Chapter 3

3.1. Business Success Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am good at business

I have great business sense

I am in tune with the latest trends in my industry

My experience and expertise will help me to be successful

I am extremely motivated and driven

I am dedicated to reaching my business goals

I provide a product/service that people want and need

My professional reputation is solid

I am creating a successful business

I am prepared to overcome any challenge

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will adapt to changes as they occur

I will treat my customers with the utmost respect

I will establish a high level of trust with my employees

I am developing a business mindset

People will be drawn to my business

My sales will increase weekly

Customers will naturally want to refer my business to others

The planning I have done will pay great dividends

My business will provide great value to others

I will keep pushing my business to succeed

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Managing multiple tasks is easy for me

I have great business sense

I manage people effectively

I am a natural leader

I am innovative

I can think outside the box

I have the ability to adapt to changes as they occur

I enjoy being my own boss

I have the drive to succeed

I am determined

3.2. Leadership Skills Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

People recognize me as a leader

I am often called on to take charge of a situation

People trust my opinions and expertise

I communicate clearly what I expect of others

I quickly engage others in teamwork in order to optimize results

I am able to take the lead

I am a proven leader

People always choose me as their team leader

I am a good decision maker

People look to me for guidance

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a great leader

I am developing leadership skills

I will continue to develop my reputation as a leader

I will learn new things that help me become a better leader

I will seek out new leadership opportunities

Each day it becomes easier to speak up and take the lead

I am transforming into a natural leader

I will quickly adapt to new leadership challenges whenever they arise

Others will come to know me as a trustworthy leader

My leadership skills are improving every day

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Leadership comes naturally to me

I have superior leadership skills

I take charge easily no matter what the situation

People often look to me for advice

Making important decisions is just what I do

I embrace responsibility

I eagerly accept new challenges

My interpersonal skills are strong

I make things happen

I can draw out the best in others

3.3. Management Skills Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an outstanding manager

My management skills are strong

I am a confident manager

I am an authority in my field

I am dedicated to growing professionally and personally

Others respect my position as a manager

I am well prepared to take on an important management role

I am able to take the lead and direct people when needed

My superiors respect my ability to manage

My management style is firm yet fair

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a top level manager

I will be noticed by upper management

My confidence as a manager is growing

I am transforming into a highly skilled manager

Others are starting to come to me for leadership and guidance

I will continue to develop my management skills

I will achieve my managerial goals

I am noticing that others are starting to listen to and respect me

I will embrace responsibility and challenge

Managing others is becoming easier and less stressful

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy being a manager

I can handle difficult situations with ease

Managing others comes naturally to me

Others naturally look up to and respect me

Being the best manager I can be is important to me

My management skills are naturally strong

I enjoy leading others

Constant improvement is a way of life for me

I can be firm with others when needed

I am highly organized and efficient

3.4. Entrepreneur Mindset Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a successful entrepreneur

I am dedicated to succeeding in business

My business offers a superior service/product

My business adds value to the community

I am a business expert

I am totally focused on taking my business to new heights

My business plan is perfect

I am driven to excel in everything I do

I always come up with brilliant business ideas

I believe in my ability to be successful

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a highly successful entrepreneur

There will be a massive demand for my business

My business will take the industry by storm

I will succeed no matter what

Others will be naturally drawn to my business

My customers will be satisfied and refer others to my business

I will defy the odds and create a successful business

My belief in my business is increasing every day

I will provide outstanding service to my customers

I am becoming a highly successful entrepreneur

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am a natural born entrepreneur

I have all of the necessary experience for starting a successful business

Managing a budget, inventory, and people are skills that come naturally to me

Others recognize my exceptional business ideas

I am a great business leader

I have an unstoppable desire to build my own business

Dedication and persistence come naturally to me

Budgeting my business is easy for me

I remain calm and collected when under pressure

My natural business skills will shine through

3.5. Job Interview Success Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am good at job interviews

I am perfectly prepared

My resume is impressive

I am relaxed and calm

I am perfectly qualified for the position

I am confident and friendly

I am a great worker who deserves to get a great job

I communicate clearly

I always give a great first impression

I always smile and speak clearly

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will remain calm under pressure

My first impression will be an extremely positive one

I will give a great job interview

I will be chosen for the job

Answering tough questions will be easy for me

I will communicate well with the interviewer

I am starting to look forward to my job interview

I will give my best possible interview

I will go into my interview in a relaxed state of mind

I will be confident and positive throught my interview

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Job interviews are easy

I can give a job interview with total confidence

Great communication comes naturally to me

I can easily impress any interviewer

I thrive under intense interview pressure

My talents and abilities are impressive

I am naturally charismatic

My attitude is professional at all times

I truly believe that I deserve the job

I find it easy to be interviewed for a job

3.6. Sales Success Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a skilled salesperson

I am knowledgeable about the products I sell

I am persuasive and convincing

I am a great communicator

I am focused on developing my sales skills

I have a product/service that everyone wants

I instinctively know how to get someone to buy

I am in tune with my customer’s needs

I am committed to becoming a highly successful salesperson

I am able to turn any transaction into one that is mutually beneficial

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming a highly skilled salesperson

I will meet or exceed sales quotas

I will be enthusiastic about what I am selling

I will find unique ways to market to new clients

I will stay focused on success

I will be responsive to the needs of my customers

My sales will continually increase

I will continue to grow my client base

My colleagues see me as a sales generating machine

Making sales is becoming easier and easier

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am just naturally good at sales

I love making a sale

I am unfazed by rejection

Customers naturally trust and respect me

I have a the perfect casual yet persuasive sales attitude

I can be convincing without being deceitful

My sales career is deeply satisfying

Demonstrating products is something I enjoy doing

My customers are important to me

I like building long term relationships with my clients

3.7. Stock Market Trading Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a skilled stock market trader

I take stock trading seriously

I have a finely-tuned sense for knowing when and where to invest

I always take calculated risks

I am able to be extremely patient when needed

I am constantly improving my stock trading knowledge

My mind is highly focused and aware

I adapt easily to new trends

I sense shifts in the market

I always keep a positive attitude no matter what

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming a successful stock trader

I will make huge amounts of money on the stock market

I will become a wealthy stock trader

I will always take the time to do proper research

I will maintain sound judgment at all times

I will continue to build my portfolio and perfect my trading efforts

Success on the stock market is becoming a reality

I will learn everything possible about the market

Making accurate forecasts is becoming easier and easier

My trading efforts are becoming more consistent

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I live and breath the stock market

I love stock market trading

I have an intuition for making great stock trades

Successful stock trading is normal for me

I can see trends developing in the market

Making huge amounts of money on the stock market is easy

I enjoy developing my stock trading knowledge

I continue to press toward my goals regardless of setbacks

I am naturally persistent

Making money on the stock market is just a normal part of my life

3.8. Forex Trading Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a highly skilled forex trader

I am a successful trader

I can sense the right time to take action

I am always aware of the latest trading trends

I am a smart forex trader

I am naturally tuned-in to the market

My knowledge of the forex market is highly developed

I know how to recognize a fair deal

I believe in my ability to be a successfulforex trader

I am highly driven to succeed at forex trading

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a master forex trader

I will trust my intuition when making currency trading decisions

I will continue to expand my forex knowledge

Forex trading is becoming easier

I will stay calm when sudden changes in the global financial market occur

Profiting from forex trading is becoming a normal part of my life

I will keep learning about global finance in order to increase my earnings

I will become a highly successful forex trader

I will learn the ins and outs of currency trading

I will stay focused and determined no matter what

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Forex trading comes naturally to me

I love forex trading

I make huge amounts of money by trading currency

My mind is totally focused on succeeding at forex trading

I have a firm grasp on the market

Economics and currency are interesting

I am highly focused and aware when making trades

I know when to act and when to wait patiently

Successful forex trading is a normal part of my life

Global economics are easy to understand

3.9. Real Estate Trading Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a successful real estate trader

My mind is fine-tuned for real estate trading

I am extremely knowledgeable about the real estate market

I always sense the best time to buy or sell real estate

By investing in real estate, I am helping to strengthen the economy

I am proud to invest in real property

I am committed to being successful at buying and selling property

I am making important connections in the real estate industry

I stay up to date on the latest market trends

Others respect me as a real estate trader

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be massively successful in real estate

My property values are increasing

I will make sound investment decisions

My potential as a real estate trader is limitless

I will always choose the right properties

I will become recognized as a real estate investment authority

I will improve every facet of my real estate skills

Real estate is becoming my life

My dedication to success is growing

Each day I work harder and harder at real estate trading

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Real estate trading what I live for

I have a natural intuition for real estate trading

I have an uncanny ability to recognize amazing opportunities

Negotiating real estate deals is fun and easy

I enjoy every aspect of buying and selling real estate

Watching my properties increase in value is exciting

I can easily sense when it is the right time to buy, sell, or walk away from a deal

I always set my goals high

I am a natural at real estate trading

My mind is naturally attuned to the real estate market

3.10. Attract Your Dream Career Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am amazing at my job

I am finding my dream job

I am always open to opportunities to acquire my dream job

I always leave people wanting to work with me

I am confident within myself and my abilities to perform my dream job

I am putting out a vibe that I’m a hard worker that others pick up on

I find it easy to network with others

I am worthy of doing a job that I love

I just naturally ace interviews

I naturally attract job opportunities

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming one step closer each day to landing my dream job

I will attract my dream career

I am finding myself more qualified to do the job I wish

I am turning into someone who is hard working and motivated

I am turning into someone who leaves others wanting to work with me

I will develop the skills needed to achieve my dream job

I will do whatever it takes to get the job I want

I am becoming more confident by the day

I am transforming into a networking machine

I will become open to opportunities to achieve my dream job

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others see me as someone who is hard working and competent

I find networking with others easy

I have all the skills I need to get my dream job

Having my dream job is my natural rite

I find it easy too remain calm under pressure

Being confident is the most natural thing in the world

Others are always telling me I should come work with them

People see me as someone who goes after what they want

I deserve to have my dream job

Being open to new opportunities has improved my life

3.11. Investor Mindset Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great investor

I just naturally make big money from my investments

I am able to be patient when I need to be

My mind is highly focused on making great investments

I always make sure to keep a positive attitude

I make sure to always take calculated risks

I always work hard

I take investing seriously

I am dedicated to becoming an amazing investor

I make sure to keep myself up to date on all market trends

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming better at investing by the day

I will learn everything possible about investing

I am finding myself more in control of my emotions

I am turning into someone who is able to make great investments

I am becoming someone who always stays positive

I will develop the investor mindset

I will make investing my passion

I am turning into a highly skilled investor

I am transforming into a hard worker

I will keep up to date with all market trends

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Staying in control even when things are going bad is easy for me

I enjoy learning more about investing

Positive thinking comes naturally to me

I find it easy to work hard

Making great investments comes naturally to me

I live and breath investing

I will keep going and going until I have mastered investing

People see me as someone who knows about investing

I love investing

I know it’s possible to make huge amounts of money from investing

3.12. Enjoy Work Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I find it easy to keep a positive attitude in regards to work

I am always enjoying myself at work

I am confident

I am the most happiest when I am working hard

I enjoy going to work

I am good at my job

I find it easy to get along with my work colleagues

I always look forward to going to work

I am just naturally motivated and driven

I effortlessly get through my work day

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more motivated and driven

I will become more positive about work

I am finding myself more connected to my work colleagues

I am turning into someone who is happy at work

I am finding myself looking forward to work

I will become confident

I will become good at my job

I am turning into a hard worker

I am transforming into someone who enjoys work

I am becoming more happy while at work

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find myself always looking forward to work

I have an abundance of confidence

Being good at my job is something I pride myself on

Being happy at work is my natural rite

I love hard work

Getting on with my work colleagues comes naturally to me

Being motivated and driven is a positive thing in my life

People see me as someone who enjoys work

Having fun at work is something I always do

Work is great

3.13. Business Networking Confidence Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am confident about networking

I am a positive thinker

I can always spot opportunities to network

I am a naturally outgoing person

I enjoy networking

I am confident

I find it easy to network with others

I am well connected

I just naturally find it easy to get along with other people

I am always asking people for their contact information

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will learn to enjoy networking

I am becoming more confident

I am finding myself more happier each day about the idea of networking

I am turning into someone who is well connected

I am finding it easier to network with others

I will become a positive thinker

I will become well connected

I am turning into an outgoing person

I am transforming into someone who enjoys meeting new people

I will improve my networking skills

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Positive thinking comes naturally to me

I find networking with others easy

I am naturally confident

I enjoy meeting new people

My networking skills are top notch

I have a ton of connections

Being social is my natural way of life

People see me as someone who knows people

The people I network with enjoy talking to me

Learning to enjoy networking will make me more successful

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