Chapter 26

26.1. Attract Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am beautiful inside and out

I am interesting and sexy

I have an adventurous spirit

Men are naturally attracted to my radiant energy

I am full of positive energy

I am irresistible to men

Men are drawn to my womanliness

I light up a room

Men are always noticing me

I am a beautiful, confident, sexy woman

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will attract great men into my life

I am starting to feel more and more confident

I am developing an attractive personality

Men will be helpless to resist me

My sexual energy is constantly growing and developing

I will attract any man I want

Men will be drawn to my energy

I will develop my confidence

Men are starting to approach me wherever I go

My attitude is becoming more positive and attractive

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Feeling sexy and attractive is a normal part of my life

Men are always pursuing me

Men are naturally drawn to my wonderful personality

I am tuned in to my sexual power

Men love to be around me

I naturally draw men to me in all situations

I am just naturally confident and outgoing all the time

Others see me as someone who always gets attention from men

I can attract any man

Men are naturally attracted to me

26.2. Attract Your Soul Mate Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attracting my soul mate

I believe deeply that I will attract my soul mate

My soul mate is strongly attracted to me

My mind is totally focused on attracting my soul mate

I am already connected deeply to my soul mate

I always radiate a loving and inviting energy

Others are drawn to me because of my positive energy

I deserve to find my soul mate

My soul mate and I are destined to be together

There is an unbreakable bond between my soul mate and I

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

My soul mate and I will be together

I will find my soul mate and we will live happily ever after

I am attracting my soul mate more with each day

I will attract my soul mate

A positive loving energy is growing between myself and my soul mate

I am beginning to feel deeply that I will meet my soul mate soon

Each day the energy between my soul mate and I grows stronger

I believe more each day that I will find my perfect partner

My soul mate is beginning to sense our connection

I will know my soul mate the instant we meet

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I believe in my ability to attract my soul mate

I find it easy to give off positive and loving energy to others

I can sense deeply that there is 1 special person I am meant to be with

Being warm, loving, and loveable is just a natural part of who I am

Others see me as someone they’d like to get to know more

There is a magical connection between my soul mate and I

My Soul mate and I are being drawn together

My soul mate and I are just meant to be together

When I meet my soul mate, I’ll just naturally know

I effortlessly radiate positive and loving energy

26.3. Confidence With Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am sexy

I am a confident Woman

I am comfortable in my own skin

I attract men naturally

Men are drawn towards my positive energy

I give off a glow that everyone notices

I am full of confidence

Men can pick up on my confidence

I am naturally sexy and attractive

I always have great interactions with men

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

My confidence with men is increasing

I will always put my best self forward

I will stay positive and have fun no matter what happens

I will enjoy meeting new men

I am starting to feel more naturally confident

I am feeling sexier and more daring

Men will be drawn to my sexy and confident attitude

I will always love myself no matter what

Meeting new men is becoming more and more exciting

I will get the man I want

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I just naturally attract men

Men are naturally drawn to my femininity

Being confident and feeling great is easy for me

It is normal for me to go after the man I want

I always feel confident, sexy, and happy

My energy is naturally positive and attractive

I always feel happy and confident when I am meeting men

Meeting new men is easy for me

My personality is attractive

Men just naturally love to be around me

26.4. Approach Anxiety (for Women) Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I always approach a man without hesitation

Men like it when I approach them

I confidently strike up conversations with attractive men

I am calm and relaxed

I acknowledge my fear and do it anyway

I make sure to have fun no matter what happens

I am always positive and outgoing

I approach attractive men with ease

Men find me interesting and attractive

I am confident enough to approach any man

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will approach attractive men

I will just go for it

I am finding it easier to relax and meet new men

Men will like the fact that I am confident enough to approach them

I will maintain a positive and outgoing attitude

I will relax and enjoy myself no matter what happens

I will constantly improve my approach skills

Approaching men will become easier and easier

I am becoming a super positive and outgoing person

My friends will be jealous of how many men I meet

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Approaching men comes naturally to me

I enjoy meeting new men

I can relax and just let the situation flow naturally

Talking and flirting with men is fun and exciting

I am just always positive and outgoing

The most important thing is that I have fun

I am naturally fearless when it comes to meeting new men

I will confidently walk up to any man that interests me

Others are amazed at my level of confidence and positivity

Men are attracted to my confidence

26.5. Fear of Rejection Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from fear of rejection

I am socially confident

I take risks even when I feel fear

I remain relaxed even though I might be rejected

I always stay positive in intimidating social situations

I am confident in new situations

I am good at talking to new people

I always take the risk of going after something I want

I accept rejection with a positive attitude

I think positively about myself no matter how others may feel

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of rejection

Every day I become more confident and outgoing

Taking social risks is becoming easier

I am finding myself more relaxed in social situations

Introducing myself to new people is becoming easier

I will stay positive even if I am rejected

I am becoming naturally confident and outgoing

I am beginning to enjoy the excitement of meeting new people

I am starting to let my guard down and take chances

Each day I become more confident in the face of uncertainty

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally carefree

Confidence comes naturally to me

I accept myself no matter what happens

I know that rejection is a natural part of life

I know I will succeed eventually

I speak my mind without fear of rejection

Feeling confident is the most natural thing in the world

Others are attracted to my positive and inviting energy

When new opportunities come my way I take action

People see me as someone who isn’t afraid to take risks

26.6. Extrovert Personality Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am extroverted

I am naturally outgoing

I always show my true self

I am always open to meeting new people

I enjoy sharing myself with others

I am always looking to share my thoughts and ideas

I am energized by socializing with others

I make new friends easily

I enjoy socializing and making new friends

Others love to be around me because I am so open and friendly

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become an extrovert

I will let my personality shine

I am beginning to effortlessly connect with others

Every day I become more extroverted

I am turning into a natural extrovert

I will develop an extroverted personality

I will have a full and enjoyable social life

I am becoming more and more social

Others are beginning to notice how outgoing I am

I am becoming more social and friendly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally extroverted

Being outgoing comes naturally to me

I enjoy socializing

I can go into extrovert mode whenever I need

I find it easy to share my thoughts and feelings

Being extroverted is normal for me

Being friendly and outgoing is my natural way of life

I love being around others

Making a connection with others is important

Being extroverted is the most natural thing in the world

26.7. Become The Alpha Female Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a confident and sexy woman

I allow my femininity to shine through

I am graceful, sexy, and beautiful

Men are naturally drawn to my femininity

I am a woman who knows how to attract a man

I am both dominating and submissive at the same time

I am irresistebly feminine

Men can pick up on my subtle sexual signals

I am the woman that everyone notices

Others admire my highly charged feminine energy

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will express my womanly nature

I will allow my femininity to shine through

Men will be helpless in my presence

I will light up a room with my positive energy

Others are starting to notice my subtle sexual power

I will act with grace, confidence, and power

I am starting to understand exactly how to attract men

Men are drawn to my femininity

I will allow my true beauty to shine through

I am becoming an alpha female

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being an alpha female comes naturally to me

I can naturally attract men wherever I go

My nature is subtle yet powerful

I naturally draw men towards me

I have a primal feminine energy within me

I am a beautiful, sexual, graceful woman

Being confident is just who I am

I just naturally am the alpha female

Men are drawn to my ultra feminine energy

I can tap into and express my womanhood at will

26.8. Seduce Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

My seductive powers are strong

I seduce men at will

I am tuned in to the mind of the man I want

I know exactly what to say and how to act

I sense the right moment to play shy

I know how to attract a man’s curiosity

I am great at playing innocent when I have to

I am a master seductress

I always seduce the man I want

I am highly skilled at playing hard to get

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a master seductress

My mind is becoming tuned in to men on a deep level

I will be submissive and confident at the right moments

I will peak the curiosity of any man I choose

My powers of seduction are growing every day

I will tap into my sexy, feminine, womanly nature

Seducing men is becoming easier and more natural

Men will be naturally drawn to my seductive powers

I will draw men in with my sexual confidence

I am becoming more naturally attractive to men

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Seducing men comes naturally to me

I can do exactly the right thing at the right time to increase attraction

I can play innocent when needed

Men are naturally drawn to me in a very deep way

My feminine sexuality gives off a powerful and seductive energy

Seducing men is easy

Being a seductress is just a normal part of my life

Other women are jealous of my ability to seduce men

I can tune in to men and know exactly how to attract them

I can effortlessly tap into my sexiness, playfulness, or confidence

26.9. Healthy Relationship Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am in love with my partner

I respect my partner deeply

I am able to be my true self around my partner

I communicate my wants and needs clearly

I always take into consideration the perspective of my partner

I am constantly striving to grow the love between my partner and myself

I am able to draw boundaries when needed

I go out of my way to support my partner

I am tuned in to the wants and needs of my partner

I am able to take space for myself when needed

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will develop a healthy relationship with my partner

I will be a wonderful spouse

I am starting to feel more and more in love

I will act with respect and care towards my partner

I am constantly developing and growing my relationship

Each day I feel closer to my partner

I am able to communicate clearly

I will always be honest and loving towards my partner

My relationship is improving each and every day

I will express my wants and needs clearly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I deserve to have a healthy relationship

I can respectfully communicate my feelings

Having a healthy relationship is extremely important to me

I do everything possible to nurture the love I have for my partner

My partner respects and cherishes me

Honest communication is one of my natural strengths

Having a healthy and loving relationship is just a normal part of my life

Drawing boundaries and fostering respect is important

Listening to my partners feelings is very important to me

Building a healthy relationship is worthy of any and all effort

26.10. Happy Relationship Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am building a happy relationship

I am dedicated to my partner

I am able to balance my own needs with the needs of my partner

I am happy and confident within myself

I deeply respect and cherish my partner

Making my partner happy is important to me

I am full of positive loving energy

I always bring positivity to my relationship

I communicate honestly and lovingly

I am overflowing with love and gratitude for my relationship

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will do everything in my power to build a happy relationship

I will remain dedicated to my partner

Each day I am happier and happier in my relationship

The love I feel for my partner is growing exponentially

My partner will appreciate the respect and consideration I give

I will express myself honestly and openly

I will let my partner know how much I love them

I will honor my relationship deeply

My relationship is becoming healthier and happier

Others will notice what a great relationship I have

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I deserve to have a happy relationship

There is a deep and profound love between my partner and I

Having a happy relationship is just a normal part of my life

I always express respect and love for my partner

Having a happy relationship is one of my top priorities

My partner and I are just naturally tuned in to each other

I am overflowing with gratitude for my happy relationship

I will nourish the love between my partner and I

My relationship is naturally healthy and happy

My partner and I are deeply happy together

26.11. Lasting Relationship Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am positive and loving

I support my partner unconditionally

I am deeply in love

I always communicate honestly, openly, and with respect

I am in a lasting relationship

I am focused on growing a healthy relationship

I always take my partner’s point of view into consideration

I am kind and considerate

I am able to draw boundaries

I always honor my relationship

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will build a lasting relationship

My relationship is getting stronger every day

I will always love and appreciate my partner

The respect between my partner and I is growing

I am starting to communicate honestly with my partner

I am falling more and more in love

I will be grateful for my relationship

Each day I become a better partner

I will nurture and protect my relationship

I will strive to express love and respect on a daily basis

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I deserve to have a lasting relationship

My relationship is a top priority in my life

I enjoy going out of my way to make my partner happy

It is important that I feel loved and secure

There is a natural connection between my partner and I

I can build the lasting relationship of my dreams

Nurturing a healthy relationship comes naturally to me

My partner effortlessly senses my love

Taking care of my relationship is of utmost importance

There is a natural trust within my relationship

26.12. Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am getting back together with my ex

I truly love and appreciate my ex

My ex can sense my inner positivity

I am confident and happy within myself

I am tuned in on a deep level to my ex

I am in a positive and loving state of mind

I am persistent and determined to get my ex back

I am confident that I can get my ex back

I am full of love and hope

My ex senses my loving energy

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will get back with my ex boyfriend

I will show him that things will be better

I am developing as a person and am ready for a meaningful relationship

I will love, respect, and honor my ex no matter what

I will be happy and content within myself

Each day my ex will feel my loving energy more and more

I will show my ex that I am confident, positive, and serious

My ex is starting to warm up to me again

I will give off loving, radiant energy

Communicating with my ex is becoming easier

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am already back with my ex

My ex is the true love of my life

Getting back with my ex boyfriend will be easy

There exists a deep and profound love between my ex and I

My mind is focused on rebuilding our relationship

I can show my ex that I am serious

My ex will naturally sense that things will be different

Making positive changes within myself is important

Being positive and confident comes naturally to me

My ex is naturally attracted to me

26.13. Become Natural With Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am natural with men

I am confident around men

I am beautiful and sexy

I have the confidence to approach any man

I am very confident

I am comfortable in my own skin

Men can’t help but be drawn to me

I have internal and external beauty

I am always the center of attention

I am very attractive

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become natural with men

I am becoming more confident around men

I am realizing more and more each day how beautiful I am

I am becoming more attractive by the day

I will be able to approach any man

Men will be attracted to me

I will be the woman other women want to be

I am attract quality men into my life

I will enjoy meeting new men

I will always love myself and believe in myself

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Attracting men comes naturally to me

I find meeting new men easy

Being surrounded by men is the most natural thing in the world

People see me as someone who is naturally attractive

Men love to be around me

I can get any man I want

Being natural with men has made my life great

Confidence is something I have in abundance

Men are always telling me how attractive I am

Other women are jealous of how attractive I am

26.14. Confidence To Approach Men Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I find it easy to approach men

I am able to start a conversation with any man I wish

I am outgoing and friendly at all times

I am a naturally confident woman

I am always confident and relaxed

I am interesting and attractive

I find it easy to overcome my fears

I can talk to any man no matter how hot he may be

I just naturally find it easy to think positive

Men like it when I approach them

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more confident by the day

I will approach any man

I am finding myself more calm and relaxed

I am turning into someone who is fearless

I will just go for it

I will be able to approach any man no matter how hot he is

I will find it fun to meet new men

I am finding it easier and easier to approach men

I am transforming into a positive thinker

I am turning into a woman who has a carefree attitude around men

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Approaching men comes naturally to me

I find it fun to approach men

Thinking positive is easy for me

Men find me very attractive

Others are amazed at how easy I find it to approach men

I always enjoy meeting new men

Being able to easily approach men has allowed my love life to flourish

People see me as someone who is naturally confident

I am always calm and relaxed

Talking to men is easy

26.15. Become An Alpha Female Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an alpha female

I find it easy to talk to new people

I am very interesting

I am naturally feminine

I am attractive to men

I am very confident and sexy

I find it easy to take control

I can easily stay relaxed even in stressful situations

I just naturally attract men

I am dominating but can be submissive when I need to be

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more attractive to men

I will become a woman who naturally attracts men

I am finding myself more confident by the day

I am turning into someone who is the center of attention

I am finding it easier to take the lead

I will work hard

I will stay relaxed even in stressful situations

I am turning into an alpha female

Men are just naturally drawn to me

I will become the woman other women want to be

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Confidence comes naturally to me

I find it easy too attract men

Being an alpha female is the most natural thing in the world

Being adored by men is my natural rite

My friends look to me for advice

I have an abundance of beauty

Other women want to be me

People see me as someone who confident and in control

Men can’t help but to be drawn in by my feminine energy

I am always the leader in any social group

26.16. Flirting Skills For Women Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a strong woman

I enjoy being myself

I can read signs from men

I am aware of what to say and do

I am able to show him I’m interested

Men like who I am

I accept nothing less than perfect when it comes to men

I believe in my flirting skills

I enjoy talking to men

I pay him compliments at appropriate times

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stop being afraid to make the first move

I will stop being cautious of breaking barriers

I will keep the conversation interesting

I will stop being desperate

Men will enjoy talking to me

I will stop being afraid to put myself out there

I will control the conversation

I will be aware of my surroundings

I will pick up on his feelings

I will read his body language

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally flirtatious

I put myself out there

I always use the best flirting skills

Flirting comes naturally to me

I control my anxiety with men

Others see me as bold and confident

I love who I am

My flirting skills are top-notch

I am friendly with men

The best version of me is my natural self

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