Chapter 1

1.1. Overcome Smoking Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am breathing healthy and smoke free air

I have healthy habits, which keep my organs clean and healthy

My will power overcomes any addictive substance use

I am free from smoking and very happy about it

My lungs are clean and healthy as I only inhale clean air

I am willingly over smoking

I have effortlessly stopped smoking completely

I care and respect my body and let go off unhealthy addictions

I am calm, easily and willingly over my bad habits

I have stopped smoking forever with ease and comfort

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I shall breathe only healthy and smoke free air

I will keep and maintain healthy habits, which keep my organs clean and healthy

My will power will overcome any addictive substance use

I will be free from smoking and do it very happily

My lungs will be and remain clean and healthy as I will only inhale clean air

I will soon be willingly over smoking

I will effortlessly stop smoking completely

I will care and respect my body each day and let go off unhealthy addictions

I will be calm, at ease and willing to get over my bad habits

I will stop smoking forever with ease and comfort

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My natural state is that of a non-smoker

My body is clean and healthy as I stick to my healthy habits

People admire my willpower and support my decision to have a smoke-free life

My senses are sharp and I enjoy fully tasting and smelling the food

Smoking has absolutely no appeal to me

My health is getting better every day

My lungs are filled with air and my muscles are well-nourished

It is great to live in a non-smoking environment

It is empowering to know that I have the power over my life choices

Relaxation and calm that I am now feeling are priceless and worth keeping no matter what

1.2. Alcohol Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from my alcohol addiction

I am happy with who I am

I find happiness within me

I am taking my life in my own hands

I am taking care of my body

I am loved by people in my life

I don’t need alcohol to be happy and in peace with myself

I can deal with anything that comes my way

I am able to stay in control

I surround myself with people who support me

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am letting go of my addiction to alcohol

I am becoming more and more sober with each passing day

I will take responsibility for my life

I will forgive myself for everything I’ve done

I am about to start a new life, free from alcohol

I appreciate and cherish myself more and more every day

I am becoming a strong individual with healthy habits

I will take control of my life

I am transforming into someone who is happy and peaceful

I will be spending my time with positive and supporting people

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Staying away from alcohol comes naturally to me

I deserve all the great things life has to offer

People see me as a positive, happy and healthy individual

My life is getting better with each passing day

I am worthy of a life free from alcohol addiction

My life is filled with happiness and peace

My relationships with people are healing

People see me as someone who successfully overcame alcohol addiction

My body and my spirit are healing

Being free from alcohol addiction has tremendously improved my life

1.3. Overcome Gambling Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from my gambling addiction

I am in control of my impulses

I affirm that I am stronger than my desire to gamble

I am a rational and responsible individual

I pay attention to my finances

I am changing my life and breaking free from gambling addiction

I surround myself with people who support me in my intention to stay strong against my desire to gamble

I am completely able to overcome the urge to gamble

I find no thrill in gambling

I am in full control of my life and my behavior

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am staying strong against my desire to gamble

I will devote my time to improving my life

I am transforming into someone who is responsible and rational

I will take control of my life and my finances

I am releasing the need to give in to my impulses

I will look after my health and wellbeing

I am in the process of forgiving myself for the things I’ve done while I was addicted to gambling

I will spend my time with people who support and love me

I am going to develop a new set of habits to support me in the process of recovery

I am turning into someone who is happy, peaceful and in control

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My impulse to gamble is less and less powerful with each passing day

People see me as someone who has successfully overcome gambling addiction

My debt is melting

I am a naturally calm person, fully in control of my impulses

I am using my money to do something worthwhile

My relationships with people around me make me happy and fulfilled

A brighter future is waiting for me to create it

I am the winner in my life

I am enjoying the life without gambling

I am free to choose what I want to do with my life

1.4. Shopping Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from shopping addiction

I am motivated at all times to control my urges and expenses

I am in control of my budget as I buy only the things I really need

I am strong and in control of my cravings

I am releasing the need to buy things

I am free to make my own choices

I find it easy to change my bad habits

I can choose if I will spend any money today and every day

I am a wonderful human being and I am free from all restrictions

I effortlessly eliminate all negative self-talk and I feel healthier and happier with each passing day

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more in control of my shopping impulses

I will become a financially responsible person

I am finding myself more at ease when I ignore my urge to shop

I am turning into someone who is feeling good about themselves and who is always relaxed and free to choose

I am becoming naturally calm and positive

I will make healthier choices in my life

I will fill my days with activities far more fulfilling than shopping

I am becoming totally in control of my life and my choices

I will get rid of the clutter in my home

I am becoming more and more happy with myself with each passing day

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Staying away from shopping comes naturally to me

I enjoy feeling relaxed and in control of my impulses

Being financially responsible is the most natural thing in the world

Being frugal is my natural rite

My body and mind are completely calm and relaxed

Nothing except myself has control over me

I am welcoming the positive change that overcoming compulsive shopping has brought into my life

Only the things that are essential to improving my life and the lives of my loved ones are worth spending money on

I trust that I will be taken care of no matter what

Being responsible and free to make my own choices has made me a better person and it has improved my life in so many ways

1.5. Overcome Sex Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from sex addiction

I am dedicated to overcoming my addiction to sex

I am always in control of my sexual urges

I am no longer seeing others as sex objects

I am living a life free from sex addiction

I am developing a strong will power

I find it easy to say NO to my own sexual urges

I am 100% in control of my own life

I have a healthy attitude towards sex

I always take responsibility for my own actions

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more free of my sex addiction

I will become more in control of my sexual urges

I am finding myself more positive about overcoming my addiction

I am turning into someone who is in control of their urges

I am becoming someone with a strong will power

I will live a life free from sex addiction

I will take responsibility for my own actions

I am turning into someone who is in control of their life

I am transforming into someone with a healthy attitude towards sex

I will see people as human beings and not as sex objects

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I find it easy to control my sexual urges

Overcoming sex addiction is the easiest thing in the world

I have strong self control that allows me to overcome any habit or addiction

I have no need to sleep with loads of people, I can fulfil myself sexually with just one partner

I see the opposite sex as equals and not as sex objects

Others see me as someone who takes responsibility for their actions

My attitude towards sex and relationships is healthy and positive

People see me as someone who is in control of their own life

Taking control of my sexual urges and overcoming my sex addiction is something I am dedicated to

Being free of sex addiction has made a big improvement to my life

1.6. Drug Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from my drug addiction

I am happy with who I am

I look inside myself for happiness

I am in control of my own life

I respect my body

I am loved by everyone around me

I find it easy to turn down drugs

I am not tempted at all by drugs

I have the natural ability to stay in control

I always make sure to only align myself with people who support me

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more free of my drug addiction by the day

I will become a drug free individual

I am finding myself more in control of my own life by the day

I will be able in control of my own life

I am becoming more happy about who I am

I will surround myself with people who support me

I will forgive myself for all I have done

I am turning into the happy person that I used to be

I am transforming into someone who can easily turn down drugs

I am becoming someone who loves themselves

--- Natural Affirmations ---

The only thing in control of my life is myself

I find it easy to turn down drugs

I deserve to be free of drugs

Being surrounded by positive people is natural to me

I have forgiven myself for all that I did while I was possessed by drugs

My life is free from drugs

I will stay free of drugs forever

People see me as someone who has successfully overcome drug addiction

People look up to me as someone who has wrestled with drug addiction and come out on top

Being free of drugs has been an improvement in my life

1.7. Computer Games Addiction Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to control the time I spend in front of the computer

I let go of the need to play

I am maintaining balance in my life

I am using the computer rationally and practically

I love being outside and spending time with my friends

I am easily amused in the real life

I release the guilt I felt for playing computer games

I am sticking to my schedule and finishing all my tasks

I am ambitious and I will build a great career

I am improving my relationships with people important to me

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will value my time more

I will limit the time I spend in front of the computer and use it rationally

I am transforming into someone who can control their urges

I am going to devote my time to activities that will contribute to my future

I will be going out more

I am becoming a responsible and strong individual

I am letting go of my dependency on the computer games

I will be spending more time out of the house

I will work on my creativity and spontaneity

I will take full responsibility for my life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Computer games have no control over me

I deserve to enjoy all the great things real life has to offer

People enjoy my company

My time is valuable and I choose to spend it wisely

I am fully aware of the difference between virtual and real life

It is great to spend quality time with real people

The only one who controls my life and my time is me

My circle of people I care about is getting bigger and more enjoyable

I am taking care of myself by getting enough sleep, eating well and being physical active

I am the most important person in my life and I will do everything I can to make my life the best it can be 

1.8. Stop Nail Biting Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am free from nail biting

I am aware of my hands and fingers

I am naturally relaxed without needing to bite my nails

My hands and fingers are relaxed

I keep my fingers away from my mouth

My nails are healthy and beautiful

I take proper care of my nails

I always clip my nails rather than bite them

I am in total control of my body

I have a sharpened awareness of nail biting

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my habit of nail biting

I will heal my finger nails

I will keep my hands and fingers away from my mouth

I am becoming more and more aware of my habit of nail biting

Each day I gain more control over my impulses

I am finding it easier to relax without biting my nails

My hands and fingers are becoming more relaxed

I will stay focused on controlling my body

My finger nails are beginning to heal

My friends are starting to notice that I have stopped biting my nails

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally relaxed and at ease

Keeping my fingers away from my mouth is easy

I can stop biting my nails

I have the power to control my habits

My finger nails are naturally healthy

It is important to let go of my nail biting habit

I can release stress and tension without biting my nails

It will feel incredible to overcome my nail biting habit

My hands are naturally relaxed and away from my mouth

Strong healthy nails are normal

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