Chapter 5

5.1. Increase Creativity Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am highly creative

My imagination is always active

My mind is free and open

I am always open to new ideas and thoughts

My creativity is boundless

My imagination is free

I am a naturally creative person

I am highly imaginative

My creativity flows effortlessly

I am full of inspiration and creativity

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will tap into my imagination

I will unleash my creativity

I will come up with amazing new ideas

My imagination is becoming stronger and stronger

My creativity is increasing

Ideas are starting to flow freely from my mind

I am finding it easier and easier to come up with new ideas

My creativity is growing

I will tap into my creative energy

I am becoming highly creative

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Creativity comes naturally to me

Using my imagination is second nature to me

My mind is wired for creativity

I am always tapped into my creative energy

I have endless creativity

My imagination runs wild

New ideas are always coming to me

I am effortlessly creative at all times

Creative ideas just flow out of my mind naturally

I have a powerful imagination

5.2. Become a Writer Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am a writer

I am a great writer

I am totally devoted to writing

I am extremely creative with words

Words and ideas are always flowing out of me

My mind is wired for writing

My writing skills are top notch

I am a successful writer

I write beautifully

I am highly focused on my writing

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a great writer

I will write every day

I will stay focused on my writing

I am becoming extremely creative with words

Others will see me as a great writer

I will always be dedicated to my writing

Each day I become more motivated to write

I am transforming into an extremely gifted writer

I am finding it easier to just sit and write endlessly

The quality of my writing is steadily improving

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Writing is my life

I love to write

I am a natural born writer

I have amazing writing skills

Being a writer is just a natural part of who I am

I easily write whatever I can imagine

I just always keep writing no matter what

I can write endlessly

My mind is a fountain of creativity

Being a great writer is the most important thing in my life

5.3. Stop Writers Block Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am fearless in the face of writers block

I always overcome writers block

My mind is finely-tuned for writing

My creativity with words is endless

I am always coming up with new ideas and thoughts

I write anything that comes to mind to break through writer’s block

My mind is filled with creative ideas

I am a fantastic writer

Thoughts and ideas are always flowing out of me

I am able to smash through writers block with ease

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will overcome writers block

I will keep writing no matter what

My creativity is always increasing

I am transforming into a highly creative thinker

Words and ideas are starting to just flow out of me

I will come up with new thoughts and ideas

I will become a great writer

Each day I become more confident in my writing

I am finding it easier to break through writers block

Writers block will only increase my will to succeed

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I can write endlessly

I love writing

My mind is naturally wired for writing

I can tap into my creativity whenever I need

Words and ideas are just always flowing out of me

Writing for me is like breathing

I remain confident and determined in the face of writers block

I can effortlessly come up with new writing ideas

Being intensely creative is my natural state

Overcoming writers block is easy

5.4. Become an Artist Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

My art is beautiful

I am an extremely talented artist

I am focused on my art

My creativity is boundless

My mind is always thinking creatively

I am completely dedicated to my art

I am always noticing the artistic side of life

I express my feelings and emotions through art

My mind is wired for artistic expression

I translate life into art

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will create great art

I will become a brilliant artist

I am starting to feel more and more creative

My artistic skills are growing stronger

I am becoming more dedicated to my art

I am starting to see the artistic potential in everyday occurrences

I am developing the mind of a true artist

I will create beautiful works of art

I will capture the beauty of life in my art

I will creatively express the deeper meanings of life

--- Natural Affirmations ---

I live for art

I am a natural born painter

I can become a great artist

I love being creative and expressing myself

Being an artist is the most important thing in my life

Making great art is something I just do naturally

Being highly creative and artistic is just my normal everyday life

My mind is constantly coming up with new ideas

I eat, breathe, and live art

I can touch people’s souls with the power of my art

5.5. Become a Photographer Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---

I am an excellent photographer

I always take the perfect shot

I express myself through my photography

My photographs are extremely creative

I am committed to developing my photography skills

I always know how to get the right shot

I capture the beauty of life with my camera

I take amazing pictures

My photographic timing is perfect

I have a sharp photographers eye

--- Future Tense Affirmations ---

I will become a photographer

I am becoming naturally aware of great photographic opportunities

The quality of my photographs is improving

I will express myself through photography

My photographic skills are growing

I will take great photographs

I will develop a knack for capturing special moments in time

I will create beautiful art with my camera

People are beginning to notice what a great photographer I am

I will work hard to develop my photographic eye

--- Natural Affirmations ---

Photography comes naturally to me

Photography is my life

I love taking pictures

I can become a great photographer

I know how to get the perfect shot

Small photographic details are important to me

Being a great photographer is my life calling

Being creative with my camera feels natural and easy

I can capture the beauty of life through the lens of my camera

Photography allows me to express my deepest self

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