Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm

"Who would have thought you were the reason!" Nina shouted as she burst into the room, flipping on the lights.

Maya jolted awake, startled by Nina’s shouting. She whispered in a groggy voice, "What’s going on?"

Nina, brimming with excitement and paying no mind to the fact that Maya had been sleeping, exclaimed, "You know, I’ve always wondered why she never got married until now. I considered every possible reason. And in the end, it turns out you’re the reason! This is unbelievable!"

Maya closed her eyes and sighed in relief; Nina’s excitement indicated that everything was fine, at least as far as she could understand. She then glanced at her phone to check the time and looked back at Nina, speaking in a sleepy voice, "First, do you realize how much you scared me by shouting while I was asleep? Second, do you know it’s two in the morning? Third, why are you even awake at this hour? And fourth, I still don’t understand a word you’re saying."

Nina jumped onto the bed, settling next to Maya, and explained, "I was talking to Crick, who mentioned that Frederick is planning to get married soon. When I asked him who he’s marrying, he told me it’s Sonia. I was shocked; I never expected that. But Crick said they’ve been in love since they met over two years ago. So, I asked him why they didn’t marry earlier, and he said he didn’t know. But he did say that he once overheard an argument between them about marriage, and he understood that Frederick refused to marry because of you."

Maya raised her eyebrows in surprise, echoing, "Because of me?"

"I was just as shocked as you are! How could you be the reason? Could it be that Frederick loves you instead? And if that’s the case, how does he also love Sonia? Then what changed now to make him decide to get married?"

Maya fell silent, deep in thought, then calmly asked Nina, "Don’t you have school tomorrow?"

Realizing that Maya was about to scold her, Nina exclaimed in disappointment, "What does that have to do with this?"

Maya replied seriously, "There’s no such thing as 'our topic.' Other people’s stories and problems are none of our business. Now go to your room and sleep."

But Nina was determined to stay put until she got the full story, so she insisted, "It is our business—at least yours! Why won’t you tell me?"

Maya took a deep breath, then spoke gently, "What do you want me to say, sweetheart? I lived with you in another city, so how would I know what was going on between Sonia and Frederick? But there’s one thing I do know for sure: Frederick doesn’t love me, at least not in the way you’re thinking. He loves me like a daughter, just as he loves you. So don’t worry, I’m no threat to your beloved Sonia. Now that we’ve settled that, go to your room and sleep."

Nina smiled, mumbling, "Okay, that’s somewhat reassuring," as she got off the bed and walked toward the door. She turned off the light and was about to leave when Maya called her, "Nina!"

She turned back, "Yes?"

"Tomorrow morning, I’ll be confiscating your phone for a week."


"Because I don’t allow my daughter to stay up until two in the morning talking on the phone with a man."

Nina pleaded, "You’re the one who said Crick is a good guy!"

Maya responded firmly, "Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should stay up all night talking to him. Now go out."

Nina left without further protest; she knew that when Maya spoke in that serious tone, she meant every word she said.

By three in the morning, Maya had accepted that she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she got to the bottom of what was going on. Nina had sparked her curiosity. Frederick refusing to marry Sonia because of her—this explained the looks of disdain Sonia had given her at Nina’s birthday party. But why? No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t guess the reason for Frederick’s refusal, nor could she understand why he had changed his mind now.

She reached for her phone, pressed a few buttons, and held it to her ear. She heard Alex answer immediately, "Hello?"

Maya asked, a bit suspiciously, "You’re wide awake, aren’t you?"

Alex replied in his usual calm tone, "Were you hoping I’d be asleep?"

Maya smiled, "Yes, actually. The idea of waking you up and disturbing your sleep was quite tempting. So, why are you awake?"

"Because I’m reading."

"And why are you reading instead of sleeping?"

"Is this an interrogation, Maya?"

She laughed, "No, it’s not."

He explained, "The psychologist advised me not to try sleeping because, as he put it, if I go to bed waiting for sleep, I’ll start thinking—like most people do. But my thoughts, without my realizing it, would drift to heroin and its effects, since my body is still recovering from only three weeks of abstinence, which is a short time. So, the psychologist told me to stay awake until I’m thoroughly exhausted, then I’ll fall asleep right away."

Maya teased, "You’re so lucky because I definitely plan to wear you out."

Alex smiled, whispering into the phone, "And I’m ready."

Maya said, "Okay, so why don’t you tell me about Frederick’s engagement?"

"Wonderful! Why do wedding news spread so quickly?"

"You could ask Crick."

"Oh, right. Frederick told Crick and Bernard when they visited me yesterday. He wanted to tell you himself."

"When’s the wedding?"

"I don’t know. They’ll announce their engagement in a few days, but I don’t think the wedding will be far off."

"How long have they known each other?"

"About two years."

"And now they’ve just realized they love each other?"

Alex fell silent for a few seconds, then spoke in a strange tone, "You’re smarter than that, Maya. Why don’t you just ask the real question you called to ask?"

Maya replied determinedly, "Then tell me the answer since you already know what I want."

"Who told you?"

"What’s the point?"

For the second time, Alex paused before muttering, "I didn’t know Crick was aware of it."

Maya said, "He doesn’t know, he just overheard a few words."

Alex started explaining, "Frederick had a condition for getting married: you had to forgive him and believe in his innocence. He said he felt guilty because you and your mother trusted him, so he should have protected your father and not let any harm come to him because of that trust. Since he failed to do that, he needed you both to forgive him for betraying that trust, as he saw it. Your mother took his side and told him it wasn’t his fault, and she knew he would never let anything bad happen to your father. But the problem was you. Not only did you not forgive him, but you accused him of killing your father and betraying him. So, Frederick told Sonia—as he also told me and my parents—that he couldn’t marry while you remained unforgiving and convinced of his guilt. This guilt weighed on him, and if he got married, the guilt would always stand between him and his happiness, and thus, he wouldn’t be able to make Sonia happy."

Maya whispered, stunned by what she heard, "What a strange logic Frederick has."

Alex said, "I also thought it was strange, but then I realized that Frederick truly loved your father and cares for you as well. He doesn’t want to get married and be happy while you’re still hurting from your father’s death. The idea of being happy while you’re sad is unthinkable to Frederick. You really do have another father, Maya."

Maya sighed heavily, realizing the harsh truth that she had been hurting someone who loved her. She had turned her life upside down for the sake of revenge, while he had structured his life around earning her forgiveness. She said to Alex in disbelief, "So, when I told him I knew he was innocent, he decided to get married, right?"

He replied, "Yes."

"Okay, sorry for bothering you. Goodnight."

"I’m not exhausted yet."

"Then go back to reading."

"I lost the page I was on."

Maya smiled with affection, saying, "Alexander, don’t worry. You won’t hear tomorrow that I’ve committed suicide in my bed out of guilt for what I did to your uncle. I’m fine. I won’t deny that the matter bothered me a bit and made me feel like a horrible person, but really, I’m okay."

Alex, seemingly unwilling to let the matter rest until he was sure she was fine, said, "You know you’re the only one who calls me Alexander. Even Nina, who I’ve only met a few times, calls me Alex."

She asked, "Do you prefer being called Alex?"

"It’s not that, but I’m used to being called Alex. And I feel a bit of formality every time you say Alexander."

She explained honestly, "I didn’t think about it in terms of familiarity or formality. It’s just that I like the name Alexander. It makes me feel strength and masculinity in you."

He said, "I’ll remain Alexander, then. Now, goodnight."

She whispered, "Goodnight."

She ended the call, but before she could put the phone down, it buzzed in her hand. She looked at the number on the screen, puzzled about who would be calling her at this hour. She answered, "Yes?"

A voice shouted, "Hello. I hope I’m not disturbing you."

Her eyes widened in shock, recognizing the voice. Through clenched teeth, she said, "Seriously, how are you talking to me right now?"

"By phone."

She shouted, "And how were you allowed to use the phone?"

Sam explained, "Oh, dear, it seems you’ve forgotten that prisoners can use the phone once a week."

She asked sarcastically, "And why am I the lucky one to receive this rare weekly call?"

He laughed, "Because I love you."

She replied, bored, "Oh, please! I’ve had enough of people loving me." Then, pausing as an idea struck her, she asked, "Wait, how did you even get my number?"

Mockingly, he said, "Oh, my dear, being in prison doesn’t mean I can’t manage my affairs. I still have influence."

"What do you want?"

"Have you figured out your relationship with Alex?"

"Yes. It turns out he’s my long-lost son."

Ignoring her sarcasm, he continued, "Let’s just say, Maya, it’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s a causal relationship, if you will."

She snapped angrily, "Okay, I need you to understand something, Sam. I’m not interested in this, so save your breath. Got it?"

He carried on, "Let me tell you what will happen if you decide to take my words seriously. You’ll go to Frederick and ask him about your connection to Alex. I doubt he’ll understand. Then you’ll tell him that Sam says there’s a causal relationship between you and Alex, and you’ll add that Sam is the one-eyed man. Then, he’ll panic, try to deceive you. That’s exactly what will happen, my dear. So, if you go to Frederick and everything unfolds as I’ve said, then come to me, and I’ll tell you the story."

She said, "You said it yourself—'if' I take your words seriously, which I won’t."

"As you wish. All I’m saying is, I don’t want you to be deceived. Now, goodbye."

He hung up, leaving Maya staring at her phone, realizing that Sam had gotten under her skin. She wouldn’t be able to get him out of her head until she went to Frederick and asked, just as he had instructed.

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