Chapter 24

24.1. Improve Social Skills Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a confident when in social situations

My social skills are improving every day

I can speak confidently to anybody

I enjoy speaking to new people

I have naturally good social skills

I always speak clearly

I am able to deal with anything that anybody says to me

I always stand up for myself

I am relaxed when I speak to new people

I am outgoing

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will stay calm when speaking to people

I find it easy to be myself around others

Conversations are starting to feel more natural

I will improve my life

I will be taken seriously when I speak to people

My social skills will become more natural to me

I will take control of my life through my social skills

My voice will become stronger and more easily heard

I will be the first one to start small talk

Others will admire my social skills

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Every day I grow more confident in social situations

Social skills come naturally to me

People enjoy speaking to me

Others admire my ability to speak to new people

I enjoy being more confident and outgoing

People listen to me when I speak

Improving my social skills will change my life

My social skills make me stand out from the crowd

My career will benefit by improving my social skills

I can make and maintain eye contact when speaking to others

24.2. Improve Communication Skills Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an excellent communicator

I enjoy talking to other people

I am assertive and able to influence people

I can say no

I am outgoing and can speak to anybody

I believe my communication skills are strong

I am confident when I speak to others

I am a natural leader

I can express my opinions easily

I can remain calm when speaking to others

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will improve my communication skills

I will practise communicating more often

I will be more confident when speaking to others

Every day I become more confident in my communication skills

I will learn to enjoy my conversations

I will be more assertive

My communication skills get better every day

I will excel in my career because of my strong communication skills

I will find it easier to start conversations

My communication skills will get me out of difficult situations

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others enjoy speaking to me

Communication skills are an important part of my life

Speaking to new people is easy

The more positive I am, the easier it will be to start conversations

My communication skills will improve my career

People listen to what I say

My strong communication skills will help me through job interviews

Others will start to notice how much better at communicating I have become

I am a natural communicator

My communication skills impress others

24.3. Become More Outgoing Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to go anywhere I want

I can attend events without my friends

I am confident even when I do not know anybody

I can overcome shyness

I am going to make more friends

I feel comfortable speaking to people I don’t know

I can remain relaxed in unfamiliar locations

My social life is very important

I am the centre of attention at parties

I feel good when I try something new

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be more spontaneous

I will be able to go out whenever I like

I will improve my social life

I will say yes more often

I will make more effort to go out

I find that I am more adventurous every day

I am becoming naturally outgoing

I am transforming into an extrovert

I will become more outgoing

I will be more comfortable in any situation that comes my way

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy myself when I try new things

My social life is extremely important to me

Being more outgoing allows me to have more fun

Meeting new people is easy

I like being spontaneous

Being outgoing comes naturally to me

I find it easy to meet new people

I can do anything I believe I can do

I enjoy being more outgoing

Being outgoing is an improvement in my life

24.4. Naturally Start Conversations Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I can effortlessly come up with conversation topics

I am able to approach others and begin a conversation

I am at ease in social situations

I am able to overcome awkward situations when they arise

I am confident enough to be able to start a conversation

I am good at finding things I have in common with others

I do not care what other people think

I am happy to be myself in a conversation

I can advance my career by starting more conversations

I do not worry about making small talk

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be able to speak to anybody I like

Every day I become more confident

I will not worry about what others think of me

I will not be intimidated by others

I will be able to effortlessly approach people

I will improve my topics for starting conversations

I will be able to make more friends

Every day I become more relaxed in social situations

Starting conversations will begin to feel more natural

I will be more likely to find a soul mate by starting a conversation

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Starting a conversation is simple

I enjoy speaking to new people

Making more contacts will help me advance my career

Confidence is a key part of my life

Each time I start a conversation I broaden my horizons

Starting conversations comes naturally to me

People admire my communication skills

Making small talk is easy

I am confident in my personality

Other people have high opinions of my communication skills

24.5. Win Friends And Influence People Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to speak to new people

I enjoy starting conversations

I am good at persuading people

I am good at finding people I have common interests with

I can make new friends quickly and easily

People take my opinions seriously

I can inspire others with my words

I am improving my social skills every day

I am relaxed when beginning conversations

I can lead conversations in the direction I want them to go

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be able to make friends more easily

I will make more of an effort to begin conversations

My friends will listen to me more

I will find it easier to express my feelings

I will become more assertive and firm

Others will realise that I am easy to get along with

I will make my voice heard

Conversations will feel more natural to me

People will see me as outgoing and friendly

I will be able to show my personality more

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others think I am confident and assertive

I enjoy meeting new people

My friends make me happy

Starting conversations is within my comfort zone

My social skills will help me excel in my career

People find me easy to get along with

I become better at making friends every day

Making friends comes naturally to me

Saying no is easy

My conversation skills allow me to help others

24.6. Stop Criticizing People Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I do not see people’s flaws

I am good at encouraging other people

I am better at seeing people’s achievements than their failings

I can make people happy with my words

I wake up and feel positive

I am good at complimenting people

I find it easy not to criticize people

I naturally see the personality of a person rather than what they look like

I am able to smile more and feel happier

I can tell people when I am impressed at their achievements

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will begin to compliment people more

I will stop criticizing people

I will become a more positive person

I will become more sensitive towards other’s feelings

I am transforming into a better person

I will strive to help others rather than put them down

I am becoming more positive every day

Others will respect my opinion more

I will always find something nice to say

Other people will like my new personality and optimism

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Others see me as a nice, friendly person

I only see the best in people

People are happy in my presence

I am much happier when I do not criticize people

I enjoy telling people that they have done well

Being positive comes naturally to me

People will come to me for help

People look up to me as a role model

I improved my life when I stopped criticizing others

I find it easy to be positive

24.7. Empathize With People Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I can easily able show empathy towards others

I am able to come up with things to say

I am good at understanding other people’s feelings

I am able to speak my mind whilst still being sensitive

I am good at seeing situations from other people’s point of view

I am good at empathizing

I am well known for my caring personality

I enjoy helping others

I can help people get through stressful times in their life

I have transformed into an empathetic person

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be able to show more compassion

I will find it easier to help others

I will become more empathetic in the workplace

I will be able to see the good in everybody

My empathy improves every day

Others are beginning to see how caring I am

Every day I find it easier to empathize with people

I am learning to enjoy being empathetic

I will be able to help more people

I will remain calm if others are in a stressful situation

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I care about other people’s feelings

Showing more empathy will help me improve my life

I can easily put myself in other people’s shoes

My career will advance if I show more empathy

I am naturally able to sympathise with others

Showing empathy is easy

I can show the right amount of empathy in any situation

Others rely on me to be caring

Empathy comes naturally to me

People come to me for help in stressful situations

24.8. Make People Like You Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a popular and happy individual

I can easily make friends

I can make people happy just by being around them

I am good at making others smile

I am an optimist

I can choose my friends wisely

I feel good about myself and others can see this

I have a brilliant personality

I am the leader of my friendship group

I enjoy being with friends

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will make other people happy with my presence

Every day I become more popular

I am transforming into a well liked individual

I will learn to show my positivity by smiling more

Every day my self esteem increases

I will become a well rounded person

All parts of my social skills will develop further

I am becoming more popular

I find it easier to make friends every day

I will not judge others as much

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Other people love being around me

People gravitate towards me as I am so positive

I enjoy being the centre of attention

Other people respect me

I know I can make friends easily

Other people see how confident I am

I attract others with my personality

Making friends comes naturally to me

I enjoy sharing my personality with others

Having a good friendship group is important to me

24.9. Be A Better Friend Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a great friend

I listen to my friends

I pay attention to their needs

I am reliable

I connect well with others

I am myself when I’m with my friends

I am honest

I own up to my faults

I am thoughtful

I am always open to making new friends

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be respectful

I will give good advice

I will be there when my friends need me

I will be forgiving

I will stop being selfish

I am becoming a steady friend

I will be happy at my friend’s success

I will stop being jealous

I will look out for the both of us

I will guard our friendship carefully

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally have my friends’ backs

I make an effort to be with my friends

I simply enjoy our time together

I am naturally patient and loyal

I just know what to say and when to say it

Others see me as a reliable friend

I am simply myself when I’m with friends

I am naturally understanding

I am simply supportive of my friends

I love spending time with my friends

24.10. Be A Better Listener Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a good listener

I am focused on what others are saying

I respond appropriately in conversations

I have finely tuned listening skills

I pay attention to the words I hear

I am attentive

I am conscientious of others

I ask questions at the right times

I make eye contact with others

I am respectful for what others have to say

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will improve my listening skills

I am becoming a better listener

I am learning to pay attention to others

I will open my ears and listen

I will demonstrate superb listening skills

I will put off other thoughts in order to listen

I will self-discipline myself

I will practice my listening skills

I will ignore temptations of zoning out

I will stop letting my mind wander

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I naturally know when to listen

I always listen to understand

I absorb every detail presented to me

Others see me as a great listener

Listening helps me in all aspects of life

I make sure I understand what the person is saying

When I ask questions they are intelligent and concise

I have a conscious desire to hear what others say

I am just present in the situation

I naturally remove all distractions in a listening situation

24.11. Make New Friends Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am confident

I can easily hold a conversation

I am friendly and outgoing

I am a good listener

I connect well with others

I can easily talk to someone I don’t know

I am always willing to make new friends

I am easy to approach

I project positive body language

I find it easy to be in social situations

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will make more friends

I will talk to more people

I will make an effort to make eye contact

I will take the time to have conversations with people I don’t know

I will make more of an effort to put myself in social situations

I will avoid conflict whenever I can

I will find it easy to keep an open mind

I will be judgement free

I will be a better listener

I will respect others points of view

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I enjoy taking the time to talk to new people

Every day I grow more confident

Talking to people I don’t know is easy for me

I enjoy meeting new and interesting people

Making new friends has enriched my life

I naturally project inviting body-language

Being someone who can talk to anyone had added value to my life

Listening to others and really understanding what they are saying is something I truly enjoy

Being able to talk to someone without judging them has made me a much happier person

Making new friends is a fun thing to do and it has opened up my world immensely

24.12. Enjoy Meeting People Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I love meeting new people

I live in the moment

I am an outgoing person

I am not bothered about what others think about me

I accept who I am

I am confident in my own skin

I easily meet new people

I find it easy to talk to people I don’t know

I am comfortable in groups

I am an interesting person

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will be able to easily meet new people

I will not care what others think about me

I will only imagine the best case scenario

I will be relaxed in social situations

My self esteem is increasing each day

I am becoming less socially awkward each day

I will become a great conversationalist

Every single day I am welcoming new people into my life

I will be comfortable in my own skin

Each day I am learning to live more in the present

--- Natural Affirmations ---

People find it easy to approach me

Meeting new people is something I enjoy and I embrace it

Being care free has made me much happier

Being able to meet new people has increased my life in so many ways

My mental movies are those of positive ones

I only focus on the best possible outcome

Every single day I become a more confident person

Living in the present has allowed me to free myself from social anxiety

Talking to people I don’t know is easy for me

People always tell me that I’m very comfortable in social situations

24.13. Enjoy Socialising Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am outgoing

I have naturally good social skills

I am someone who enjoys talking to others

I speak loud and clearly

I am well respected and my opinion matters

I welcome all social situations

I make new friends easily

I have a good sense of identity

I am confident

I am comfortable in my own skin

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more social

I will become more active in discussions

I am finding myself more comfortable in my own skin

I am turning into someone who embraces social situations

I am becoming more confident

I will be able to stay at social gatherings for more than one hour

I will be excited about new opportunities to socialize

I will lead a better life by being social

People will notice how more social I am

I will seek out new social opportunities

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Socialising comes naturally to me

I find being in social situations easy

Being in the company of others is the most natural thing in the world

Learning to enjoy socialising will change my life for the better

Confidence is something I was born with

Being outgoing is a main part of my life

I bring people together to socialise

People see me as someone who is social

I am the life and soul of all social situations

Loving to socialise has made me a hit with the opposite sex

24.14. Compromise with Others Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to compromise

I am free from arguing

I am very empathetic

I always make sure that I and the other person in a deal are happy

I am always relaxed

I am able to communicate effectively

I find it easy to see things from others point of view

I can get my point across without arguing

I just naturally make sure that others around me are happy

I always make sure that any dispute is left with all parties feeling happy

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more empathetic

I will become someone with the ability to compromise

I am finding myself more argument free

I am turning into someone who is free of selfishness

I will make sure that any dispute is settled with all parties happy

I will always stay relaxed

I will improve my communication skills

I am turning into a positive person

I am transforming into an effective communicator

I am becoming more willing to compromise

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Compromising comes naturally to me

I find my ability to see things from others point of view as a useful skill

Being empathetic is the most natural thing in the world

Arguing never happens with me

Being relaxed is something I just naturally am

I find compromising easy

Communication skills is something I have in abundance

People see me as someone who cares about others

People look up to me as an effective communicator

Being able to compromise has made my life much better

24.15. See Other Peoples Point of View Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am empathetic

I am possessed with the ability to instantly see things from others point of view

I am able to compromise

I am naturally able to say what I feel but I am able to do so in a sensitive manner

I am able to understand what other people are going through

I am kind and caring

I find it easy to make sure that the people around me are happy

I can see things from others point of view

I am free of all arguments

I am always calm and relaxed

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more calm and relaxed by the day

I will become empathetic

I am finding myself more able to think of the right things to say

I am turning into someone who is able to compromise

I am becoming someone who is naturally kind and caring

I will be able to understand what others are going through

I will become argument free

I am turning into someone who has the ability to see things from others point of view

I am transforming into an effective communicator

I will become free of selfishness

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Being free of selfishness comes naturally to me

I find seeing things from others point of view easy

Being able to understand what people are going through is the most natural thing in the world

I possess the ability to make sure that the people around me are happy

People are always telling me that I’m good at seeing things from their point of view

Other peoples feelings do matter to me

Compromising is something that I find rather easy

People see me as someone who is kind and caring

Developing happy relationships is easy for me due to my empahetic nature

Being free of arguments has made me much happier

24.16. Stop Needing Your Own Way Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am able to let others get their own way

I am motivated at all times to make sure all people are happy

I am free of selfishness

I am a naturally positive and happy person

I am a kind and considerate human being

I am able to see things from others point of view

I find it easy to communicate with others

I can think of others and how they might feel when making my decisions

I just naturally emphasize with others

I have transformed into a person who is free of always needing their own way

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I am becoming more emphatic by the day

I will become someone who is free of needing their own way all the time

I am finding myself more and more happy

I am turning into someone who is kind and considerate

I am becoming naturally considerate of others

I will be able to see things from the point of view of others

I will make sure to take other peoples feelings into consideration

I am turning into someone who is free of selfishness

I am becoming more caring by the day

I will be able to compromise

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Compromising is something I excel at

I am fine with others getting their own way

Being happy and relaxed is my natural state

Being an effective communicator comes naturally to me

People see me as someone who is kind and considerate

I have the natural ability to see things from others point of view

I am naturally understanding

Caring about others comes naturally to me

Being empathetic comes easy to me

People are always happy around me

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