Chapter 24: A Return After Absence

She stood in front of an officer's desk as he handed her a small box containing her personal belongings before leaving. She opened the box, pulled out her wristwatch, and began to put it on when she heard a voice from behind say, "Thank God for your safety. How many days did you spend in jail?"  
She replied coldly without turning around, recognizing the voice as John's, "Four days."  
John approached and sat on the leather chair by the desk, then said in a calm tone, "How did the psychological tests go?"  
Maya answered sarcastically, "Unfortunately, they proved that I'm not crazy."  
John responded seriously, "No one ever said you were."  

She took her gun and badge from the box and said, "You didn't come here just to greet me, did you?"  
He replied, "I'm the one who ordered the investigation and tests to be sped up because I wanted you out quickly. We only have one day left."  
She raised her gaze to him and asked expectantly, "What happened?"  
John answered directly, "On your second day in jail, Madoff kidnapped Frederick."  
Maya stared at him in disbelief, whispering, "Kidnapped Frederick!"  
She asked skeptically, "Why? What does he want with him?"  
He replied in a strange tone, "It seems he wants you."  
She stepped back, murmuring, "I don't understand what you're trying to say."  
He sighed slowly and said, "He kidnapped Frederick and called Alex, telling him that if he wanted his uncle back, he had to bring you to him. Alex has to choose between the two of you."  
Maya remained silent for a long time before finally saying in a hoarse voice, "He's doing it again. He's replaying the game that cost my father his life."  
John agreed, "Exactly. He gave Alex three days to decide, two of which have passed, leaving only one."  
She asked angrily, "What did you do in these two days? Why didn’t you search for Frederick? Why didn’t you save him?"  
"We're a narcotics unit, Maya; we don't handle these kinds of cases. As for the police, Alex refused to ask for their help. He didn’t even report Frederick's disappearance."  
"I don’t know. Alex is unusually calm. I trust him, but I think he needs help. Creek is out of town, Bob hasn’t fully recovered from his injuries, and Alex only has Bernard with him. They need you, Maya. You saved Alex once, now save Frederick." John then stood up and left, leaving her in confusion.

"Here you go! You were drinking coffee that day, so I figured you like it."  
Maya took the coffee cup from Anne, Alex's mother, and muttered her thanks. She sipped a little before asking, "Where is Alexander?"  
Anne sat on the couch opposite her and replied with a smile, "He's not home."  
Maya raised her eyebrows in surprise and said, "What! Why didn’t you tell me from the start? Why did you ask me to come in then?"  
Anne simply replied, "I wanted to spend some time with you."  
Maya smiled awkwardly, then hesitated as she mumbled, "Well... I might need some time."  
Anne looked at the clock on the wall, which showed that it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon, then said, "Certainly, with less than a day left for one of you to die, either you or Frederick, right?"  
Maya’s hand holding the coffee cup stopped midway to her mouth, stunned for a few moments before she whispered, "I didn’t expect him to tell you."  
Anne answered, "My son didn’t say anything; Sonia told me. Unfortunately, she was there when Alex talked to Madoff, and I admit it wasn’t easy for her."  
Maya muttered, "I don’t think it’s easy for anyone."  
Anne agreed in a sympathetic tone, "Certainly, just like what happened with your father."  
Maya's gaze hardened as she stared at the table, but Anne continued, "Believe me, I had no knowledge of your father’s murder. I only found out through Sonia, who was told by Alex. You know, after thinking about it, I realized one thing: Alex had no part in what happened to your father."  
Maya sharply replied, "I never blamed him."  
Anne spoke seriously, "I mean... it was your father and Frederick's case against Madoff. They knew the confrontation wouldn’t be easy; they knew the dangers of their mission and the damage it could cause. They were prepared to die during that confrontation. But what about Alex? What did he have to do with it? He wasn’t involved in the plan, wasn’t part of the operation, didn’t even know about it. So why should he be part of the consequence? Why should he die instead of them? Frankly, I believe Frederick made the right choice. Alex had no stake in this, so he shouldn’t have to die."  
Maya shouted angrily, "Your son wasn’t supposed to die, but my father had to?"  
Anne shouted back, "Your father chose to risk his life, just as Frederick did, so the damage should have been limited to them, not to anyone else, whether it was my son or anyone else." She paused, then continued calmly, "It’s becoming clear to me that Frederick’s choice wasn’t about blood or kinship. I think he would have chosen to save any innocent young man, even if he didn’t know him. Let’s imagine Van was on a dangerous mission, and he encountered a young man in the same area who was also in danger. I’m sure—and I know you’re even more sure than I am—that Van wouldn’t have left the young man in danger. He would have tried to save him, even if it cost him his life."  
Maya clenched her teeth tightly, then said in an attempt to maintain her stance, "Frederick didn’t think the way you’re describing. He said he couldn’t sacrifice Alex because he sees him as his son."  
Anne responded, "It doesn’t matter what motivated Frederick. What matters is whether his choice was correct. Maybe Frederick acted based on what I’m saying, but he just couldn’t find the right words to express it. Someone in his position would find it difficult to articulate the thoughts running through their mind."  
Maya leaned her elbows on her knees and rested her forehead on her clenched fists. Anne watched her before saying firmly, "It wasn’t Frederick’s fault, and it definitely wasn’t your father’s fault. The blame lies with that scoundrel Madoff, who turned a story of heroism and sacrifice into one of betrayal and deceit through a vile game."  
Maya echoed in a choked voice, "Madoff."  
Anne said, "Maya! Look at me."  
Maya lifted her head, and Anne, looking into her darkened eyes, said, "In short, I’m not grateful to Frederick for choosing Alex. I’m deeply grateful to your father for sacrificing his life for my son. Your father died a hero, dear, so don’t let anyone make you doubt that truth."

Maya knocked on the door several times. Bernard had given her the address of his apartment when she called asking for Alex, telling her that although he wasn’t home, she’d find Alex there. So why wasn’t he answering? She knocked again, and the door suddenly opened to reveal Alex behind it, pointing his gun at her.  
Maya exclaimed in surprise, raising her hands in mock surrender, "I surrender!"  
Alex sighed in annoyance, lowering his gun before muttering, "When did you get out?"  
She answered as she walked past him into the apartment, "Just a few hours ago. Unfortunately, your plan to trap me failed."  
Alex closed the door after ensuring no one was outside, then turned to her and asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"  
She simply replied as she sat on one of the couches in the middle of the room, "I came to see you."  
He walked forward and began drawing the curtains, saying slowly, "In case you didn’t notice, I’m staying at Bernard’s place because I don’t want to see anyone."  
She responded provocatively, "I’m not just anyone."  
He turned sharply toward her, studying her for a moment before hissing, "Certainly not, because not just anyone would think of killing a man like Sam."  
She raised her eyebrows in surprise and said, "Don’t tell me you’re upset about his death. Of all people, you should be grateful I killed him."  
A half-smile appeared on his lips as he whispered, "Grateful? That’s unbelievable!" Then, looking at her angrily, he said, "Grateful for what? For the doors of hell you opened on me? Tell me, which part of 'stay away from Madoff and Sam' didn’t you understand?"  
She defended herself, saying, "You’re the reason! If you hadn’t hidden things from me, like your meeting with Madoff, none of this would have happened."  
He ran his fingers through his hair before saying bitterly, "You’re right; it’s my fault. You were clear and told me you didn’t trust me, but I didn’t believe you. It’s really my fault."  
She shouted, bothered by his tone and expression, "That’s not true."  
He asked, "What’s not true?"  
She answered softly, "I trust you."  
He replied sarcastically, "Really?

Was that before or after that wonderful confession about me you gave to Sam? What was it you said? Oh, I remember: 'Now I understand everything. He’s been Madoff’s right hand all along.' What amazing trust that is!"  
Maya fell silent, seemingly without a response, but then she spoke calmly, "So, this is what it’s about. You’re angry because I accused you. Fine, I’m sorry. But you must know that seeing you kiss that monster’s hand wasn’t easy."  
He took a few steps and sat on the couch opposite her, relaxing in his seat as he watched her.  
Maya asked irritably, "What?"  
He replied calmly, "I’m waiting for you to ask."  
She furrowed her brows and said, "About what?"  
He smiled and said, "Stop pretending. I know you’re dying to know why I kissed his hand. Go ahead, ask! You won’t be satisfied until you know the reason."  
She turned her face away for a few moments, then looked back at him and confessed, "You’re testing me, aren’t you? Listen, Alexander, the shock of the picture made me say what I said at the time. I was just confused. Once I calmed down, I realized I was wrong. Deep down, I knew you were innocent from the start. My trust in you never wavered."  
He responded in a gruff voice, "Do you know what trust is? Frederick saw the picture just like you, yet he didn’t flinch. He didn’t ask me a single question. That’s the kind of trust I’m talking about and want."  
At that moment, Bernard walked in through the apartment door, smiling warmly when he saw Maya. "Hello, Maya. You’re here. How was your jail time?"  
Maya merely nodded, and Bernard quickly picked up on the tension between the two. He then said, "Well, it seems I’ll go get some coffee." He added nervously, recalling the outcome of one of their previous encounters, "By the way, I just want to say that there’s no need for violence, especially not with weapons. We’ll need every bullet in our raid on Madoff. Goodbye." He then left, closing the door behind him.  
As soon as Bernard left, Maya asked, puzzled, "What did he mean by a raid on Madoff?"  
Alex answered coldly as he stood, "It’s none of your business."  
Maya retorted angrily, "I think it is, considering I’m one of your choices."  
He muttered as he flipped through some papers he picked up from on top of the TV, "I already made my choice and informed Madoff."  
Maya asked anxiously, "Who’s the lucky one?"  
He responded sarcastically, "Let’s keep it a surprise."  
She stood up, fuming, "Don’t be like this! John let me out to help you."  
He answered indifferently, "Thanks, but I don’t need you."  
She shouted, her frustration boiling over at his cold demeanor, "Bernard’s words suggest you’re planning something. Let me help you."  
He replied without turning to her, "Sorry, I don’t trust you. What if you’re on Madoff’s side?"  
She growled, "You’re not funny."  
He simply said, "I’m not joking. I’m suspicious of you."  
Maya closed her eyes in pain. It was clear that he wouldn’t forgive her easily and wanted her to taste the same bitterness she’d given him. She tried one last time, saying, "If I were on his side, I wouldn’t have saved you from Sam."  
Alex, still ignoring her, said, "Who knows? Maybe you did it to earn my trust, which I handed you on a silver platter."  
Maya looked at his back with a pained expression. Time was running out, only a few hours left, and yet Mr. Alexander had time to play this ridiculous game with her. The problem was, she couldn’t match him. She was physically exhausted; no one could get any rest in jail. She was also emotionally drained, from her strained relationship with her mother, who still believed Maya was on a mission, to her inability to adjust to Nina’s absence. And then there was Frederick himself, along with Anne’s shocking words, which still echoed in her ears. Now, Alexander was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She couldn’t take it anymore, so she decided to leave, but not before saying with bitterness, "You know, if I were on Madoff’s side, my father would still be alive, and you’d be six feet under."

Maya looked at the glowing clock on her car's dashboard. It was six in the evening, and the sun was beginning to set, yet Bernard hadn’t arrived. He had called her an hour ago, asking to meet her at this location. Although her anger at Alex had helped her sleep for the past two hours, she was still tired. She knew sleeping was not a wise choice in these circumstances, but what could she do?  
She was startled when the passenger door suddenly opened, and Alex got in without saying a word. What did he want now? Wasn’t it enough what he’d already put her through? She said angrily, "In case you didn’t understand, my leaving was a sign that I didn’t want to see anyone."  
A wide smile spread across his face as he replied, "I’m not just anyone."  
She snapped back loudly, "Of course not! You’re the man on whom I’ve opened the gates of hell."  
He corrected, "No, I’m not just anyone because I’m the man you love."  
She stared out the car’s windshield at the shadows beginning to envelop the area, then calmly said, ignoring his last statement, "You know, you’re right. I really do want to know why you kissed Madoff’s hand. And if my desire to know means I don’t trust you, then yes, I don’t trust you. Congratulations."  
He said to her, "I only said that to annoy you. It has nothing to do with trust or your curiosity. Frederick didn’t ask because he sensed I was angry at the time, so he waited until I calmed down. Honestly, I would’ve felt you didn’t care about me if you hadn’t asked. But it seems you do love me," he added with a mischievous raise of his eyebrow, returning to the point she had ignored earlier.  
Maya gritted her teeth and said, "Get out of my car. Get out before I..." She trailed off when she heard him say seriously, "He wanted to threaten you with Nina."  
She asked to confirm what she heard, "What did you say?"  
In the same serious tone, he replied, "Madoff, he was watching Nina. In fact, he was the one who sent that man to watch her, not me. On the day Cal was killed, he came to me and asked me to stop you from pursuing him. He showed me the pictures he would send you, including ones of Nina. I asked him not to send those, and he told me he wouldn’t if I kissed his hand."  
Maya finished for him in a guilt-laden voice, "So you ended up kissing his hand for my sake. Why did you make me think you were the one watching Nina?"  
He replied honestly, "You didn’t need any more pressure. I knew how terrified you would be if I told you I wasn’t the one, and that I had no idea who it was."  
Her conscience began to weigh heavily on her for having wronged him, so she tried to change the subject by asking, "Why did you refuse to let me talk to Nina when you were at the airport?"  
He chuckled lightly before explaining, "That little one is as stubborn as you. Do you know she refused all of Creek’s attempts to convince her to travel? She finally agreed after making me promise to buy her a car like mine when she graduates. She really extorted me. For God’s sake, after all that, did you expect me to let you talk to her? I was afraid she’d change her mind after speaking to you, especially since her objections were about not being able to leave you. Sorry, but I wanted her to leave as quickly as possible."  
Maya murmured with a soft smile, "So, you weren’t trying to get back at me."  
He leaned his head back against the seat and said, "You’re obsessed with revenge. No, I wasn’t thinking of revenge, not then and not when I filed the report against you. I just wanted you to stay in jail longer for your safety." He paused before admitting, "To be honest, two days ago, I wished your imprisonment would last longer. I was really mad at you."  
She asked, confused, "For killing Sam?"  
He replied, "To hell with Sam! What angered me was Frederick telling me you testified that Sam tried to assault you."  
She mumbled, "What made you angry about that?"  
His voice grew louder as he answered, "It angered me that you lied in your testimony."  
She responded calmly, "Who said I lied?"  
He sighed deeply and said, "Maya! I saw the video. There was no attempt to assault you."  
She simply said, "If you watched the video, then you saw how he verbally assaulted the two most important people in my life. To me, that’s an assault. I was completely honest when I testified."  
He let out a helpless laugh, then said, surrendering, "You’re impossible to

beat, aren’t you? Alright, now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, let’s head to Bernard’s apartment. Our plan needed a third person, and you’ve arrived just in time."  
But Maya protested, "We’re not going anywhere until you tell me who you chose, me or Frederick."  
He asked, "What do you mean? Who did I choose to live or die?"  
She replied sarcastically, "To die, of course. Bad news first."  
He answered frankly, "I chose you."

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