Chapter 4

Lady Susan

iv: Mr.De Courcy to Mrs.Vernon

My dear Sister — I congratulate you and Mr.Vernon on being about to receive into your family the most
accomplished coquette in England.

As a very distinguished flirt I have always been taught to consider her, but it has
lately fallen in my way to hear some particulars of her conduct at Langford: which prove that she does not confine
herself to that sort of honest flirtation which satisfies most people, but aspires to the more delicious gratification of
making a whole family miserable.

By her behaviour to Mr.Mainwaring she gave jealousy and wretchedness to his wife, and
by her attentions to a young man previously attached to Mr.Mainwaring’s sister deprived an amiable girl of her

I learnt all this from Mr.Smith, now in this neighbourhood (I have dined with him, at Hurst and Wilford), who is just
come from Langford where he was a fortnight with her ladyship, and who is therefore well qualified to make the

What a woman she must be! I long to see her, and shall certainly accept your kind invitation, that I may form some
idea of those bewitching powers which can do so much — engaging at the same time, and in the same house, the affections
of two men, who were neither of them at liberty to bestow them- -and all this without the charm of youth! I am glad to
find Miss Vernon does not accompany her mother to Churchhill, as she has not even manners to recommend her; and,
according to Mr.Smith’s account, is equally dull and proud.

Where pride and stupidity unite there can be no
dissimulation worthy notice, and Miss Vernon shall be consigned to unrelenting contempt; but by all that I can gather
Lady Susan possesses a degree of captivating deceit which it must be pleasing to witness and detect.

I shall be with you
very soon, and am ever,

Your affectionate brother,


De Courcy.

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