying it’s not feminine like the other girls!

Aunt: He’s just joking with you. You know he likes to tease.

Jumana: I didn’t like his joke at all! What’s up with that?!

Aunt: Don’t worry, he’ll come back and apologize. Don’t be like this.

Jumana: Auntie, are you taking his side now?

Aunt: Who said I’m taking his side? I’m just telling you he’ll apologize. He doesn’t know how to make you sad.

Jumana: We’ll see about that.

"At Mark's Father's House"

Stepmother: Why did you tell him to go to that house?

Father: Should I have told him who his father was instead?

Stepmother: Are you threatening me now?

Father: Shut up. I’m not in the mood to respond to your nonsense.

Stepmother: Of course, you care more about your stomach than anything else.

Father: Obviously, my stomach matters more than your nonsense.

"At the Mansion in the Bodyguards' Room"

Ivan: Mark?

Mark: Yes, dongsaeng? (meaning little brother)

Ivan: Your mom is really nice.

Mark: Yes, I know that. Everyone says that. -smiles-

Ivan: I want to know your story with your family.

Mark: Do you want to be friends with me?

Ivan: Well, I’m asking out of curiosity.

Mark: I don’t like that. I’m not used to you yet. Sorry.

Ivan: Oh, it seems I bothered you a bit.

Mark: No, no, that’s not what I meant. I just don’t trust people easily, b...-Mark's bell rings-

Mark: Damn it, damn it! She wants me. I’m off now, I’ll talk to you later.

-He leaves quickly-

Ivan: Looks like he’s not comfortable with me at all. He probably thinks I’m a bad person.

"In Hana's Room"

Hana: Come in.

Mark: What do you need, my lady?

Hana: Have I become your lady? Why are you speaking to me so coldly?

Mark: Because you’re my lady. -smiles-

Hana: Go get me some noodles.

Mark: But you just had food, my lady?

Hana: Since when does my bodyguard oppose me?

Mark: But I’m not your chef; I’m just your bodyguard!

-She gives him a serious look-

Hana: My bodyguard means everything—my servant, my chef.

Mark: But I don’t know how to cook, my lady!

Hana: That’s your problem. Go cook for me now!

-He raises his eyebrows-

Mark: Are you joking with me right now?

Hana: I said go!

-He angrily goes to the kitchen and kicks the door-

Mark: What’s with this brat? Am I her personal chef or what? No one said I’d be a cook!

Mark: Stupid, stupid! What’s this? Because I’m angry, she wants to make me angrier! I need to stay calm. Damn it!

-He kicks the door hard again-

Mark: Calm down, Mark. Don’t let that idiot mess with you.

-He prepares the noodles, knowing it will taste terrible-

"In a Strange Place"

...: Did you find out where her son is?

...: Yes, sir, he’s a bodyguard in that mansion.

...: Really? What are you waiting for? We’ll use him to threaten her.

...: Yes, sir.

...: That’s him. Bring him here, and don’t mess up. -shows a picture of Mark-

...: Yes, sir.

"At the Mansion"

-In Hana's Room-

Mark: Here you go.

Hana: Oh, it smells delicious.

Mark (to himself): Since when does my cooking smell delicious? I can’t wait to see your reaction—noodles with no seasoning.

-She starts eating and immediately spits it out-

Hana: What is this?! Is this even noodles?!

Mark: I told you I don’t know how to cook it.

Hana: Liar! It’s a simple dish!

Mark (angrily): Then you should’ve made it yourself!

Hana: Why would I do it myself when you’re here?

Mark: I told you, miss, I don’t know how to cook it!

Hana: So? I want to eat it now!

Mark: And where am I supposed to get it from?

Hana: Don’t argue with me on everything! Go to the restaurant and get it!

Mark: Do you even know what time it is?

Hana: It’s only six o'clock. What’s the problem?

Mark: "Yeah! I’m not a dog to come whenever you command me!" 

Hana: "Then why did you work for me?" 

Mark: "I didn’t come here to serve you, just so you know.

 And even if you’re my lady, you need to respect my boundaries."

 Hana: "I want food from the restaurant next door. Go now!" 

Mark: "You really want it now? Fine, I’ll show you when I get back." -He leaves angrily-

"On the Way"

Mark (angrily muttering to himself): "She’s really making me mad.

 Damn it, that stupid girl!" -He walks, mumbling to himself- -He senses someone behind him but ignores it- -He turns around but sees no one- -He continues walking,

 but suddenly two men appear in front of him- -He tries to defend himself, but they quickly knock him out with a tranquilizer-

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