Chapter 27

27.1. Confidence With Women Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am always confident with women

My mind is naturally relaxed around attractive women

Women find me interesting

I am comfortable with just being myself

Women are attracted to my positive and friendly attitude

I am open and inviting to everyone I meet

I am naturally outgoing and charismatic

Women are naturally attracted to my confidence

I always feel confident and outgoing

I am a great guy who deserves to meet beautiful women

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will keep developing my confidence

My confidence with women is building

I will relax and just be myself

I will enjoy meeting new women

I will confidently approach any woman

Women will be drawn to my confidence

I am starting to feel naturally confident and at ease

Talking to beautiful women is feeling easier and easier

I am starting to feel more confident around women

I will talk to women with confidence and ease

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have a natural confidence with women

Women are most attracted to me when I am just being myself

Women can sense my self confidence

Talking to beautiful women is a great pleasure

I enjoy meeting and connecting with new women

I am always excited to talk to an attractive lady

Confidently flirting with women is fun

Being myself is the most important thing

Women always enjoy my company

I deserve to feel confident and sure of myself

27.2. Approach Anxiety Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a fearless man

I approach women with confidence

I always approach without hesitation

I am an easygoing and confident guy

I approach women all the time

Women like it when I approach them

My mind is relaxed and calm

I always go after what I want

I am at ease when approaching a beautiful woman

Women are attracted to my forwardness

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will approach any woman

I am developing a carefree attitude around women

I will transform into the kind of guy who effortlessly approaches women

Women will appreciate my confidence

I will think positive and be excited when approaching

The more I approach, the easier it will become

I will take a deep breath and just go for it

Approaching women is starting to feel fun

My confidence is growing stronger

Approaching women is becoming easy

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have fun approaching women

I love meeting new women

Talking to women is easy

Approaching women is just a normal part of my life

Women love that I am so naturally relaxed around them

I can start a conversation with any woman I want

The more I approach women, the easier it gets

I always have a great time meeting new women

My attitude is naturally positive and outgoing

Others see me as a calm and easygoing guy

27.3. Fear of Rejection Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from fear of rejection

I am socially confident

I take risks even when I feel fear

I remain relaxed even though I might be rejected

I always stay positive in intimidating social situations

I am confident in new situations

I am good at talking to new people

I always take the risk of going after something I want

I accept rejection with a positive attitude

I think positively about myself no matter how others may feel

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of rejection

Every day I become more confident and outgoing

Taking social risks is becoming easier

I am finding myself more relaxed in social situations

Introducing myself to new people is becoming easier

I will stay positive even if I am rejected

I am becoming naturally confident and outgoing

I am beginning to enjoy the excitement of meeting new people

I am starting to let my guard down and take chances

Each day I become more confident in the face of uncertainty

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally carefree

Confidence comes naturally to me

I accept myself no matter what happens

I know that rejection is a natural part of life

I know I will succeed eventually

I speak my mind without fear of rejection

Feeling confident is the most natural thing in the world

Others are attracted to my positive and inviting energy

When new opportunities come my way I take action

People see me as someone who isn’t afraid to take risks

27.4. Extrovert Personality Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am extroverted

I am naturally outgoing

I always show my true self

I am always open to meeting new people

I enjoy sharing myself with others

I am always looking to share my thoughts and ideas

I am energized by socializing with others

I make new friends easily

I enjoy socializing and making new friends

Others love to be around me because I am so open and friendly

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become an extrovert

I will let my personality shine

I am beginning to effortlessly connect with others

Every day I become more extroverted

I am turning into a natural extrovert

I will develop an extroverted personality

I will have a full and enjoyable social life

I am becoming more and more social

Others are beginning to notice how outgoing I am

I am becoming more social and friendly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally extroverted

Being outgoing comes naturally to me

I enjoy socializing

I can go into extrovert mode whenever I need

I find it easy to share my thoughts and feelings

Being extroverted is normal for me

Being friendly and outgoing is my natural way of life

I love being around others

Making a connection with others is important

Being extroverted is the most natural thing in the world

27.5. Pickup Artist Mindset Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am assertive

I am confident and unstoppable

I will fearlessly approach any woman

I always have fun picking up women

My personality is magnetic

I always have beautiful women around me

I am super positive and outgoing

I always know when to take things to the next level

My mind is tuned in to every pickup opportunity

Women are attracted to my ability to just be myself

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will transform into the ultimate pickup artist

I am becoming totally fearless

My mind is becoming highly attuned to female signals

I will approach women with confidence and positive energy

Women will be attracted to my awesome vibe

I will just relax and be myself

I am growing more and more confident

I am becoming a natural with the ladies

I am noticing that picking up women is becoming easier

I will have beautiful women around me all the time

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Picking up women is easy

I can approach any woman and have fun no matter what happens

I deserve to meet beautiful women

Women are naturally attracted to me

I can be dominant and assertive when needed

Others see me as a natural pickup artist

I am effortlessly outgoing

Women are naturally drawn to my confidence

I have the perfect state of mind for picking up women

My pickup potential is limitless

27.6. Become The Alpha Male Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an alpha male

I am dominant

I am always relaxed and calm

I am assertive and powerful

Others see me as powerful and self assured

My confidence is rock solid

All women are naturally attracted to me

I can take the lead in any social situation

I am totally secure in myself

I speak with authority

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will transform into an alpha male

I am becoming more and more alpha

I am finding it easier to take the lead in social situations

My core personality is becoming more confident and assertive

Others are starting to notice my self assured attitude

People will respect me

I will always speak my mind

Women will be naturally drawn to me

Women are starting to see me as a leader and decision maker

I will continually strengthen my alpha traits

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being an alpha male is just the way I am

Women are naturally attracted to my alpha characteristics

Confidence is my natural right

Being assertive and dominant are just who I am

I enjoy being the leader in social situations

I love being the alpha male

Others look up to me for my strength of character

I am highly respected

I make women feel safe and secure

My alpha maleness allows women to feel more feminine

27.7. Deep Inner Game Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great guy

I am positive and happy

I accept myself at the deepest level

I feel deeply secure in myself and who I am

I am attractive

Others truly like and appreciate me

I always stand up for myself

My inner game is rock solid

Women are naturally attracted to me

I am a unique and interesting man

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will respect myself no matter what

I am starting to feel a deep self acceptance at my core

I will develop positivity and happiness deep within myself

I will enjoy life on my own terms

Others are starting to pick up on my deep confidence

I am starting to feel more and more at peace within myself

I will confidently speak my mind

I will naturally attract women into my life

I am transforming into someone with a healthy and positive mind

I will always see myself as being worthy of beautiful women

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Deeply accepting myself is an important priority in my life

Developing my inner game translates into powerful outer game

Women love to be around me

I know that I am interesting and attractive

The way I feel inside is my greatest strength

Being positive and happy is just who I am

Self confidence is my natural state of being

I am a uniquely valuable human being

My inner game is healthy and vibrant

Others are attracted to my deep and true self acceptance

27.8. Fast Seduction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a master of seduction

I am tuned in to female signals

I attract women with my seduction patterns

I am totally confident with women

I always approach women without hesitation

My personality is sexy and seductive

I am highly skilled with seductive patterns and techniques

I am strong and dominant

Women are naturally drawn to me

I am always calm, relaxed, and focused

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will develop my powers of seduction

Women are starting to become more and more attracted to me

My mind is becoming fine-tuned for seduction

I will use seduction patterns to attract beautiful women

My seduction techniques are improving

I will be confident and assertive

I am becoming a master seducer

Seduction is starting to feel easier and more natural

I will have many beautiful women in my life

Each day I become more confident with my seduction skills

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am a natural at seduction

I have a natural ability to build attraction with women

I always know exactly what to say to women

My approach is always smooth and natural

Attracting beautiful women is just a normal part of my everyday life

I can seduce any woman I want

Women are naturally drawn to me

My seduction skills are powerful

Seducing women comes naturally to me

I can get in the perfect seduction state of mind

27.9. Fear of Rejection With Women Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am fearless of rejection

I am someone who approaches a woman I like even though I may be feeling a bit scared

I am naturally good with women

I am a naturally cool person and women love me

I am confident with who I am

I am someone who always goes after what they want

I find it easy to talk to women

I can accept rejection without letting it get me down

I just naturally do what I want to do and don’t let fear hold me back

I am always calm and relaxed

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more fearless of rejection each day

I will become a man who can easily make a move without worry

I am finding myself more confident by the day

I am turning into someone who is naturally good with women

Everyday I am becoming more confident around women

I will develop a carefree attitude towards rejection

I will only think of the positives of making a move

Approaching women is becoming easier

I am transforming into someone women love

Taking risks with women is becoming easier and easier

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Approaching women comes naturally to me

I find making a move easy

Being rejected by a woman doesn’t even cross my mind

Having a great love life is something I am entitled too

I always confront my fears

Talking to women is the easiest thing in the world

Women love how calm and confident I am

People see me as someone who is good with women

Being carefree has always been something I am

Taking risks is the most natural thing in the world

27.10. Inner Game Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a handsome man

I am a naturally attractive alpha male

I am very confident

I am naturally positive and happy

I have rock solid inner game

I am not fazed by rejection

I am an interesting person

I am someone a woman is lucky to have in her life

I always stand up for myself

I am 100% happy with myself

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more confident each day

I will become a man who doesn’t let a woman walk all over them

I will speak my mind and never filter myself

I am turning into someone who is naturally attractive

People will respect me

I will learn to accept that I am worthy of a great woman

I am turning into a confident and happy person

I am transforming into an alpha male

I will have rock solid inner confidence

I will develop a positive mindset

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Women flock too me

Everyone tells me how interesting and cool I am

Being confident is the most natural thing in the world

Attracting beautiful women is effortless for me

Others see me as someone who has his life sorted out

Having strong inner game has made my outer game that much more powerful

I love being amazing with women

My self confidence is as strong as a rock

I always think positive thoughts

Being happy with myself has allowed me to live an amazing life

27.11. Become Natural With Women Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a natural with women

I am confident around women

I am entitled to nothing but the best

Who I am is enough

Women are naturally attracted to me

I am relaxed around women

I am a positive thinker

I am always surrounded by beautiful women

I am able to attract women just by being myself

I easily pick-up on the subtle attraction signals women give out

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more natural with women

Each day I am becoming more aware of the attraction signals women give out

I will always be surrounded by beautiful women

I will be able to attract women without being inside my head

I will alway think positively

I will naturally attract women

Each day I am becoming more relaxed around beautiful women

I am turning into a man women want to be around

I am getting more confident by the day

I will be able to attract women just by being myself

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Attracting women comes naturally to me

Being with a beautiful woman is my rite

Women are attracted to my natural personality

Others see me as a natural with women

Confidence is something I was born with

I always know what to say to a woman

Being able to know when to make my move comes naturally to me

Being a natural with women has made my life amazing

I always love meeting new women

I have a high level of self-confidence and women can sense that

27.12. Flirting Skills For Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am confident in myself

I am good-looking and sincere

I know how to flirt

I say the right things

I am attentive to her responses

I am intuitive in our conversations

I attract women

I am level-headed and genuine

I follow the unwritten flirting laws

I am an expert at flirting

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will develop my flirting abilities

Women will want to talk to me

I will be assertive

I will stop being afraid to make the first move

I will listen to what my dates have to say

I will be respectful to women

I will be smooth and sincere

My flirting skills will be subtle

I will be more of a sly talker

I will know when and where to flirt

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally attractive

I know how to react in all situations

Flirting comes instinctively to me

I love making women laugh

I am a natural flirt

I simply talk to women

I ignore my fears of flirting

I make the first move

I am sure of myself

I flirt by just being myself

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