Chapter 25

25.1. Athletics Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I run fast

I jump high

I am a great athlete

I am a fierce competitor

I can run like the wind

I am a winner

I have great stamina

I am dedicated to my training

I am motivated to practice

I am a skilled player

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stay focused on winning

I will train consistently

I am becoming a great athlete

I will enjoy practicing

I will reach my full athletic potential

I will exceed the expectations of others

I will push myself to attain a high level of athleticism

I will always perform my best

My stamina is increasing

Each day my running becomes faster and faster

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My stamina is naturally high

Motivation is a normal part of my every day life

Running fast is easy

I enjoy training

Practicing regularly is fun

My athletic abilities are naturally strong

My endurance is high

I can reach any athletic goals that I want

Focusing my mind is something I just naturally do

Winning is the best feeling in the world

25.2. Running Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am committed to running

I am a natural born runner

I enjoy running

I am motivated to run

I feel great when running

I always strive to go faster and further

I am a fast runner

I am agile

I always look forward to running

I am focused on running

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will run regularly

I will increase my stamina

I will be motivated to run

I am finding it easy to run further and faster

I will become extremely dedicated to running

I am beginning to realize my running potential

I will be known for my running ability

I am starting to look forward to running

I will stick to my running routine

My endurance is building

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Running comes naturally to me

Others know me as a runner

My endurance is naturally high

Running is easy

Running is part of my routine

My lifestyle is active

Motivation to run comes easily to me

Running is fun

My stamina is great

Running feels natural and easy

25.3. Golf Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a focused player

I have a steady swing

I am very alert

I remain focused for long periods of time

I concentrate easily

I am a great golfer

I thrive under pressure

I am in the zone

I am a confident player

I have an accurate swing

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am improving my game

I am growing more confident

I will be a successful golfer

I will win consistently

I will perfect my swing

I will stay focused under pressure

My swing is becoming more steady

I will be aware of my posture

I will continually improve my golf game

I am developing a perfect stance

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Playing golf comes naturally to me

Golf is my life

Practicing golf is something I truly enjoy

My swing is steady

Focusing comes easily

Others recognize how well I play

Concentrating feels natural

My posture is perfect

Golf is fun

Winning is easy

25.4. American Football Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I run fast

I am a solid player

I always train hard

I am focused on winning

I throw accurately

I block successfully

I am very coordinated

I am highly focused during practice

I am dedicated to training

I am motivated to win

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will train regularly

I will focus on winning

I will throw perfectly

I will outrun my opponent

I will stay focused on the game

I will concentrate on playing my best

I will run fast

I will play a great game

I will sharpen my reflexes

I will think clearly in pressure situations

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Football is my life

I have a winning attitude

Competing is fun

Running fast feels natural

Intense Focus comes naturally to me

Consistent training is important to my success

My throws are naturally on target

My body is perfect for football

I love studying football plays

My coordination is perfect

25.5. Baseball Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a star ball player

I am a fast runner

I am a great hitter

I am dedicated to practicing

My body is built for baseball

I have excellent coordination

I am motivated to win

I am skilled at baseball

My mind is focused on winning

Others see me as a great baseball player

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will practice regularly

I will improve my batting average

I will increase my hitting distance

I am sharpening my focus

I will throw perfect pitches

I will stay motivated

I am improving my coordination

I will do everything I can to win

I will hit home runs

I will catch every ball that is hit to me

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I was born to play baseball

Others see me as a naturally gifted ball player

My throws are always on target

My teammates expect me to hit home runs

My batting average is stellar

Practicing baseball is fun

Winning comes easily to me

My coordination is excellent

My motivation to practice is high

My drive to play well comes naturally

25.6. Basketball Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a talented basketball player

I am focused on training

I am a fast runner

I am a skilled dribbler

I score effortlessly

I am driven to win

I am a successful basketball player

I have an accurate shot

I play basketball well like a pro

I am a dedicated player

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am improving at basketball every day

I will score huge amounts of points

I will develop into a pro player

I will do everything possible to win

I will shoot hoops like a pro

I will dribble smoothly

I will pass the ball accurately

I will practice often

I will focus my mind on becoming a top level basketball player

I will become a great basketball player

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Playing basketball comes naturally to me

My focus at practice is unshakeable

My game is improving

My skills are impeccable

My presence on the court makes my opponents tremble

Basketball is my sport

Practicing basketball is fun

My mind is always focused on winning

Winning is natural and normal for me

My reflexes are extremely sharp

25.7. Darts Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I have great concentration

I thrive under pressure

I am a great darts player

I have superb aim

I have accurate aim

I am a focused player

I am motivated to practice

I love to play darts

I practice regularly

I am a confident darts player

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will practice regularly

I am increasing my confidence

I will become a winning darts player

I will stay focused

I will perfect my aim

I will keep a steady hand

Others will see me as a great darts player

I am increasing my motivation

I will concentrate on my target

I will focus on my form

--- Natural Affirmations ---

My aim is perfect

My hand is steady

My form is good

Focus comes naturally to me

Darts is my life

Others view me as a winner

My concentration is long lasting

My confidence is high

Playing darts comes naturally to me

Practicing is fun

25.8. Ice Hockey Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a skilled hockey player

I enjoy practicing

I am focused on winning

I am motivated to train frequently

I am an important part of my hockey team

I think like a pro hockey player

I am a great skater

I have perfect shot accuracy

I am aware of plays as they develop

I always get myself into scoring position

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will play become a great hockey player

I will practice regularly

I will train with dedication

I will perfect my passing

I will focus my mind on the game

I will think like a pro

I will transform into a scoring machine

I will always play my hardest

I am becoming a top level skater

I will keep getting better at hockey no matter what

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Scoring comes easily to me

Winning feels natural

Practicing is fun

Skating comes naturally to me

Others see me as a great hockey player

I naturally think like a pro player

My shot accuracy is perfect

My mind is finely-tuned for ice hockey

I have a natural awareness for scoring opportunities

Being on the ice feels natural to me

25.9. Lacrosse Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a focused lacrosse player

I am dedicated to training

I am a winner

I have excellent ball control

I am a fast runner

I am a strategic lacrosse player

I am conditioned to win

I have a clear mind

I am focused

I have self confidence

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will win lacrosse games

I will improve my ball control

I will run at lightning speed

I will do everything possible to win

I will stay focused

I will motivate myself to train hard

I am developing massive self confidence

I will practice often

I am starting to enjoy training

I will clear my mind and focus on the game

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Winning feels natural to me

Others naturally expect me to win at lacrosse

My mind is clear

My brain is focused

Training is enjoyable for me

Others admire my natural ball control

Running fast feels effortless

My self confidence is high

My aim is perfect

25.10. Pool Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I have great aim

I am a confident pool player

I am a consistent winner

I am totally focused

I am motivated to practice regularly

I am highly skilled at pool

I effortlessly visualize the perfect shot

I am known as a top pool player

I am confident in my abilities

I thrive under pressure

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will practice seriously

I will focus my mind on the game

I will maintain a deep level of concentration

I will ignore distractions

I will win at pool

I will make perfect shots

I will improve my technique

I will clear my mind when playing pool

I am improving my pool game

I will visualize winning

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Playing pool comes naturally to me

Focusing is easy

Practicing is fun

Winning at pool comes easily to me

Concentrating at pool feels natural

Visualizing victory is important to my success

My mind stays clear when playing pool

My aim is perfect

My confidence is high

My grip on the pool stick is relaxed and steady

25.11. Snooker Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a focused snooker player

I enjoy practicing snooker

I always win at snooker

Others see me as a great snooker player

I am a skilled snooker player

I have perfect aim

I am a natural at snooker

I always practice seriously

I have solid concentration

I have perfect control over my mind when playing snooker

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stay focused

My aim is getting better and better

I will concentrate fully

I am improving my snooker skills every day

I will win at snooker

I will dedicate myself to training

I will unlock my natural snooker talent

I am perfecting my snooker technique

My confidence is steadily increasing

I will stay calm when playing snooker

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Playing snooker comes naturally to me

Winning at snooker is easy

My aim is perfect

My technique is flawless

Practicing snooker is fun

Self confidence comes naturally

Playing snooker is my life

My focus is unshakeable

Snooker is easy for me

My mind is finely-tuned for playing snooker

25.12. Rugby Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great rugby player

I am dedicated to training

I am a focused player

I run fast

I throw forcefully and accurately

I am always in peak shape

I have accurate passing skills

I concentrate fully and easily

I have sharp reflexes

I have control of the ball at all times

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will train rigorously

I will focus on the game

I will push myself during training

I will become a great rugby player

Others will know me as a successful player

I am improving my concentration skills

I will throw accurately

I will retain ball control

I am building my confidence

I am improving my accuracy

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I love rugby

Training often is just a normal part of my life

Winning feels great

Concentrating comes easily to me

Others are in awe of my rugby skills

My rugby skills are constantly improving

Focusing feels natural to me

Throwing the ball is easy

Training is something I always look forward to

Ball control is easy for me

25.13. Soccer Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a fast runner

I am a great shooter

I make perfect passes

I have excellent ball control

I always train hard

I have perfect accuracy

I am a natural scorer

I am 100% dedicated to becoming a great soccer player

I am a highly skilled soccer player

My mind is perfectly wired for soccer

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will practice every day

I am becoming a fantastic dribbler

I will sharpen my reflexes

My confidence is building

I will stay focused on improving

I will do everything to win

I will be a leading scorer

I will train harder than anyone else

I will improve my accuracy

My coordination is steadily improving

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Soccer is in my blood

Scoring goals is easy

I have a burning desire to become a great soccer player

I can develop into a pro player if I put my mind to it

Soccer is my life

My teammates see me as a great player

I naturally notice plays developing

I enjoy training

My mind is totally focused on developing into a great player

Scoring comes naturally to me

25.14. Swimming Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a skilled swimmer

I have incredible endurance

I am physically strong

I have excellent rhythm

I breathe efficiently

I make swimming look effortless

I have a clear mind

I am focused on swimming

I enjoy training

I am very coordinated

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a championship swimmer

I will increase my stamina

I will stay focused

I am building my endurance

I will train regularly

My technique is improving

I am becoming stronger

Others are starting to notice what a great swimmer I am

I will always perform to my absolute best

I will be dedicate myself to swimming

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Swimming comes naturally to me

Concentrating in the water feels natural

Swimming is easy

I enjoy training hard and pushing myself to the max

I am naturally focused when swimming

Training is fun

Swimming competitions are easy to win

Perfect swimming technique comes naturally to me

I have great stamina

I am naturally motivated to train hard

25.15. Tennis Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an excellent tennis player

I always play tennis with intensity

I am a fast sprinter

I have an accurate swing

My serve is powerful

I am focused on playing well

I am dedicated to practicing

I have a winning mindset

I always play to win

Others see me as a gifted tennis player

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am developing into a top level player

I will practice intensely

I will return serves with ease

I will focus on winning

I am improving my level of concentration

Winning tennis games is becoming easier and easier

I will stay focused

I will develop a powerful backswing

I am starting to enjoy practicing

I will improve my serve

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Tennis comes naturally to me

Practicing tennis is fun

I have a powerful and accurate serve

My mind is clear and focused on tennis

I was born to play tennis

My concentration level is high

My shot accuracy is superb

Others think of me as a natural born tennis player

Winning comes easily to me

My reflexes are naturally fast and sharp

25.16. Tenpin Bowling Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great bowler

My release is smooth

My bowling arm is strong and steady

I focus on the pins perfectly

My mind is wired for perfect bowling technique

I am able to block out distractions

I always get a high score

I thrive under pressure

Others know me as a great bowler

I have a winning mindset

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will improve my score

I will focus on training

Getting strikes is becoming easier

I will block out distractions

I will uncover my potential in bowling

I will improve my accuracy

I will give my best effort

I will win at bowling

I will stay cool under pressure

I will improve continuously

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Bowling is easy

I can effortlessly rack up the strikes

I love bowling

Winning at bowling comes naturally to me

I can focus easily

Accuracy is one of my strengths

My bowling skills are obvious

Bowling comes naturally to me

My average score is climbing

My coordination is excellent

25.17. Marathon Training Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I just naturally follow my training schedule

I am a positive thinker

I am committed to training for my marathon

I always strive to push myself

I am a natural born runner

I am always eating healthily

I find it easy to push myself

I am always motivated to train

I just naturally look forward to training

I love running

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more motivated by the day

I will become a healthy eater

I will complete a marathon

I will run even when I don’t feel like it

I am becoming someone who keeps on pushing themselves

I will follow my training schedule

I will learn to love running

I am building up my endurance

I am transforming into an excellent marathon runner

I am becoming fitter and fitter

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Training for a marathon comes easy to me

I find being motivated easy

Positive thinking comes naturally to me

I love to train

I always make sure to eat healthily

I have an insane desire to push my body to its limits

I have an abundance of endurance

People see me as someone who is dedicated

Running is fun

I love nothing more than doing an intense training session

25.18. Cycling Training Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an amazing cyclist

I am always pushing myself in my training sessions

I am willing to do whatever it takes to win my race

I am always thinking about cycling

I love cycling training

I am a natural born cyclist

I find it easy to find the motivation needed to get on my bike and complete my training

I am committed to training for my race

I just naturally take action

I naturally think positive thoughts

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more motivated by the day

I will become a positive thinker

I am finding myself more focused on my training

I am turning into someone who is willing to do what they need to do to win

I am learning to love training

I will push through the pain barrier

I will stick to my training schedule

I am becoming fitter and fitter

I am transforming into an amazing cyclist

I am becoming more determined to push myself

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Training is something I love to do

Staying motivated at all times is easy for me

Being physically fit is something I pride myself on

I’m an amazing cyclist

I have a high level of motivation

Cycling is fun

I always make sure to push myself in my training sessions

People see me as someone who is focused on winning

I find it very easy to think positive

Training for a race comes easy to me

25.19. Athlete Mindset Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an amazing athlete

I am motivated at all times to train

I am a positive thinker

I am always taking action

I am willing to do whatever it takes to win

I find it easy to take action

I find it easy to stay motivated at all times

I make sure to always push myself

I just have a natural drive to want to win

I always work hard

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more focused by the day

I will become competitive

I will become a hard worker

I will do whatever it takes to win

I am becoming naturally driven to win at all costs

I will always think positively

I will set goals and reach them

I am turning into an amazing athlete

I am transforming into a natural born winner

I am becoming more disciplined

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Motivation comes naturally to me

I find it easy to stay focused

Positive thinking comes easy to me

I always make sure to keep on pushing myself

Others see me as focused and determined

I set goals and reach them

I will do what others wont to achieve what others don’t

I was born to be an amazing athlete

Nothing can stop me

I find it easy to take action

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