Chapter 28

28.1. Weight Loss Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am losing weight

I am slim and fit

I always take care of my body

I only eat healthy food

I am motivated to lose weight and become healthy

I am living a healthy life style

I am dedicated to following my weight loss plan

I am disciplined in my eating habits

I am strong in mind and body

I am completely focused on losing weight

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will lose weight

I am beginning to lose weight

I will be slim

Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming easier

I am transforming into someone who exercises regularly

Others are starting to notice I’m losing weight

I am finding it easier to eat right and take care of myself

I will always choose healthy foods over junk

I am becoming more disciplined with each passing day

I will always respect and take care of my body

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find it easy to lose weight

I enjoy exercising

I am naturally slim

I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off

I deserve to be slim, healthy, and happy

I have a naturally healthy mind and body

I will think positively and just naturally lose weight

I find it easy to stay in shape

I love eating healthy food and nurturing my body

I eat healthy and set a good example for my family

28.2. Think Yourself Thin Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am thin now

I have a great body

I am slim and beautiful

I visualize my ideal body and take action to make it happen

I am dedicated to achieving my ideal weight

I believe deeply in my ability to be thin and healthy

I am dedicated to losing weight

My mind is focused on achieving my weight loss goals

I always watch what I eat

I am naturally thin

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

Each day I become thinner and more fit

I will reach my weight loss goals

I will have the body I’ve always wanted

I am becoming more focused on losing weight

I am finding it easier to envision weight loss success

Others are beginning to notice how thin and healthy I am

Eating right and losing weight is becoming easier and easier

I am coming closer to achieving my ideal body

I am transforming into someone who is thin, healthy, and happy

I will become thin and set a good example for others

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally thin

I love my body

I have total belief in myself

I visualize my ideal body and this motivates me to keep losing weight

I deserve to be thin

I have the power to achieve a high degree of health and well-being

I will nurture and respect my body always

My mind is totally attuned to my body

Being thin and healthy is very important

It feels great to lose weight and get in shape

28.3. Motivation to Exercise Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am motivated to exercise

I always stick to my exercise plan

I always finish all my exercises

I am naturally driven to get in shape and be the healthiest I can be

I exercise every day and I love it

I am always motivated to exercise

I stay motivated through out my entire workout routine

I am in great shape because I never miss a workout

I always look forward to exercising

I am totally focused on getting myself in shape

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will motivate myself to exercise

I am becoming more and more motivated to exercise

I am changing into someone who is always motivated to exercise

I will exercise even when I don’t feel like it

I will exercise every day and achieve the body of my dreams

I am finding it easier to motivate myself to exercise

I will always finish my workout no matter how tired I am

Others are beginning to notice how dedicated I am to getting in shape

I am transforming into someone who exercises regularly and is in great shape

I am starting to go to the gym every day

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally motivated to exercise

The motivation to exercise comes naturally to me

I love exercising

I am totally focused on sticking to my workout routine and getting in shape

My motivation to exercise is helping me to achieve optimum health

I find it easy to get pumped up about going to the gym every day

I am naturally driven to get in shape

I am the kind of person who just loves pushing myself during my workout

It feels great when I exercise regularly and take care of myself

Keeping myself in top shape is extremely important to me

28.4. Healthy Eating Habits Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I only eat healthy food

I eat at regular intervals throughout the day

I easily choose healthy snacks over junk

I eat lots of fruits and vegetables

I always eat a balanced meal

I am a disciplined eater

I always make sure to eat breakfast

I eat healthy to energize my mind and my body

I am dedicated to eating healthy foods every day

I am focused on providing proper nutrition to my body

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will only eat healthy food

I am becoming a healthy eater

Others are beginning to notice that I always eat healthy

I am getting healthier thanks to my healthy eating habits

I will continue to improve the quality of my diet

I will always eat vegetables at every meal

Eating healthy is becoming easier

I am starting to eat more moderately sized meals

I am starting to enjoy the taste of fruits and vegetables

I will always choose nutritious food over junk

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy fruits and vegetables

I fuel my body with only the best foods

I find it easy to eat a healthy diet

I am a natural healthy eater

I love vegetables

Others see me as someone who is health conscious and in control of their diet

I make sure to eat meals at the same time every day

I enjoy eating healthy food

I always start my day off by eating something healthy

Nutrition is very important to my quality of life

28.5. Increase Metabolism Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am increasing my metabolism

My mind is in sync with my metabolism

I have a fast metabolism

I am in control of my metabolic rate

I make healthy food choices that naturally stimulate my metabolism

My metabolic rate is increasing

I am a mean lean calorie burning machine

I always burn calories quickly

I always choose the healthiest foods

I am losing weight by increasing my metabolic rate

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will increase my metabolic rate

My metabolism is becoming faster

Each day I feel myself burning calories faster and faster

I will focus my mind on increasing my metabolic rate

I am starting to lose weight

I will always burn calories quickly and efficiently

I will adopt eating habits that increase my metabolism

I am developing a finely-tuned metabolism

My mind is beginning to transform my metabolism

I am finding it easier to control my metabolic rate

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have a naturally quick metabolism

My mind is naturally in sync with my metabolism

I find it easy to control my metabolism

My metabolic rate is steadily increasing

I burn calories efficiently

My metabolism is naturally fast and healthy

I am using the power of my subconscious to influence my metabolic rate

I can control my metabolic rate with the power of my mind

Others see me as someone who is just naturally thin and easily burns calories

I make healthy choices to support a healthy metabolism

28.6. Motivation To Diet Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always stick to my diet

I am highly motivated to eat healthy foods

I am motivated to stay with my diet plan

I only eat the foods allowed by my diet

I am dedicated to eating healthy foods

I am focused on succeeding with my diet

I always choose to eat healthy food

I have self discipline and can easily resist the temptation of unhealthy food

I believe in my ability to follow my diet right to the end

I am highly motivated to lose weight and get healthy

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will motivate myself and see my diet through to completion

I will stick to my diet no matter what

I will develop a strong willpower

Eating healthy is becoming more normal for me

I am transforming into someone who is naturally motivated to eat healthy

I am finding it easier to resist the temptation of food

I am becoming highly disciplined with my dieting

I am changing into someone who is effortlessly motivated to diet

I will always eat healthy and do what is best for my body

It is becoming easier to eat healthy and follow my diet

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally motivated to eat healthy

I can easily resist temptations to break my diet

I have a natural drive to achieve success with my diet

I visualize the end result of my diet and this helps to motivate me

I find it easy to stay motivated and stick to my diet

Staying motivated comes naturally to me

I enjoy dieting

I love the feeling of successfully completing a diet

Dieting comes naturally to me

It is important to me that I can control my eating habits

28.7. Stop Eating Junk Food Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I eat healthy food

I always choose good food over junk

I am a healthy eater

I am disciplined with my eating habits

I always resist the temptation of junk food

I am healthy and strong because I eat only the best foods

I crave fresh and healthy foods

My mind is attuned to what my body needs

I provide the best possible nutrition for my body

I always eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a healthy eater

I will be free from the habit of eating junk

I will always eat only the healthiest foods

I am beginning to crave fresh fruits and vegetables

I am transforming into someone who eats a balanced diet

Fruits and vegetables are tasting better and better

I am starting to crave healthy foods instead of junk

Others are starting to notice I’m eating a healthier diet

I will treat my body right and fuel it with the best foods possible

I will eat right and live a long healthy life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Eating healthy comes naturally to me

I naturally crave fresh whole foods

I am the kind of person who easily avoids processed foods and junk

Eating healthy and taking care of my body is important to me

I take my health seriously

I find it easy to maintain discipline when tempted by junk food

I am on the road to a healthy lifestyle

I am taking care of my body by fueling it with only fresh whole foods

I love fresh fruits and vegetables

I eat healthy and this sets a good example for my friends and family

28.8. Stop Chocolate Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always resist chocolate

I am overcoming my addiction to chocolate

I have total belief in my ability to stop eating chocolate

I choose healthy snacks

I have rock solid discipline and self control

I am strong in the face of craving and temptation

I am in full control of what I eat

I have the power to stop my chocolate addiction

My mind is totally focused on beating my addiction to chocolate

I am the one in control, not chocolate

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop my addiction to chocolate

I am finding it easier to resist the temptation of chocolate

I am beginning to crave healthier snacks

Each day my resolve to stop eating chocolate grows stronger

I am gaining more and more control over my urges and impulses

I will take control of my chocolate addiction

My belief in myself is increasing

My willpower is becoming stronger than my craving for chocolate

I will stop my chocolate addiction and live a healthier life

I am transforming into someone who has a healthy relationship to chocolate

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find it easy to say no to chocolate

Craving chocolate only makes my willpower stronger

I enjoy eating healthy snacks

I will be free from chocolate addiction

I can easily resist the temptation of chocolate

I deserve to be healthy and happy

I always fuel my body with the healthiest foods possible

I am in full control even when I crave chocolate

It is important to me that I get my chocolate addiction under control

I am completely resolved in my decision to stop eating chocolate

28.9. Stop Comfort Eating Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I listen to my body and eat only when I am truly hungry

I always find productive ways to deal with anxiety and stress

I am overcoming my comfort eating

I am in control of what and when I eat

My mind has a strong and healthy connection to my body

I can easily go without snacking

I am in full control of my impulses

I have the strength to stop comfort eating

I always stick to my regular meal times

I have a healthy relationship to food

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop comfort eating

I will respect and nurture my body

I will find a healthier way to deal with negative emotions

I am starting to realize that food is not the answer to a problem

I am getting a grip on my comfort eating

My eating habits are improving

I am building a healthy relationship to food

I am transforming into someone who is responsible with food

My willpower is strengthening

I am finding it easier to eat only when I’m hungry

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I know that food is not the solution to emotional stress

Dealing with my emotions in a healthy way is something I do naturally

Setting regular meal times and sticking to them is a normal part of my life

Taking control of my impulses will help me defeat comfort eating

I have a natural and healthy relationship to food

Responsibility for my health is something I take seriously

Controlling my impulses is something I just naturally do

I listen to my body and easily know when I am truly hungry

I can find more productive ways of comforting myself other than eating

Loving my body and doing what’s best for it is something I just do naturally

28.10. Healthy Body Image Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am beautiful

I love my body

I have a healthy body image

I accept myself completely

I am thankful for my body

I am building a positive body image

My body is perfect just the way it is

I am confident in the way I look

I always feel comfortable in my own skin

I appreciate my body

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will have a healthy body image

I will always love my body no matter what

I am beginning to accept myself more and more

I am beginning to feel content with the way I look

I am becoming happier with my body

Each day I look and feel better

I will always have gratitude for my body

My self acceptance is beginning to change the way other people see me

I am overcoming negativity and building a positive attitude towards myself

I am finding it easier to feel confident in the way I look

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Having a healthy body image comes naturally to me

Feeling positive about my body is normal for me

I naturally love and accept my body

Whenever I look in the mirror I always see something positive

Having a healthy body image improves the quality of my life

I deserve to be confident and happy

Self acceptance comes naturally to me

I find it easy to think positively about my body

People are drawn to me because I am confident in the way I look

My body is beautiful and I respect it deeply

28.11. Stop Late Night Snacking Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am content with the meals I eat in the day

I live a healthy lifestyle

My eating habits are healthy

I keep myself busy after dinner

I have no need for snacks at night

My will is strong

I resist late snacks

I ignore my urges to eat

I only eat when I’m hungry

I destroy my dangerous desires to eat

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop eating at night

I will have no need for midnight snacks

I will stop reaching for unhealthy food

I will stop eating when I’m not hungry

My body will get used to my new diet

I will no longer eat after dinner

I will pay attention to my body’s desires

I will only eat when I have to

I will shift my focus to doing other things at night

I am on the right path to lose weight

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am satisfied with my eating routine

I naturally know when to stop eating

I have the personal strength to hold myself back

I am aware of all of my eating habits, good and bad

I am naturally in control of my food intake

I always monitor my eating

I am simply able to overcome hunger

I am always wary of pure desire to eat

I just avoid eating when I’m full

I naturally stop eating when I am not hungry

28.12. Help With Diabetes Type II Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am keeping my blood sugar levels under control

I am always making sure I pick the lifestyle choices that will help me to keep my diabetes under control

I am very focused on staying healthy

I am doing all I can to keep my diabetes under control

I find it easy to eat healthily

I love exercising

I find it easy to find the motivation to exercise

I can use the combination of exercise and diet to keep my blood sugar levels low

I just naturally stick to my diet plan

I always make sure to eat the right foods

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more focused on my health

I will lower my blood sugar levels

I am finding myself eating more healthily

I am turning into someone who finds it easy to stick to a diet plan

I am becoming more aware of my eating habits

I will learn to enjoy exercising

I will lose weight

I am turning into a lover of exercise

I am transforming into a healthy eater

I am becoming more able to eat the right foods

--- Natural Affirmations ---

There is nothing I love more than exercising

Following a balanced diet comes naturally to me

I make sure to always exercise and eat right

I have lowered my blood sugar levels

I find eating a balanced diet easy

Having low blood sugar levels in my natural rite

Making the lifestyle choices needed to keep my blood sugar levels low is easy for me

People see me as someone who is able to keep their diabetes under control

I take all the measures I need to take to keep my diabetes under control

Losing weight is easy for me

28.13. Control Your Hunger Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am in control of my hunger

I have power over my stomach

I know when to stop eating

I resist eating temptations

I avoid overeating

I eat proper proportions

I eat only when I have to

I am a healthy eater

I am only hungry at meal times

I watch what I eat

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop feeling hungry

I will focus on my food intake

I am becoming a healthy eater

Others see me as lean and in shape

I will develop an intuition for when I am full

I will only eat when I need to

Hunger will not bother me

I will restrain myself from eating too much

I will stop feeling the need to eat

I will live a healthier lifestyle

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally know when to stop eating

I always put down my fork when I’m full

My body tells me when I’m full

My hunger diminishes when I want it to

I am naturally intuitive about my food intake

I have always been in control of my hunger

My hunger naturally subsides after I’ve eaten enough

I enjoy eating healthy food

I always take care of my body

I am able to control what I eat and when I eat it

28.14. Perfect Body Shape For Women Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am perfect just as I am

I am satisfied when I look into the mirror

I love every part of me

I am flawless inside and out

I am healthy and happy

I lose weight easily when I need to

I know the perfect shape for my body

I am confident when I step outside

I am gorgeous the way I am

I look fantastic no matter what size I am

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be healthier with eating habits

I will exercise more

I will pay attention to my body

I will do what my body tells me

I am becoming more aware of my body

I will listen to what I want for myself

I will stop feeling like I have to look a certain way

I will stop feeling self-conscious about my body

I will see myself in a better light

I will stop feeling insecure

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am conscious of what my body wants

I am naturally intuitive about my body

I am always happy with how I look

There is no reason for me to be insecure

I am naturally beautiful

I love my own unique body shape

I embrace every version of me

I am always looking to improve myself in positive ways

I know I am gorgeous

I always eat healthily

28.15. Perfect Body Shape For Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am comfortable with my body

I like how I look

I am good enough for myself

I enjoy being healthy

I am in shape

I exercise for myself, not for anyone else

I have healthy eating habits

I exercise regularly

I am lean and fit

I work hard at staying healthy

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stay healthy

I will take care of my body

I will stop feeling physically insufficient

I will be satisfied with my body

I will work hard to stay in shape

I will pursue my positive vision of my body

I am becoming a healthier eater

I will be content with my body shape

I will exercise regularly

I will stop feeling self-conscious about my body

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have always been healthy

I love eating healthy foods

I am intuitive to what my body needs

I was born with a high metabolism

I always make healthy choices

I am naturally persistent with my healthy eating

I love exercising

I love my body

I am always comfortable with my appearance

I have a perfect body shape for me

28.16. Perfect Weight Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am the perfect weight for me

I am healthy about working out

I push myself every day at the gym

I am always setting goals for myself

I am focused on losing weight

I am intent on being in shape

I work out all the time

I make healthy choices

I am more focused on being healthy than losing weight

I love working out

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will achieve my perfect weight

I will love my body shape

I will stop comparing my body to others

I will set plausible goals for myself

Others will see me as lean and in shape

I will like what I see on the scale

I will stop being ashamed of my weight

I will be happy with my weight

My body weight will be perfect

I will have a flawless body

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have always been conscientious of my weight

I am naturally fit

I have a high metabolism

Being overweight simply isn’t an issue for me

I naturally eat healthy

I am naturally inclined to work out on a regular basis

Avoiding junk food is easy for me

I am very smart with what I eat

I have always been the perfect weight

I naturally love staying fit

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