Chapter 18

18.1. Social Phobia Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am relaxed in public

I enjoy parties

I embrace social situations

I thrive in crowds

I am confident

I look forward to parties

I am outgoing and friendly

I have an inner calm in crowds

I am socially adept

I enjoy being social

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will have fun at parties

I will enjoy talking with others

I will seek out social situations

I am becoming more comfortable in groups

I will relax in groups

I will enjoy meeting new people

I am becoming more confident around others

I will become more outgoing

I will thrive in crowds

I will stay calm around others

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My personality is outgoing

Others enjoy meeting me

Others invite me to parties often

Meeting new people is fun

Engaging with others comes naturally to me

Confidence is one of my traits

Attending parties is fun

Being around others is relaxing

Crowds are fun to be in

Social situations are fun

18.2. Social Anxiety Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a social butterfly

I love meeting new people

I enjoy being in a crowd

I am very social

I seek out others

I am comfortable in groups

I meet new people easily

I am outgoing

I have loads of confidence

High self esteem is one of my best traits

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more socially confident

I will meet new people easily

I will relax at parties

I am starting to feel more at ease in social situations

Others will see me as a social butterfly

I am increasing my self esteem

I will transform into someone who is effortlessly outgoing

I will enjoy meeting new people

I will just be myself and have a carefree attitude

I am noticing I feel more comfortable in crowds

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Meeting new people is fun

I can effortlessly maintain eye contact

Being in crowds is comfortable

My confidence is high

Others see me as outgoing

My self esteem is high

Socializing is easy

Meeting new people comes easily to me

Staying calm in groups is easy

Being outgoing feels natural

18.3. Panic Attacks Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am calm

I am able to let go of panic

I have a serene life

I am a relaxed person

I am in control

I am safe and secure

I breathe easily and naturally

I am able to mentally detach from panic attacks

I have confidence

I am free from panic attacks

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will eliminate panic attacks

I will stay calm under pressure

I will stay in control

I will remind myself that I am safe

I will be okay

I will control my breathing

I will maintain focus and control

I am feeling more relaxed

I will focus on my breathing

I will overcome panic feelings

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Handling pressure is easy for me

Staying calm feels natural

Feeling safe is easy

Others see me as relaxed and calm

My life is calm

Taking deep breaths helps me relax

I can easily let go of a panic attack

Controlling my breathing comes naturally

Everything is okay in my life

My breathing is controlled

18.4. Agoraphobia Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am safe outside

I am confident in public

Being outdoors relaxes me

I enjoy being in public places

I am calm when standing in line

I am free to go anywhere

I am safe in public spaces

I am confident in new places

I am free from agoraphobia

I am a confident person

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome agoraphobia

I will enjoy visiting new places

I will enjoy leaving my house

I am becoming more confident and relaxed

I am developing inner calm

I will break free from fear

My confidence is developing steadily

I will enjoy meeting new people

I will naturally relax when waiting in lines

I will relax outdoors

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being outside feels natural

Open spaces make me feel relaxed and calm

Public places are safe

Waiting in line is a totally normal part of life

Calming myself down is easy

My confidence is high

Being in public is fun

Meeting new people is fun

Others see me as calm

Open spaces feel safe

18.5. Claustrophobia Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am always relaxed and at ease

I am calm on elevators

I am overcoming claustrophobia

I am fearless in small spaces

I am calm on trains

I am in control of myself

I breathe easily in tight spaces

I am safe even in crowded areas

I am comfortable in new places

I am perfectly fine being in a small room

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome claustrophobia

I will stay relaxed in tight spaces

I will be just fine in large crowds

I will feel safe in closed spaces

I will enjoy train rides

I will breathe easily in closed rooms

I will stay calm in elevators

I will enjoy bus rides

I will control my fear

I will feel safe in elevators

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Tight spaces are safe

Staying calm comes naturally

My claustrophobia has melted away

My fear is controlled

Elevator rides are just a normal part of life

Bus rides are relaxing

Crowded spaces feel safe

Staying relaxed comes naturally to me

Closed spaces feel cozy

I am a strong person in spite of my claustrophobia

18.6. Arachnophobia Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am calm around spiders

I accept spiders as just a normal part of life

I am cured of arachnophobia

I feel safe near spiders

My mind is always clear and relaxed

I am in control around spiders

I am free to live a normal life

I can think about spiders calmly

I am fearless

I have a calm life

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am beginning to like spiders

I will overcome my arachnophobia

I will learn to see spiders in a positive light

I will live a life free from fear of spiders

I will remain calm around spiders

I will enjoy thinking about spiders

I will stay in control around spiders

I will feel safe around spiders

I will lead a carefree life

I am becoming more and more relaxed

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Spiders are a harmonious part of nature

Spiders are neat

Thinking about spiders is easy

My arachnophobia has disappeared

My life is calm

I live a fearless life

I can easily calm myself down

I have perfect control over my reaction to spiders

Spiders are fun to watch

Spiders are actually kind of silly

18.7. Fear of Blood Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am comfortable with blood

I can look at blood easily

I can think about blood rationally

I am indifferent to blood

I am calm around blood

I am calm when I think about blood

I am in control of myself

I lead a fearless life

I am able to donate blood

I am safe around blood

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will feel safe around blood

I will overcome my fear of blood

I will stay in control around blood

I will think about blood rationally

I am starting to feel indifferent to blood

I will stay calm around blood

I will lead a life free from fear

I will donate blood

I will look at blood easily

I will stay calm when I think about blood

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally fearless around blood

Blood is easy to look at

Blood is just a normal part of life

Dealing with blood is no big deal

Working around blood is easy

Staying calm around blood is easy

My thoughts are rational and controlled

I can easily handle the sight of blood

Others see me as someone who is unfazed by blood

My mind is calm around blood

18.8. Fear of Cancer Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am letting go of my fear of cancer

I am alive and well

I live my life fully

I am healthy

I am safe around those with cancer

I am focused on being healthy

I am in control

I am calm when talking about cancer

I stay calm around those with cancer

My thoughts are positive and uplifting

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will banish my fear of cancer

My mind will let go of thoughts about cancer

I will stay calm around those with cancer

I will be relaxed when talking about cancer

I will live fearlessly

I will focus on being healthy and happy

My thoughts are becoming more positive

I will feel safe around those with cancer

I will let go of my fears

I am feeling happier and more carefree

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I live life to the fullest

I can easily talk about cancer and remain calm

I take care of myself to the best of my ability

Talking about cancer is easy

Living calmly comes naturally to me

Feeling healthy is my natural state

Having a normal fear of cancer is ok

Being around those with cancer is safe

I can let go of my fears whenever I want

I have overcome my fear of cancer

18.9. Fear of Death Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am calm when thinking about death

I am free from fear of death

I am calm at funerals

I can speak easily about death

I live life to the fullest

I have cured my fear of death

I am in control of my thoughts

I am calm when thinking about dying

I am unafraid of dying

I always live for the present moment

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will let go of my fear of death

I will be calm at funerals

I will be in control of my thoughts

I will talk about death easily

I will live life fully

I will lead a carefree life

I will accept death and live life to the fullest

I will stay calm when thinking about dying

I will release my death anxiety

I will live fearlessly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My life is full

Others see me as a carefree person

My fear of death is gone

Thinking of death is no big deal

I am naturally at peace with death

Controlling my thoughts is easy

I embrace the cycle of life and death

I have a fearless and joyous attitude towards life

Being carefree comes naturally to me

Death is just the next stage of life

18.10. Fear of Dogs Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like dogs

I think dogs are friendly

I enjoy watching dogs

I feel safe around dogs

I am unfazed by barking dogs

I visit friends with dogs

I lead a carefree life

I am courageous around dogs

I have overcome my fear of dogs

I am calm around dogs

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of dogs

I will stay calm around dogs

I will enjoy walks in the park among dogs

I will lead a carefree life

I will visit friends with dogs

I will learn to enjoy the company of dogs

I will enjoy watching dogs

I will be free from fear

I am beginning to really like dogs

I am beginning to feel safe around dogs

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Watching dogs play is fun

Dogs are friendly

Barking dogs are funny

My friends know I’m comfortable around their dogs

My life is relaxed and positive

Walking in the park is relaxing

Dogs are safe and friendly

My fear of dogs is gone

Dogs are fun to watch

Dogs naturally like me

18.11. Fear of Flying Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like flying

I look forward to taking flights

I am naturally positive when flying

I am calm when flying

I enjoy taking long flights

I relax when on planes

I visit new sights regularly

I enjoy traveling

I travel often

I can fly anywhere in the world

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of flying

I will fly often

I will visit far away relatives

I will book flights without hesitation

I will banish my fear

I will live fearlessly

I am beginning to enjoy flying

I will look forward to traveling

I will relax on planes

I will have a carefree life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Flying is fun

Long flights are relaxing

Plane rides are enjoyable

Visiting far away places is fun

Flying to business meetings is easy

My fear of flying is gone

Booking flights is exciting

Others see me as a frequent flyer

My life is free from fear

Flying is easy for me

18.12. Fear of Heights Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like heights

I am in control of my thoughts

I enjoy the view from heights

I am calm when I am high up

I am relaxed on bridges

I enjoy the view from tall buildings

I am totally comfortable being up high

I have overcome my fear

I am relaxed and in control

My mind is always calm

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will embrace heights

I will enjoy looking down from heights

I will climb mountains just to see the view

I will stay calm on bridges

I will control my thoughts

I will enjoy the view from tall buildings

I will overcome my fear of heights

I will lead a carefree life

I will look down easily when I am high up

I will control my emotions

--- Natural Affirmations ---

The view is beautiful from high up

My thoughts are calm

My mind is relaxed when I am high up

Heights are easy for me

Looking down from heights is easy

My fear of heights is gone

My life is carefree

I am at ease when on bridges

I enjoy being up high

The view from a cliff is magical

18.13. Fear of Snakes Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like snakes

I am in control of my reactions

I have overcome my fear of snakes

I like watching snakes

I am calm around snakes

I work in my garden fearlessly

I am comfortable around snakes

I think about snakes calmly

I am carefree when outdoors

I am in control of my reactions around snakes

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of snakes

I am beginning to like snakes

I will control my reactions to snakes

I will be carefree when working in the garden

I will go outdoors fearlessly

I will stay calm around snakes

I will control my reaction to snakes

I will enjoy watching snakes

I will lead a carefree life

I will cure my fears

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Snakes are a part of nature

Snakes are fun to watch

Being calm around snakes is easy for me

Going outdoors is safe

I am naturally relaxed around snakes

I can easily control my reaction to snakes

My fear of snakes is gone

My breathing is calm around snakes

Others know that I like snakes

When I see snakes I am calm

18.14. Fear of Surgery Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am ready for surgery

I am confident in my surgeon

I am comfortable in hospitals

I like doctors

I am safe on the operating table

I like hospitals

I know surgeons are skilled

I am in control of my thoughts

I am calm thinking about surgery

I am at peace with my surgery

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will sail through surgery

I will stay calm thinking about surgery

I am beginning to look forward to my surgery

I will be confident of my surgical results

I will feel safe in hospitals

I will be confident in my surgical team

I will be calm in the hospital

I will remain relaxed and at peace

I am getting ready for surgery

I will cure my fear of surgery

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Feeling safe in hospitals feels natural

My surgery will be successful

My fear is melting away

Thinking about surgery is easy for me

Staying calm comes naturally to me

Hospitals are healing

Surgery is helpful

My thoughts are controlled

Surgeons are very skilled

Operating rooms are safe

18.15. Fear of Doctors Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like doctors

I enjoy going to the doctor’s office

I look forward to speaking with the doctor

I am cured of my fear of doctors

I am relaxed around doctors

My health is important to me

I always seek health advice from my doctor

I get all of my health questions answered by my doctor

I attend regular exams

I am comfortable talking with doctors

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will visit the doctor

I will make regular doctor’s appointments

I will overcome my fear of doctors

I am finding myself more naturally relaxed around doctors

I am beginning to like my doctor

I will ask the doctor questions easily

I will stay in control of my emotions

I will control my thoughts

I will look forward to seeing the doctor

I will feel safe around doctors

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Doctors are healers

Doctors’ offices are calming

Getting my questions answered is easy

Doctors make me feel safe

My thoughts are controlled

My mind is calm around doctors

I live a carefree and relaxed life

Doctors help keep me healthy

I appreciate my doctor

Controlling my emotions is easy

18.16. Fear of Vomit Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to calmly think about vomit

I am comfortable around vomit

I am unfazed by the smell of vomit

I can handle the sight of vomit

I am unaffected by seeing someone vomit

I am at ease when I think I might vomit

I am calm around vomit

I am able to talk about vomit easily

I am calm when I am sick

I am cured of my fear of vomit

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of vomit

I will remain steadfast at the sight of vomit

I will easily help those who are vomiting

I will stay calm when I feel sick

I will overcome my fear of vomit

I am noticing that the smell of vomit is easier to handle

The sight of vomit is becoming easier to deal with

I am learning to control my emotions

I will stay in control of my thoughts

I will live a carefree life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Vomiting is natural

My thoughts are controlled

My mind is calm

Being sick is something I can easily deal with

My fear of vomit is controlled

I am naturally unfazed by vomit

I can easily handle the smell of vomit

I am letting go of my fear of vomit

Helping those who are vomiting is easy

I can calmly clean up vomit

18.17. Fear of Water Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I like water

I enjoy swimming

I feel calm in the water

I enjoy playing in the water

I am a great swimmer

I like splashing in the water

I am at home near the water

I am in control of my emotions

I feel safe in the water

I can swim easily in deep water

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will enjoy swimming

I will overcome my fear of the water

I will stay calm in the water

I will stay in control of my thoughts

I will let go of my fear

I am beginning to like the water

I will become a natural swimmer

I will stay calm when thinking about water

I will swim fearlessly in deep water

I will feel comfortable in open water

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Swimming feels natural to me

Others think I am a great swimmer

Being around the water feels natural

Swimming comes easily to me

The water has a calming effect on me

Swimming is fun

Being near the water feels right

Being in the water makes me feel calm

Being in the water is fun

Thinking about water is easy for me

18.18. Fear of Needles and Injections Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am fine with getting an injection

I have overcome my fear of needles

I can handle receiving injections easily

I am in control of my thoughts

My mind is relaxed and calm

I always think positively

I am in control around needles

I am calm when talking about injections

I am unfazed by injections

I am always calm when getting injections

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome my fear of needles

I will stay in control of my emotions

I will stay calm around needles

I will speak easily about injections

I will understand the necessity of injections

I will cure my fear of injections

I will handle my thoughts about needles

I will get an injection when I need it

I will stay calm when thinking about needles

I will be at ease when getting injections

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I am naturally calm around needles

Injections are simple to handle

Injections keep me healthy

Needles are safe

Getting injections is easy

Seeing needles is something I can easily handle

Fearlessness is my natural state

My body is calm around needles

Handling needles is easy

My thoughts are controlled

18.19. Stage Fright Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I thrive under pressure

I enjoy being on stage

I handle being in front of a crowd well

I am a natural performer

I look forward to performing on stage

I stay calm in front of others

I belong on the stage

I enjoy the spotlight

I am over my stage fright

I can perform flawlessly

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stay calm under pressure

I will have great stage presence

I will remain calm in front of an audience

I will thrive under pressure

I will enjoy being on stage

I am beginning to enjoy the spotlight

I will overcome my stage fright

I will remain relaxed in front of a crowd

I will enjoy performing in front of a lot of people

I will perform flawlessly

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being comfortable on stage comes naturally to me

Performing on stage is a wonderful feeling

Staying calm under pressure is easy

Others call me a natural performer

Crowds bolster my confidence

My stage fright is melting away

I love being in the spotlight

Performing is fun

Others see me as someone who thrives under pressure

I have nerves of steel

18.20. Stop Paranoia Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am safe

I can trust others

I can trust myself

I believe in other people

I am free from paranoia

I am secure in myself

I am able to trust

I am free from anxiety

I am a confident person

I am in control of my fear

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will learn to trust others

I will take control of my emotions

I will think rationally

I will overcome my fear

I will break free from paranoia

I will trust myself

I will feel safe with others

I will confide in others

I will trust my secrets with others

I am building confidence

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others are genuine

Other people want to help me

Trusting people comes naturally to me

My feelings are safe with others

My anxiety is controlled

My paranoia is gone

People are friendly

People can trust me

Other people are trustworthy

Being around others makes me feel safe

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