Chapter 17

17.1. Personal Development Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am constantly growing and developing

I expect to succeed

I am powerful

I achieve whatever I put my mind to

I am a positive thinker

I am always developing myself in every area of my life

I believe in myself deeply

I am constantly improving

I am focused on being the best I can be at all times

My awareness is always expanding and developing

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will succeed

I will develop and improve myself

My life is starting to improve

I am becoming an independent and powerful human being

I am transforming into someone who is always learning, discovering, and developing

I will always believe in my ability to achieve whatever I set my mind to

Each day I find it easier to take action and go after the things that make me happy

Thinking positively is becoming easier and more natural

I will achieve success in every area of my life

My life is getting better and better

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Personal development comes naturally to me

I find it easy to maintain a positive attitude

I feel a deep sense of power and possibility within myself

I am the kind of person who is always learning and discovering

I naturally expect to succeed at whatever I’m doing

I enjoy working to improve myself

Personal growth and development are important to me

Believing in myself is natural and normal

Constantly improving in every area of my life is something I just do naturally

My mind is focused one excelling in every area of my life

17.2. Self Help Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am improving myself

I have the power to change

I always take care of myself

I am a positive thinker

I have the confidence to succeed

I am happy with myself

I am constantly growing and developing

I am taking steps to better my life

I believe in myself

I love and respect myself deeply

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

My life is beginning to improve

I will always nurture myself

My attitude is becoming more positive

I will keep making progress

I will love and accept myself unconditionally

Having confidence in myself is becoming easier with each passing day

My self-belief is growing

I am starting to make positive changes in my life

I am transforming into someone who lives a healthy and balanced life

Everyday I become more empowered to take control of my life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Positive thinking comes naturally to me

I have the desire to be healthy and happy

It is easy for me to make lasting positive changes

Personal growth is an important part of my life

I am a naturally balanced and healthy person

I have complete confidence in myself

I enjoy improving myself and bettering my life

I deserve to live a great life

Believing in myself is my normal state of mind

I have the power to create the life of my dreams

17.3. Break Free From Your Past Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am breaking free from my past

I accept my past experiences

I am at peace with my past

I am coming to terms with negative memories

I forgive myself for making mistakes

I am on the path to a brighter future

I learn from my experiences and they help me to grow as a person

I am strong because of everything I have been through

I am at peace with myself and am ready to move forward

I am free from my past

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will break free from my past

I will make peace with my memories and experiences

I will transform negative experiences into positive personal growth

I am finding it easier to think positively about my past

I am beginning to let go of my past

Each day I find myself more and more detached from the past

I will have a brighter future

My mind is starting to be less focused on negative memories and experiences

I will accept my past and move on

My past is becoming less of a concern to me with each passing day

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I deserve to make peace with my past

Letting go of memories and experiences comes naturally to me

I am more valuable than just my memories and past experiences

I naturally transform negative experiences into positive growth

The difficulties in my life have only made me stronger

Making peace with my past is the key to a brighter future

Breaking free from the past is something I can and will do

My mind is peaceful, relaxed, and free from the past

I have the power to break free from my past and create a better life for myself

I find it easy to process experiences and constantly move forward

17.4. Resolve Inner Conflict Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am in control

I always listen to my conscience

I make healthy and positive decisions

My mind is at peace with itself

I am strong against temptation

I always take the action that I know is right

I make decisions and follow through

I always make the choice that is best for my future

My decisions and actions are always aligned with my long term goals

I have strong discipline and always stick to my intentions

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will resolve my inner conflicts

I will always listen to my conscience

Harmony is developing between my actions and my intentions

I am changing into someone who always makes the right choice

I am finding it easier to do what I know I should

My discipline is getting stronger

I will become someone who stays focused even when tempted by distraction

Making plans and sticking to them is starting to feel easier

I will set goals for myself and stay focused on taking action to achieve them

I am transforming into someone who is always on the path to success

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find it easy to do what I know is best

Following through on my intentions comes naturally to me

I am naturally focused on reaching my goals

My conscience is my one true guide

There is natural harmony between my goals and my actions

Resisting distractions is something I just naturally do

It is normal for me to make choices that align with my long term interests

Resolving inner conflict is the key to succeeding in every area of my life

Choosing the healthiest course of action is easy for me

Others see me as someone who can make a firm decision and stick to it

17.5. Anger Management Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am in control

I am calm, focused, and relaxed

I remain calm even when under intense stress

I have the power to regulate my emotions

I always stay calm in difficult or frustrating situations

I am able to diffuse my anger and channel it in a more productive way

I control my anger by expressing myself in a firm yet positive manner

I always speak my mind rather than let frustrations build up

I am able to calm myself down and detach from anger

I allow myself to acknowledge angry feelings without losing control

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will control myself

I am starting to effectively manage my anger

Staying relaxed is becoming easier

I will remain calm and centered in frustrating situations

Managing my anger will create a better life for myself and my loved ones

I am transforming into someone who confronts problems constructively

Each day it is becoming easier to diffuse my anger

I am gaining more and more control over my emotions

I will become a positive person whom others can turn to without fear

Anger management is changing my life for the better

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being calm, relaxed, and in control is normal for me

Controlling my anger comes naturally to me

I find it easy to calm myself down and relax

It is important that I learn to manage my anger

I believe I can break free from anger and live a better life

Diffusing anger is easy for me

Thinking positively in tough situations is just something I do naturally

I owe it to myself to manage my anger

Managing anger will help to repair and strengthen my bond to friends and family

I am a naturally calm, easy going, and positive person

17.6. Let Your Emotions Out Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always express my emotions

I let others know how I am really feeling

I always speak my mind

I show the world who I truly am

I allow others to see the real me

I stand up for myself and tell people how I feel

I am in touch with my deepest emotions

I stand up for what I believe in

I am comfortable confronting others and telling them how I feel

I show my true self to family and friends

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will let my emotions out

I am transforming into someone who is unafraid of being their true self

I will always express my opinion

I am finding it easier to tell others how I am feeling

I will always stand up for myself

I am developing the courage to show people the real me

It is becoming easier to say what I want

I will always tell others what I really think

Letting my emotions out is starting to feel normal

I will show people the real me

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Expressing my emotions comes naturally to me

I love sharing my feelings with others

Telling others what I think is important to me

Letting out my emotions is healthy

Expressing my emotions is improving the way I feel

I am the kind of person who just tells others how I feel and what I want

It is important that I voice my opinion

It feels good to show people the real me

I have the courage to be myself at all times

I stand up for what I believe in

17.7. Control Your Emotions Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am in control of my emotions

I am always centered and calm

I always keep control of myself at all times

My mind is focused, clear, and logical

I stay calm in stressful situations

I am strong and in control

I am able to deal with stressful situations in a controlled manner

I feel emotions without losing control

I deal with excess emotions in a positive way

My emotions are under control at all times

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will remain calm

I will control my emotions

I am transforming into someone who is naturally calm and collected

Others are beginning to notice how in control of myself I am

I am finding it easier to calm myself down

I am gaining more control over my emotions with each passing day

Controlling my emotions is becoming easier and easier

I am beginning to think logically, even in stressful situations

Stressful situations are becoming easier to deal with

I will deal with my emotions in a positive fashion

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Controlling my emotions is easy for me

Feeling calm is normal for me

I can easily manage my emotions

I can think clearly even in difficult and tense situations

My mind is always calm, clear, and logical

Moderating my emotions is something I just do naturally

I can feel emotions without spinning out of control

Controlling my emotions will improve my life

Others will look to me as someone who remains calm in stressful situations

I have the power to completely control my emotions

17.8. Develop Courage Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am courageous

I am brave

I am fearless

I always stand up for myself

I am developing courage

I am ready for anything that comes my way

I am strong and full of courage

I push through my fear and do it anyway

I am courageous when others are scared

My courage helps to inspire others

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will develop courage

I will smash through fear and rise to the occasion

I am becoming more courageous with each passing day

I will transform into a strong and fearless person

Fearlessness is developing within me

Each day I feel stronger and more courageous

Others will notice my fearlessness

I will always stand up for what I believe in

I will speak up for myself

I am becoming more daring and adventurous

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally courageous

Courage comes easily to me

I always find a way to call forth courage when I need it

I am the kind of person who feels fear but does it anyway

Being brave comes naturally to me

Developing courage is something I just know I can do

Being strong in the face of adversity is one of my best traits

Others look to me for leadership at difficult times

Standing up for myself is something I just naturally do

It is important that I become a courageous person

17.9. Resolve Past Shame Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I accept my past shame

I am at peace with my guilt

I acknowledge and accept what I have done

I am moving on from my past

I am a better person because I have learned from my past

I am on the path to a better future

I am letting go of my shame

I take full responsibility for my shameful acts

My mind is focused on creating a better future

I accept my guilt and this helps it melt away

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will move on with my life

It is becoming easier to accept my shame

Each day I feel more at peace with my past shame

I am starting to release my guilt and build self respect

I will accept my shameful acts and move on with my life

I am beginning to resolve my past shame

I will make peace with myself

I will take responsibility for my past and work to become a better person

I will take sincere ownership of my past shame so that I may let it go

I am transforming into a better person with a brighter future

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have embraced my past shame

Positive growth will come from acknowledging my shameful behavior

Accepting my past is important for having a brighter future

I forgive myself for what I have done

I have made mistakes because I am human

I have learned from my past and am a better person because of it

I deserve to let go of my past

Forgiving myself is important

I am finally moving on with my life

Making peace with myself will help me to move forward

17.10. Stop Worrying Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am letting go of my worries

I am free from worry

My mind is peaceful and focused

I am calm even when I have a problem to solve

I am relaxed even when life becomes difficult or stressful

I am able to resolve problems and worries logically

I let go of worries knowing that I can always come back to them later

I am at peace with myself

My mind is relaxed and thinking clearly

I am working calmly towards resolving my worries and concerns

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop worrying

I will be free from worrying

I will learn to deal with my worries in a logical way

I am beginning to feel free from stress and anxiety

Every day I become more and more relaxed

I will let my worry go because I know that obsessing about it doesn’t solve it

I will approach my worries calmly

Letting go of worry is becoming easy

Relaxing my mind is transforming my life

Others are noticing that I am less anxious and worried

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally calm

I have a clear and relaxed mind

I can let go of my worries and come back to them later if needed

Letting go of worry is something I can just naturally do

I enjoy relaxing my mind

Letting go of my worries helps me to deal with life more effectively

I love the feeling of calming myself and letting go of all my stresses

I deserve to relax and stop worrying

Staying calm and relaxed is improving the quality of my life

Freeing myself from stress and anxiety will make me healthier and happier

17.11. Stop Complaining Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always think positively

I easily deal with negative situations

I always find something nice to say

I am optimistic

I am happy even when under stress

My mind is focused on the positive side of life

I seek out the bright side of every situation

I am calm and relaxed when something doesn’t go my way

I am able to deal with stress appropriately

Others look up to me as someone who is always positive

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop complaining

I will always seek out the positive in every situation

I will improve my attitude

Thinking positively is becoming easier

I am transforming into someone who is always optimistic and helpful

The words I speak are becoming more and more positive

Others are starting to notice a positive change in my attitude

I am finding myself more at ease and relaxed in situations that used to bother me

I will be the kind of person who always has something nice to say

I am noticing myself more naturally focused on the brighter side of life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy being positive and friendly

I can easily find something funny about an annoying situation

Being optimistic comes naturally to me

My words are always positive and encouraging

I am naturally supportive of others

Others look to me for positive feedback and guidance

I am a naturally positive person

I can easily remain calm and relaxed in the most difficult situations

I am much happier when I avoid complaining

Others enjoy being around me because I’m so positive

17.12. Live Without Regrets Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from my past regrets

I am living my life without regrets

I am at peace with my past regrets

My mind is focused on enjoying the present moment

I am on the path to a brighter future

I accept my life and everything I have done

I live in the present and look to the future

I am letting go of my past regrets

I am always positive even when remembering my past regrets

I accept my past regrets knowing they have made me a better person

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will live without regrets

My enthusiasm for life is growing

I am starting to live life to the max

Accepting my past becomes easier with each passing day

I am transforming into someone who lives happily in the present moment

Letting go of my regrets is becoming easier and more natural

I will move on with my life

I will become free from regrets

I am starting to see that my future will be bright and happy

I am beginning to see my past in a more positive light

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I deserve to live a live without regrets

I find it easy to live without regrets

Living my life free from regrets comes naturally to me

I have accepted my past regrets and am now ready for the future

It will feel incredible to free myself from past regrets

I am moving forward and leaving my regrets in the past

I have hope for a brighter future

Living a life free from regrets will make me happy and content

I have accepted my regrets and am ready to move on

My mind is relaxed and focused on the present moment

17.13. Dream Your Reality Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I dream my reality from my heart, and love abides in all

My dreams create the sensuality in my life, all is well with me

I am dreaming my purpose into being right this moment

My consciousness dreams as much as my unconsciousness

In my dreams, I am finding ways to fulfil myself with love

Dreams are the foundations of everyday miracles

My dreams come to fruition, I am the Co-creator of my life with the Universe

It is my dream that I wake up for each day

With a powerful dream, I can feel the sensations of positive growth

I dream and believe in a world where I am valued for myself

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will dream a castle in my heart that holds the roots to my happiness

Dreaming everyday, as a way to manifest my gifts, I will love the dreamer unconditionally

In my day dreaming, I will take the time to envision the details of my best life

When I dream tomorrow and tomorrow, I will remember that today started with love and only love matters

As my dreams progress, I will remember , it is my birthright to be happy and whole

I will dream the solution to todays challenge, and it will no longer be a problem, but a blessing

When I sit and dream, behind my eyes, a wiseness will mature and my dreams will unfold accordingly

I may dream several times a day, changing the dream to include my heart’s desires

This dreaming state will follow me in my smile, so I can share my secret joy with others

Besides dreaming each day, I will take one step into the dream and two steps into the reality they create

--- Natural Affirmations ---

The dream state is the primorvial soup which created the ether called life

Dreams show themselves to us in the bloom of a flower, the smile of a child and our own innocent in loving the rain

For dreams to be weathered, like an old sweater, we must put them on and keep loving their promise

We have dreams to show ourselves that miracles happen in thought, first, and then bloom into our lives, just in time

Whether we dream because we need to, or dream because we want to, we all dream and in this, our humanity is tied together

In the brightest dreams, a shadow may appear, it isn’t fear of failure, it is fear of getting our wish

Dreamers have cast visions, in the past we called them magicians, now we call them scientist

I am a dreamer and I will be remembered for the great things I have done

I am a dreamer and I have choice, I create my own existence

I am visualizing, wishing and dreaming my ideal lifestyle into my reality

17.14. Emotional Health Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am happy with life

I am resistant to damaging influence

I am contempt with my life

I enjoy whatever life throws at me

I am able to build strong relationships

I recover from unsettling setbacks

I am easygoing

I handle stressful situations with poise

I am open to guidance from my peers

I am in control of my emotions

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be more emotionally stable

I will look on the bright side of things

I will be happy with what I have

I am becoming more emotionally healthy

I will be able to maintain healthy relationships

I will feel good about myself

I will see myself in a better light

I will appreciate life for all it’s worth

I will be more open to change

I will live life to the fullest

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally happy

I have high levels of confidence

I trust my abilities to adapt to change

Others see me as emotionally steady

My self-esteem is high

I am naturally laid-back

I can recover from stress

Change is easy to adjust to

I am self-disciplined

I appreciate all that life has to offer

17.15. Emotional Intelligence Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am aware of my emotions

I am alert to the feelings of those around me

I pick up on mood changes in myself and in others

I can reason with my emotions

My emotions are under control

I manage my feelings

Understanding emotions comes easily to me

I regulate the emotions of my peers

I respond appropriately to my emotions

I accurately interpret the emotions of others

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will focus more on my feelings

I will acknowledge my emotions

I will react to the emotions of those around me

I am becoming confident in my emotional perception

I will intelligently evaluate others’ sentiments

I will be seen as emotionally aware

My emotions will be manageable

My ability to get along with others will improve

I will asses the emotions of my peers

I will be able to build stronger relationships with others

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally attentive to emotions

Emotional intelligence comes second-nature to me

I am tuned-in to the feelings of others

I simply manage my emotions

I just naturally know my emotional boundaries

I instinctively read my peers’ emotions

Others see me as emotionally aware

I am tuned-in to my emotional well-being

I have full confidence in my emotional judgment

Emotions are easy to dissect

17.16. Inner Peace Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I have inner peace

I am stress-free

I am comfortable with myself

I am a confident person

I set limits for myself

I keep my worries under control

I believe in myself

I can do anything I want to

I accept myself for who I am

I see the world for what it is

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop worrying about everything

I will live a healthy lifestyle

I will stop thinking about past events

I will forgive myself and others

I am becoming more at-ease with myself

I will be more honest with myself

I will do what I love to do

I will take things on with a gentle approach

I will stop feeling the need to control everything

I will let life play out on its own

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally comfortable with myself

I simply love who I am

I know am a beautiful person

Others see me as a person who is relaxed and confident

I am naturally engaged in the moment

Relaxing comes naturally to me

I see the world in simple measures

I know I can be whoever I want to be

I live life to the fullest

I am a naturally peaceful person

17.17. Stop Talking To Yourself Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I keep my thoughts in my head

I speak only when I want to

I am in control of my speech

I know how to think internally

I am aware of my thoughts at all times

I consciously monitor myself

I keep conversations in my head

I listen to myself when I’m thinking

I am free of talking to myself

I pay attention to what I do and say

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop talking to myself

I will hold my thoughts in my head

I will think internally

I am gaining more control over my thoughts

I will catch myself when I am talking to myself

I will pay attention to what I say

I will listen to what comes out of my mouth

I will stop feeling insecure about my thoughts

I will stop feeling the need to be heard

I will stop automatically talking to myself

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My personal awareness is sharp

I always keep my thoughts contained

I am dominant over my thoughts

I naturally know whether or not to speak

I am capable of keeping things to myself

I am aware of myself and all that I do

I overcome my natural urge to talk to myself

I am always well-focused

I am simply very self-aware

I naturally internalize my thoughts

17.18. Hungry For Life Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I enjoy life

I am social

I have fun

I see life in an exciting way

I am passionate for life

I crave life’s entertaining moments

I am easy-going

I take open opportunities to my advantage

I see the silver linings

I bring a colorful touch to my atmosphere

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will live life to the fullest

I will seek free moments for enjoyment

I will be open-minded

I will be daring and bold

I will stop pushing life away

I will stop taking advantage of life’s indulgences

I will stop missing out

I will encourage myself to be engaged

I will learn from new experiences

I will stop fearing rejection

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally put myself out there

I am always attuned to the pleasures of life

I accept my life for what it is

I always have a good time

I always make the best out of any situation

I simply have a strong love for life

My passion for living is overwhelming

I am naturally focused on being myself

I always look for ways to brighten the day

I am fearless when it comes to letting loose

17.19. Become A Good Parent Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a good parent

I listen to my kids

I use discipline when it is necessary

I am in-tune to my children’s needs

I deal with situations accordingly

I am a confident parent

My children respect me

I love my kids

I would do anything for my kids

I set an excellent example for my kids

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop spoiling my children

I will pay attention to their desires

I will establish rules

I will stop setting limits for my children

I will make sure my kids are confident

I will help my children achieve independence

I will be involved in my children’s lives

I will be consistent

I will treat my kids with respect

I am becoming a better parent by the day

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally pay attention to my kids

I spend time with my children

I always respect my kids

I love my children for who they are

I praise my children for their accomplishments

Others see me as a confident, loving parent

I naturally help my children feel comfortable

I know how to help my kids feel safe

I enjoy spending time with my kids

I naturally let my kids experience life for themselves

17.20. Become More Adventurous Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an adventurous person

I enjoy thrills

I love trying new things

I put myself out there

I seize new opportunities

I love exploring

I welcome danger

I overlook risks

I live in the moment

I savor new experiences

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will conquer my fears

I am determined to accomplish my goals

I will stop letting things get in my way

I will be positive about new opportunities

I will embrace uncertainty

I am becoming more adventurous

I will push passed my resistance

I will focus on the journey rather than the destination

I will approach things with an open mind

I will let my imagination run wild

--- Natural Affirmations ---

The possibilities are unrestricted

I am naturally adventurous

I am daring in nature

I look challenges in the face

I am just a brave person

I am naturally inclined try new things

I instinctively seek out adventurous opportunities

I dare to be different

I live for unique thrills

I am simply outgoing and headstrong

17.21. Positive Self Talk Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I encourage myself

I am fully confident in myself

I see only the good things in myself

I destroy negative self talk

I am immune to negative thinking

I utilize positive self talk to my advantage

I talk to my mind as needed

I am a strong individual

Positive self talk ensures my independence

I use positive self talk regularly

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will get rid of internal negativeness

I will tell myself only positive things

I will stop seeing the bad things in me

I will repeat positive affirmations on a regular basis

I will focus on the positive moments of my life

I will stop comparing myself to others

I will stop putting myself down

My self-image will improve with positive self talk

I am becoming more upbeat

I will stop saying “I can’t”

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally talk myself up

I was born a positive person

My awareness of negative talk helps me to eliminate it

I see myself for what I truly am

I constantly remind myself of the good things in my life

I concentrate on my positive attributes

I am naturally my own life coach

I avoid personal doubts

I naturally overcome personal challenges

I know that I am a beautiful person

17.22. Building Great Character Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I have broken away from my seclusion mode and entered the orbit of socializing

I am a man of ideas and these ideas are finding a place on the internet

I never say die and work enthusiastically until the job is done

I am a continuous learner and the more I know I come to know how little I know

I think while I walk daily and write it down after completing my walk

I have the habit of knowing about people who did something to make a difference in the life of people

I am creative since childhood and known for developing ideas in to reality

God always help me when I am in a bad situation

I have great persuasive skills and demonstrated it on many occasions

I am always first to give and last to receive

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will ensure that my positivity quotes reach maximum number of people

I will use my energy to spread the message hope and optimism

I will use my pen to proliferate ideas about achieving peace

I will show people the way to a happy and joyous life

I will give people the confidence to stand up and be counted for protecting human values

I will strengthen the bond of love among the people of world

I will work for establishing a New Equal World

I will dedicate myself to provide succor to the down trodden

I will interact internationally to create a coalition of committed people for world unity

I will never deviate from the path of honesty and justice

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Respecting everyone is an article of faith that I zealously guard

Never to deviate from my values made me what I am

Empathy and equity always helped me in taking right decisions

Serving humanity in any way and manner gives me immense strength

Positive thinking and attitude have been my companion and never let me down

Honesty and integrity being the fundamental guiding principles, always kept me secure

Creativity and innovation being part of my personality brought me many successes

Using the sixth sense at the right time always gave me the extra edge

Presence of mind and common sense never failed me whenever I needed them

Sense of humor being an important part of my repertoire brought me a lot laurels in addition to smiling and laughing faces

17.23. Forgive Your Parents Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free of anger towards my parents

I am a happy person

I forgive my parents

I am able to recognize that my parents are only humans and that everyone makes mistakes

I am thankful to my parents for bringing me into this world

I am on good terms with my parents

I find it easy to forgive my parents

I can let go of the past

I just naturally find it easy to forgive my parents

I effortlessly let go of the past

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will learn to forgive my parents

I will become more forgiving

I am finding myself less angry towards my parents

I am turning into someone who is able to forgive and forget

I am finding it easier to let go of the past

I will forgive my parents

I will let go of my past

I am turning into a forgiving person

I am transforming into someone who doesn’t let their past hold them back

I will be on good terms with my parents

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Forgiving my parents is easy

I used to have anger towards my parents but I feel no anger towards them now

Being able to forgive my parents is easy for me

Nobody is perfect and that is why I find it easy to forgive my parents

My parents have made mistakes and I have forgiven them for doing so

I am always happy

I have let go of my past and I’m much more happier for doing so

People see me as someone who is forgiving

My upbringing wasn’t the best but I haven’t let that hold me back

The mistakes my parents have made have only made me stronger

17.24. Connecting With Your Son Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

My son and I get along well

I am important to my son

I respect his budding independence

I am a strong foundation in his life

I am a role model for him

My son respects me as I respect him

I am aware of his desires to be an adult

I spend time with him whenever I can

We enjoy spending time together

My son and I have a strong bond

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will listen to him whenever he needs me

I will always be there for him

I will stop denying him room to grow

I will let him develop as an individual

We will form strong bonds as he matures

I will try my hardest to understand him

I will always be someone he can turn to when he needs help

I am becoming a better parent all the time

My son will see me as a responsible adult

My son will look up to me

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My son and I have always had a great relationship

I am a great listener

I am naturally patient

I always give him the time he deserves

My son knows he can tell me anything

I am adequately involved in my son’s life

My son and I are very close

My son always turns to me in times of trouble

I always listen to what he has to say

I put his needs at top priority

17.25. Connecting With Your Daughter Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great parent

I am someone my daughter can look up to

I reach out to my daughter on a regular basis

We have a close relationship

I understand her desires to be her own person

I am willing to let her develop her independence

I trust her to make her own decisions

I respect her decisions

I am there for her whenever she needs me

We have a mutual relationship of trust and understanding

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop being overprotective

I will listen to what she has to say

My daughter and I will grow closer as she gets older

I will appreciate her for all her positive attributes

I will do my best to understand her

I will enjoy spending time with my daughter

I will always take her feelings into consideration

I will put her needs before my own

I will stop distancing myself from my daughter

I am becoming a more open minded parent

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am always considerate of her needs

I am always open to all of her ideas

I am naturally a patient listener

I always make time for her

My daughter and I have a strong relationship

I make her feel comfortable with talking to me

I am foremost a parent

I am a responsible authoritative figure in her life

I love her for everything that she is

I always reach out my daughter

17.26. Enjoy Your Own Company Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am comfortable with myself

I enjoy being on my own

I love who I am

I am in touch with my true self

I enjoy the silence of my own mind

I am creative and clever when on my own

I am at peace when I’m alone

Being by myself opens me up to new ideas

I enjoy being immersed in my own thoughts

Being alone is rewarding for me

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will explore who I really am

I will stop being afraid of being alone

I will stop needing a constant social current to pull me

I will understand that being alone isn’t the same as being lonely

I will learn new things about myself

I will appreciate myself for all that I am

I will take the time to understand myself

I am beginning to enjoy my own company

I will be encouraged by my inner strength

I will listen to my intuition

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally relaxed on my own

I always give myself the time and attention I deserve

I understand who I am through my own eyes

I have found myself through being alone

I am attuned to all of my personal needs and desires

I have learned to love who I am through introversion

I am discovering new things about myself every day

I see myself for the person I really am

I look forward to spending time alone

Only I can unlock my true happiness

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