
We believe that positive affirmations are an amazing tool which can transform your life beyond all recognition. They are so simple that anyone can use them, even a child, they are easy to learn how to use (there isn’t even really a best way to use them), and even if you don’t know what that are yet, you could be using them within 5 minutes, feeling positive, warm, and happy inside too!

Affirmation is very useful for Life Success, Money Mastery, Weight Loss, Personal Growth, Confidence, Social Skills, Health, Brain Training, Dreaming, Metaphysical, Creativity, Business, Professions, Sports, Extreme Sports, Poker, Scuba Diving, Fitness and Bodybuilding, Martial Arts, Learning Languages, Learning Musical Instruments, Phobia Elimination, Addictions, Relationships, Success with Women, Success with Men, Sexual Enhancement, etc.

What is affirmation and why it is so powerful?

Affirmation is simply a process of thinking, listening, saying or writing a statement to yourself or other people repeatedly.

For example, when you wake up every morning, you may affirm by saying aloud "Today is a great day!" It will have great impact to the rest of your day. Trust me!

Before I explain to you the power of affirmation, I think it’s important that you understand the power of belief.

How many times have you heard people saying "if you believe you can, you can"?

Perhaps one of the great truths in life is that your belief creates your reality. In other words, your reality is generally a reflection of the beliefs of your subconscious mind. That’s why if you believe you can, you can.

By the way, what is a belief?

A belief is simply a thought that is accepted by your subconscious mind.

Actually not all thoughts are turned into realities. Only thoughts that are believed by the subconscious mind are turned into realities.

The reason why belief turns into reality is because of the Universal and Natural Law of Attraction.

Now, after reading this guide you will know everything you need to know about affirmations, mainly about how to use them and experience results from them to influence your life for the better.

Most people want to dive straight in, and that is actually totally fine, affirmations are not rocket science, and this simple guide will just show you a couple of methods you can use, and we promise you, this will only take 3 minutes to read, so you can be using them straight away and making changes in your mind and in your life TODAY!

The Most Simple Way To Use Positive Affirmations

Ultimately you will find your own style, way to say them, timing etc, but here is a really simple way to start.

Stand tall, relax your shoulders and stand with good posture - take a confident standing positon.

Have your affirmations infront of you.

Say them one by one, in a slow, confident tone of voice - go down your affirmations list like you mean it, like you believe it, and as if it is actually real or already happened.

Speaking slowly and confidently is important. Confident speakers take their time, they don’t rush their words, they pronounce each one properly and speak with meaning.

Optionally you can stand at a mirror and look at yourself as you talk. You might find you feel awkward, but with practice this will be normal to you. Standing at a mirror shows you your posture and your confidence so you can ensure you are doing them properly - adjust your voice tone and posture as needed to always stand positively, and look yourself in the eye.

That’s it, that is really all you need - see, positive affirmations aren’t rocket science, get started, put in the time and you will see results!

Add a Little Structure

Getting a little deeper, it is good to add a little structure, and CONSISTENCY.

Consistency is actually key, you need to repeat them day in, day out, so having a real structure, a daily routine will really help. Here is a standard routine for you to try, you can adapt it as needed, but it is a great place to start.

Say your affirmations 2x a day.

Start in the morning, as soon as you can after waking up. This ensures you have a positive start to the day - that the first thing you start thinking about are your goals and ambitious, and of course, that you are thinking positive thoughts!

Say your second set as close as you can before going to bed. This ensures that you have positive thoughts in your mind as you go to sleep, you are thinking about your goals and these will seep into your subconscious mind and solidify as you sleep.

Say them multiple times. It is up to you, but we recommend either 5 minute sessions (so just 10 minutes a day total), or alternatively, saying your whole set of affirmations 10x each, in a slow, confident voice - whatever suits you really, don’t take too long, 10-15 minutes is probably too much and they might seem like a chore after some time, 5 minutes really is enough for permanent, lasting change.

Again, that’s it, a little structure is good, try to stick to it - if you really do stick to this structure for 2 weeks then you will see a real difference in yourself! Then it won’t be like a structure you are trying to stick to at all... it will be something you want to do because you will have seen the powerful changes that positive affirmations can produce.

Some Extra Tips

So you’re still hungry for information? Good ?? Use these extra tips to make sure that you get the most from your positive affirmations practice!

Start with a focus. Don’t pick too many subjects at once.

Be consistent. Repeat them daily.

Make a commitment to do them for 30 days, no matter what. Think long term, and don’t give up.

Monitor your mood first. Before you start your daily session, just take 30 seconds to "look inside" yourself, see how you feel, see how your emotions are, do you already feel positive, negative, a little tired.. just take note. Then, say your affirmations, slowly, take your time, and then do a "mood check" again. See how you feel, see how positive you now feel, see how you feel differently about yourself. This can be a great way to gain confidence in your affirmations early on. Before you even see the life changing results you really want, this simple experiment should show you how they can instantly lift your mood and change how you are feeling in an instant and inspire you to keep going so that you really do get to see the bigger and lasting changes you really want!

That’s it.. lots of people go looking for that magic formula to self improvement, looking for that powerful, complicated hidden technique.. it really doesn’t need to be like that - positive affirmations are for real, they can have a really powerful cumulative effect, and they can make real, lasting, dramatic changes to your life - to how you think, to how you act, to how you live your life!

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