Chapter 16

Lady Susan

xvi: Lady Susan to Mrs.Johnson

Never, my dearest Alicia, was I so provoked in my life as by a letter this morning from Miss Summers.
That horrid girl of mine has been trying to run away.

I had not a notion of her being such a little devil before, she
seemed to have all the Vernon milkiness; but on receiving the letter in which I declared my intention about Sir James,
she actually attempted to elope; at least, I cannot otherwise account for her doing it.

She meant, I suppose, to go to
the Clarkes in Staffordshire, for she has no other acquaintanceS.But she shall be punished, she shall have hiM.I have
sent Charles to town to make matters up if he can, for I do not by any means want her here.

If Miss Summers will not keep
her, you must find me out another school, unless we can get her married immediately.

Miss S.writes word that she could
not get the young lady to assign any cause for her extraordinary conduct, which confirms me in my own previous
explanation of it, Frederica is too shy, I think, and too much in awe of me to tell tales, but if the mildness of her
uncle should get anything out of her, I am not afraid.

I trust I shall be able to make my story as good as herS.If I am
vain of anything, it is of my eloquence.

Consideration and esteem as surely follow command of language as admiration
waits on beauty, and here I have opportunity enough for the exercise of my talent, as the chief of my time is spent in

Reginald is never easy unless we are by ourselves, and when the weather is tolerable, we pace the shrubbery for hours

I like him on the whole very well; he is clever and has a good deal to say, but he is sometimes impertinent and

There is a sort of ridiculous delicacy about him which requires the fullest explanation of whatever he may
have heard to my disadvantage, and is never satisfied till he thinks he has ascertained the beginning and end of

This is one sort of love, but I confess it does not particularly recommend itself to me.

I infinitely prefer
the tender and liberal spirit of Mainwaring, which, impressed with the deepest conviction of my merit, is satisfied that
whatever I do must be right; and look with a degree of contempt on the inquisitive and doubtful fancies of that heart
which seems always debating on the reasonableness of its emotionS.Mainwaring is indeed, beyond all compare, superior to
Reginald — superior in everything but the power of being with me! Poor fellow! he is much distracted by jealousy, which I
am not sorry for, as I know no better support of love.

He has been teazing me to allow of his coming into this country,
and lodging somewhere near INCOG.; but I forbade everything of the kind.

Those women are inexcusable who forget what is
due to themselves, and the opinion of the world.

Yours ever,


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