Chapter 15

15.1. Astral Projection Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

My mind is ready for astra projection

I am leaving my body

I am relaxed and at peace

I am prepared for astral travel

I am sure that I can achieve astral projection

My consciousness is open to the astral plane

I am connected to my astral body

My mind is calm and aware

My entire being is at peace

My awarenes is expanded and open

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will experience astral projection

I will have an out of body experience

I will travel to the astral plane

I will access my astral body

My mind and body are becoming aligned for astral projection

I am developing a peaceful state of mind

I will remember my out of body experiences

Visualizing astral projection is becoming easier and easier

I am developing total belief in my ability to have an OBE

I am starting to have astral projections regularly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy having out of body experiences

I am naturally relaxed and at peace

Astral projection comes naturally to me

Leaving my body is easy

I believe deeply that I can have an out of body experience

Astral travel is just a normal part of my life

I leave my physical body every night

I am in a state of total peace

My awareness is completely expanded

Visualizing astral travel helps me to achieve it

15.2. Increase Psychic Powers Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am psychic

My mind is receptive to subtle energies

I am tuned-in to hidden cosmic forces

I am aligned with nature

I am highly receptive to psychic information

My psychic powers are strong

My sixth sense is activated

My mind is aligned with universal knowledge

I am extremely intuitive

My third eye is open

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will increase my psychic powers

I will open my third eye

My sixth sense is growing stronger

I am becoming more and more receptive to psychic information

I will perceive hidden knowledge

I am finding it easier to listen to my intuition

I will maintain contact with universal power

My psychic powers are growing stronger and stronger

My mind is becoming highly receptive to subtle energies

My awareness is expanding more and more

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I have a natural psychic ability

Psychic powers are normal for me

I can pick up on subtle energies

I am naturally receptive to psychic information

My intuition is naturally strong

I have a highly developed sixth sense

I can perceive things that others can’t

People are amazed at my psychic abilities

Universal energy and knowledge surround me

I can pick up on other peoples thoughts and emotions

15.3. Become Telepathic Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am telepathic

My psychic powers are active

I feel other peoples emotions

I sense what others are thinking

My mind is focused and relaxed

My awareness is fully expanded

I am aligned to the universal consciousness

I perceive subtle forces

I am telepathically attuned to others

I read people’s energies

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become telepathic

I will open my mind

My thoughts are becoming highly focused and serenely calm

My telepathic powers are growing

I am finding myself naturally tuned in to others thoughts

Each day I am becoming more telepathic

My third eye is opening

I am developing a sixth sense

My awareness is expanding beyond my own self

I am starting to perceive what others are thinking

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Telepathy comes naturally to me

Telepathy is real

I can develop my telepathic powers

I believe 100% in my telepathic abilities

I can feel other peoples moods

Tapping into unseen forces is easy for me

My sixth sense is finely-tuned

I have a highly developed intuition

Telepathic powers are a normal part of my life

My mind is totally open to universal energy

15.4. Meditation Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

My mind is clear and focused

I am free from stress and worry

My body is relaxed and calm

I am at peace within myself

I am detached from everything

I am committed to my meditation practice

I meditate deeply

My mind is at ease

My thoughts are quiet

I am focused on the present moment

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will let go of all worries

My mind is becoming quiet and relaxed

I am releasing the tension from my body

I will focus my mind on the present moment

My meditation practice is improving

I will meditate every day

I will release all stress and tension when I meditate

My mind is becoming highly focused and perfectly calm

I am finding it easier to detach from my thoughts

Meditation is becoming easier every time I practice

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My mind is naturally calm and tranquil

I can let go of my thoughts at will

I have a peaceful mind

I can detach from all concerns and worries

Meditation comes naturally to me

My meditation practice is an important part of my life

Releasing mental tension feels nice

Mental serenity is mine

I am naturally gifted at meditation

Meditation improves my health and well-being

15.5. View Auras Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am attuned to other people’s energy

I visualize emotional energy

My extrasensory perceptions are strong

I see auras around people

I sense subtle forces

My mind is open and aware

I see other people’s moods in the form of auras

My mind is tuned-in to other people’s thoughts and emotions

I sense energy everywhere I go

My awareness is completely open

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will sense the energy of other people

I will see auras around people

Viewing auras is becoming easier

I am developing a natural ability to see auras

I am starting to pick up on other people’s energy

I am becoming more tuned-in to other people

My extrasensory perceptions are strengthening

I am finding it easier to sense subtle energies

I am seeing more and more auras

My mind is opening up to hidden universal forces

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Viewing auras comes naturally to me

I can see peoples auras

I can easily sense energy

Seeing auras is easy

I am naturally tuned in to other peoples thoughts and feelings

Tuning into the energy of others is something I just do naturally

Seeing auras is a normal part of my life

I enjoy reading people’s energy

I have strong extrasensory perceptions

I can expand my energy awareness infinitely

15.6. Remote Viewing Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I remote view information accurately

My remote viewing ability is strong

I remote view places and people

My mind is open to all information

My mind is clear and focused

I remember all the details of a remote viewing session

I am receptive to new information

My senses are finely tuned

I am dedicated to mastering remote viewing

I concentrate extremely well

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will develop my remote viewing ability

I will remote view people, places, and information

Remote viewing is becoming easier

My mind is becoming highly focused

My awareness is constantly expanding

My remote viewing is becoming more and more accurate

I will clear my mind

I am developing highly efficient remote viewing abilities

I will remote view any target

I am developing a highly focused mind

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Remote viewing comes naturally to me

I can remote view whatever I focus my mind on

Remote viewing is a normal part of my life

Deep concentration is easy for me

My mind is naturally focused and sharp

I can pick up on distant information with my mind

Staying focused and disciplined comes easy to me

Remote viewing is enjoyable

I can easily get my mind into the perfect state for remote viewing

I can remote view anything I want

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