Chapter 10

10.1. Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

The law of attractions works

My beliefs manifest my reality

I attract success into my life

I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life

I have the power to create my reality

I attract into my life whatever I want

My thoughts create my reality

I believe in the law of attraction

I have the power to manifest my dreams

I believe deeply that I can achieve anything I desire

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

The law of attraction is working

I will think positively

I am gaining control over my thought patterns

I am manifesting my destiny

Each day I believe in the law of attraction more and more

I will transform my life using the law of attraction

My powers of manifestation are growing

The law of attraction is transforming my life

Each day my mind becomes more positive

I am gaining control over my mind and my life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find it easy to control my thoughts

Manifesting seems effortless

Maintaining a positive state of mind is easy for me

I steer my life in positive directions with the power of positive thinking

Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do naturally

The law of attraction gives me the power to realize my dreams

Attracting success is a normal part of my life

My life is filled with abundance

My positive mindset attracts positive circumstances

I find it easy to attract into my life whatever I need

10.2. Attract Luck Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am lucky

I attract good luck into my life

Others see me as a very lucky person

Positive things always happen to me

I always think positively

I am full of gratitude for all my good fortune

I am the luckiest person alive

I am a naturally lucky person

Good fortune always comes my way

I am thankful for the abundance in my life

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am getting luckier

I am noticing that I feel lucky all the time

I am becoming a very lucky person

I will always think positively

I am transforming into someone who is always lucky

Each day I attract more good fortune into my life

Luck is starting to flow into my life

With each day I become more thankful for all the luck and good fortune in my life

I will always be lucky

Feeling lucky is becoming easier and more natural

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Attracting luck is easy for me

I just naturally feel lucky all the time

My sincere gratitude attracts more good luck

Positive things always seem to happen to me

New and exciting opportunities are always coming my way

Others are always telling me how lucky I am

Luck and good fortune are normal every day occurrences for me

I am effortlessly tuned into and focused on luck

I deserve to be lucky

Good things just always seem to come my way

10.3. Attract Money Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am wealthy

I always have money

I attract financial abundance

My mind is finely tuned for attracting massive wealth

I always think positively about money

I have many financial opportunities

I always find a way to make a large profit

I am rich and prosperous

My life is full of abundance

I am focused on achieving wealth

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming wealthier

My bank account is always growing

Money will be flowing into my life

I am finding it easier to attract money

Financial opportunities are coming my way

I will be financially successful

I will attract wealth into my life

Positive thinking is beginning to attract money into my life

I am becoming rich

My positive attitude is beginning to attract large sums of money

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Attracting money is easy

I effortlessly attract abundance

I deserve to be wealthy

My bank account never seems to stop growing

I am highly focused on achieving financial success

I fully believe in my ability to attract money

I have a money mindset

Money just always seems to come my way

I naturally attract money and material abundance

I am like a magnet to money

10.4. Attract Success Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always succeed

I attract success in all areas of my life

I believe in my ability to manifest my dreams

I always think positively and achieve great things

I am thankful for my many successes

I have the will and the drive to succeed

My life is full of abundant success

I am highly focused on success

I am motivated and productive

Others see me as a very successful person

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract success

I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals

My belief in the law of attraction is growing stronger

I will think positively and attract success in all areas of my life

I am transforming into someone who consistently succeeds

I am becoming a success magnet

I am manifesting my dreams into physical reality

My belief in myself is transforming my life

I become more motivated and focused with each passing day

My will to succeed is growing stronger

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I believe deeply in my ability to attract success

I naturally attract success

Effortlessly manifesting success is something I just do naturally

I always seem to find a way to succeed one way or another

Attracting success feels easy and natural to me

Others see me as someone who persistently strives for success

Believing in myself and thinking positively are very important

Success, achievement, and abundance seem to flow into my life effortlessly

I find it easy to use the law of attraction to manifest success

Thinking positively and manifesting my dreams are things I just do naturally

10.5. Attract Health Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am naturally healthy

I am attracting health into my life

I have a strong body

My mind is healthy

I always take my health seriously

I always recover from illness quickly

I eat healthy and exercise regularly

My mind is completely focused on achieving optimal health

I manifest abundant wellbeing with the power of positive thinking

I am grateful for my perfect health

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting health into my life with the law of attraction

I am becoming healthier

I will become healthy in mind and body

I will always take my health seriously

I am finding new ways to take care of myself and live a balanced life

Each day it is easier to do what I know is best for my body

I am starting to eat a healthier diet

Health, vitality, and happiness are steadily increasing with every day

I will always remember that thinking positively is the foundation for a healthy life

I am beginning to listen to my body and take the action necessary to heal it

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally healthy and strong

I believe in my ability to attract health in to my life

I always just naturally do what is best for my body

I am highly focused on living a healthy lifestyle

I always seem to recover from illness very quickly

Others see me as someone who is just always happy, healthy, and vibrant

I find it easy to eat right and take care of myself

I enjoy exercising

I can easily sense when my body needs rest and relaxation

Thinking positively about my health comes easily to me

10.6. Attract Opportunities Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I attract opportunities

I am completely tuned-in to the opportunities that surround me

I always take advantage of a new opportunity

My mind is focused on manifesting positive opportunities

Opportunity is here right now

I am an opportunity magnet

I am always surrounded by fresh opportunities

I attract exciting opportunities wherever I go

I am thankful for every opportunity that comes my way

I constantly attract new opportunities into my life

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will manifest new and exciting opportunities

I am noticing an expansion in my awareness of opportunities

Each day I grow in my ability to attract opportunities

New opportunities are coming my way

I will seize every opportunity that comes my way

I will always recognize a new opportunity

I am beginning to see more and more opportunities

My belief in my ability to manifest opportunity is becoming stronger

I am starting to see massive opportunities all around me

I am transforming into someone who effortlessly attracts positive opportunities

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally tuned-in to all the opportunities of life

I naturally attract opportunities

Opportunities just always seem to come my way

Being aware of every available opportunity is just a normal part of my life

I find it easy to manifest a fresh opportunity whenever I want

Opportunity is just around the corner

I easily notice that opportunity exists all around me

Each day presents completely new and exciting opportunities

Positive opportunities seem to be naturally attracted to me

Acting on positive opportunities without hesitation comes naturally to me

10.7. Attract Romance Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting romance

The law of attraction is attracting romance into my life

My mind is perfectly attuned to attracting a romantic relationship

I radiate a loving energy that will draw romantic passion into my life

My thoughts are effortlessly concentrated on attracting romance

I am attracting a romantic relationship

Others see me as someone who is passionate and exciting

I am full of romantic energy

I am visualizing what it will feel like to have the romance of my dreams

I am ready for romance

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract romance

I am beginning to attract romance into my life

I will use the law of attraction to produce a powerfully romantic experience

I am developing the necessary mindset for manifesting a beautiful romance

Passion, romance, and love are in my future

An exciting romance is coming my way

I will have an exciting romantic relationship

I am transforming into someone who naturally attracts romance

I am starting to believe in my power to attract romance into my life

Others are starting to notice my romantic energy

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally attract romance

I can attract romance into my life

Visualizing a beautiful romance is something I just do naturally

I find it easy to manifest romance with the law of attraction

Attracting an exciting romance into my life is something I have the power to do

I deserve to have a deeply moving romantic experience

I can feel what it will be like to have a passionate romance

I have a deep yearning to feel passion and romance

I just naturally give off a romantic energy that others are drawn to

I truly believe that I will attract romance into my life

10.8. Attract Your Soul Mate Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting my soul mate

I believe deeply that I will attract my soul mate

My soul mate is strongly attracted to me

My mind is totally focused on attracting my soul mate

I am already connected deeply to my soul mate

I always radiate a loving and inviting energy

Others are drawn to me because of my positive energy

I deserve to find my soul mate

My soul mate and I are destined to be together

There is an unbreakable bond between my soul mate and I

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

My soul mate and I will be together

I will find my soul mate and we will live happily ever after

I am attracting my soul mate more with each day

I will attract my soul mate

A positive loving energy is growing between myself and my soul mate

I am beginning to feel deeply that I will meet my soul mate soon

Each day the energy between my soul mate and I grows stronger

I believe more each day that I will find my perfect partner

My soul mate is beginning to sense our connection

I will know my soul mate the instant we meet

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I believe in my ability to attract my soul mate

I find it easy to give off positive and loving energy to others

I can sense deeply that there is 1 special person I am meant to be with

Being warm, loving, and loveable is just a natural part of who I am

Others see me as someone they’d like to get to know more

There is a magical connection between my soul mate and I

My Soul mate and I are being drawn together

My soul mate and I are just meant to be together

When I meet my soul mate, I’ll just naturally know

I effortlessly radiate positive and loving energy

10.9. Attract a Car Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting a new car

I am using the law of attraction to manifest my dream car

I believe deeply that I have the power to attract a new car

My dream car is already mine

My mind is totally focused on attracting a new car

There is a deep connection between my dream car and I

I am full of positive thoughts about owning a new car

My subconscious mind believes deeply that I will attract a new car

I deserve to own my dream car

I can feel a deep connection to my future car

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract my dream car

I will be driving my new car soon

I am starting to think positively about manifesting a new car

My power to attract a new car is growing stronger each day

I am transforming into someone who is totally focused on attracting a new car

My belief in the law of attraction is growing stronger

I am starting to feel that one way or another I will own my dream car

I am beginning to sense that I will own a new car soon

I am finding it easier to believe in the law of attraction

My mind is beginning to align with the reality of owning a new car

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Attracting my dream car is easy

I can easily visualize myself driving my new car

Manifesting a new car is just something I will just do

I find it easy to think positively about the prospect of owning my dream car

I am just meant to own the car of my dreams

I deserve to have a new car

I find it easy to think positively and manifest my desires

Believing I will get a new car comes naturally to me

Owning a fancy sports car is just a normal part of my life

I am naturally manifesting my dream car into existence

10.10. Attract a House Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting a house

My mind is fully focused on owning a new home

I am visualizing what it will be like to own my dream house

I am doing whatever it takes to attract a new house into my life

I am using the power of my thoughts to attract a new home

I believe in my ability to attract my dream home

I am destined to have a new house

I am using the law of attraction to manifest a new house

I can see myself in my new house

I am thinking positively and attracting a house

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract a new house

A beautiful house is in my future

My power to manifest is growing stronger each day

My mind is becoming completely focused on manifesting the house of my dreams

I will think positively and bring a new house in to existence

I am changing into someone who will stop at nothing to attain a new house

Each day I find it easier to picture myself in my new home

I can feel my mind beginning to align with the reality of owning my dream home

I will do everything possible to get a new house

I am getting closer to owning a house

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally attracting a house

It’s easy for me to visualize myself attracting a house

Manifesting a house is something I will just naturally do

I believe deeply that I am attracting a new home

I find it easy to think positively about owning my new home

I naturally manifest whatever I focus my mind on

I find it easy to focus my mind on attracting a house

Thinking positively is something I just do naturally

I am tapping into the law of attraction to effortlessly attract a new home

I just know that I will attract a house

10.11. Attract a Holiday Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting a holiday

I am certain that I can attract a holiday

Attracting a holiday is something I know I can do

I am visualizing what it will be like to take a relaxing vacation

My mind is totally focused on attracting a holiday

I am meant to go on a beautiful trip

I am using the law of attraction to manifest a holiday

I believe deeply that I will go on a great holiday

I am using positive thinking to make my dream holiday a reality

A wonderful vacation is being attracted into my life

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract a holiday

Each day I am closer to manifesting a dream vacation

I will attract a wonderful vacation

A relaxing vacation is just around the corner

I am getting closer to going on a great trip

My mind is becoming more focused on manifesting a holiday

I am finding it easier to visualize myself taking an amazing vacation

I will find a way to go on a great vacation, no matter what

I will just naturally attract a holiday

I am turning into someone who is completely focused on taking a dream vacation

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I fully believe in my ability to attract a holiday

Attracting a holiday is easy for me

I can naturally attract a holiday

I deserve to take a relaxing and refreshing holiday

My mind is totally capable of attracting a great vacation

I can effortlessly visualize myself taking a holiday

I am naturally attracting a holiday

I believe that I will attract a vacation

It is my destiny to go on the vacation of a life time

The law of attraction is manifesting my dream vacation

10.12. Improve Visualization Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am improving my visualization skills

I am able to visualize in high detail

I have total control over my visualizations

Sight, sound, taste and smell are all things that I can easily visualize

My mind is clear and focused on visualizing success

I visualize positive change and manifest it into reality

I always visualize in maximum detail

I use visualization to manifest massive success

I easily visualize the feelings and emotions associated with reaching my goals

I use the power of visualization to manifest the life I want

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will improve my visualization skills

My visualization skills are beginning to improve

I will shape my reality with intensely vivid visualization

I am transforming my mind with the power of visualization

I am beginning to effortlessly visualize the reality I wish to create

I will use visualization to achieve my goals and live a life of success and abundance

I am transforming into someone who has a natural visualization ability

Each day I visualize in higher and higher detail

My visualizations are becoming stronger and more powerful

I will use visualization to reprogram my subconscious

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My mind is focused and clear when I visualize

Visualization is just a normal part of my every day life

I naturally visualize in high detail

Colors, sounds, tastes and smells are easy for me to visualize

Visualization strengthens my subconscious and prepares me for success

I find it easy to focus my mind and visualize the achievement of my goals

Visualization comes naturally to me

I find it easy to control my visualizations at will

I can use visualization to effortlessly attract whatever I want

I use visualization to program my thoughts and beliefs as I see fit

10.13. Attitude of Gratitude Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I have an attitude of gratitude

My thoughts are focused on positivity and thankfulness

I am sincerely grateful and this attracts positivity into my life

I take time to be grateful for something as simple as a blue sky or the sound of laughter

I am grateful for my family

I am grateful for all my material possessions

I am thankful for simply being alive

My life is full of so many things to be grateful for

Each Morning I give thanks for another day of life

I am grateful for all the positive things that are still yet to come my way

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am developing an attitude of gratitude

I will be thankful for each day of my life

I am beginning to feel a deep sense of gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life

I will strive to appreciate everything

I am transforming into someone who is always focused on positivity and gratitude

I am starting to feel more gratitude for the things I used to take for granted

Others have been noticing that I am much more positive and appreciative

Having an attitude of gratitude is starting to feel more natural and normal

My attitude of gratitude grows stronger with each passing day

I will always be thankful for whatever life brings my way

--- Natural Affirmations ---

An attitude of gratitude comes naturally to me

I just naturally have an attitude of gratitude

My mind is always effortlessly focused on positivity and thankfulness

Gratitude is something I just naturally feel all the time

Thankfulness, appreciation, and sincere gratitude are all important parts of who I am

I find it easy to maintain an attitude of gratitude even in difficult situations

I am the kind of person who just always appreciates whatever life brings my way

I find it easy to take time each day to take a moment and feel sincere gratitude

An attitude of gratitude is the key to manifesting a better life for myself

I love the feeling of being deeply grateful for something as simple as a hug from a friend

10.14. Attraction Accelerator Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I believe in the law of attraction

The law of attraction works

I have a deep certainty in my ability to use the law of attraction

My subconscious is totally aligned with my conscious mind

I attract that which I think about and believe

I am strengthening my belief in the law of attraction

I know the law of attraction is real

My subconscious mind is completely focused on positive belief

I am using the law of attraction to create my reality

My belief in the law of attraction is unwavering

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will believe completely in the law of attraction

My subconscious beliefs are coming into alignment with my conscious desires

I will become someone who just knows the law of attraction is real

I am beginning to trust that the law of attraction will work for me

I am reprogramming my mind for complete belief in the law of attraction

The law of attraction is starting to work for me

I am starting to feel the true power of the law of attraction

I will transform into someone who just naturally believes in the law of attraction

My belief in the law of attraction is growing stronger

I am developing an unshakeable conviction in my ability to manifest whatever I think about

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have a natural belief in the law of attraction

I find it easy to tap into the power of the law of attraction

There exists a natural harmony between my subconscious and conscious minds

I know I can use the law of attraction, I just have to believe and let it happen

Believing deeply in the law of attraction is just a normal part of who I am

I find it easy to think positively even in the deepest most hidden part of my mind

I just naturally believe in the law of attraction

By focusing on the positive I will reprogram my subconscious for belief

I just naturally know that whatever I think about will be manifested in my life

By reprogramming my subconscious beliefs I will unlock my true potential

10.15. Attract Your Dream Career Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am amazing at my job

I am finding my dream job

I am always open to opportunities to acquire my dream job

I always leave people wanting to work with me

I am confident within myself and my abilities to perform my dream job

I am putting out a vibe that I’m a hard worker that others pick up on

I find it easy to network with others

I am worthy of doing a job that I love

I just naturally ace interviews

I naturally attract job opportunities

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming one step closer each day to landing my dream job

I will attract my dream career

I am finding myself more qualified to do the job I wish

I am turning into someone who is hard working and motivated

I am turning into someone who leaves others wanting to work with me

I will develop the skills needed to achieve my dream job

I will do whatever it takes to get the job I want

I am becoming more confident by the day

I am transforming into a networking machine

I will become open to opportunities to achieve my dream job

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others see me as someone who is hard working and competent

I find networking with others easy

I have all the skills I need to get my dream job

Having my dream job is my natural rite

I find it easy too remain calm under pressure

Being confident is the most natural thing in the world

Others are always telling me I should come work with them

People see me as someone who goes after what they want

I deserve to have my dream job

Being open to new opportunities has improved my life

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