Chapter One: The Beginning of Love Amidst the War

Abboud was 17 years old when he met Layla, the girl who turned his life, full of confusion and loss, into a glimmer of light amidst the destructive war that ravaged their city. He was a student in his final year of high school, living with his sick mother after losing his father in an airstrike that targeted their neighborhood. His father, who used to work in a small shop to provide for their daily needs, was no longer there to protect them from the poverty that engulfed their lives after his death.

Abboud and his mother lived in a small house, but even that house was not safe. With the constant bombings, the windows were shattered, and the walls cracked. His mother suffered from a chronic illness that worsened with the lack of necessary medications due to the war. In such bleak circumstances, Abboud had no refuge except his humble school.

In that ruined school, where the classrooms appeared deserted and the walls were cracked, Abboud met Layla, a quiet and intelligent girl who lived with her family in the neighboring district. Layla was a year older than Abboud, but she possessed a maturity beyond her years. Despite the destruction and difficult circumstances, Layla had a strong will and an incredible ability to stay optimistic. She excelled in her studies and helped her mother take care of her younger siblings after her father left for abroad in search of better opportunities, but he never returned.

Abboud watched Layla from afar in the schoolyard. He felt something strange stirring in his heart whenever he saw her. There was a sad look in her eyes, as if she carried the burdens of the world on her shoulders, yet despite that, she always smiled. That smile gave Abboud a sense of hope in a time when hope was rare.

The First Meeting:

One day, after classes ended, Abboud decided to muster the courage to talk to Layla. The school was gradually emptying of students, and Abboud saw Layla sitting alone on a worn-out wooden bench under the shade of a tree that was still standing amidst the ruins. He approached her, and as he got closer, his heart pounded. He didn’t know how to start the conversation, but he decided to push through his hesitation and said in a shaky voice, "Hello, Layla."

Layla lifted her eyes and looked at him with a gentle smile. That smile was the one thing that made him forget everything around him at that moment. "Hello, Abboud, how are you?" she said warmly.

That was the beginning. Their conversation was simple, about school and daily life in the destroyed city. It wasn’t romantic at first, but it was enough to open the door to deeper feelings that began to form between them.

Love Amidst the War:

As the days passed, Abboud and Layla's meetings became more frequent. They would meet at school or after school hours in the back alleys of their ruined homes, where they found some quiet moments away from the sounds of explosions. Abboud would talk about his dream of attending university, though he knew the war might make that dream impossible. Layla, on the other hand, spoke of her desire to help her mother and siblings and her sense of responsibility towards them after her father left.

With each passing day, the love between Abboud and Layla grew silently amidst the war. It wasn’t a love filled with passionate emotions but a love born out of the need for security and mutual support in a time when life was taking away everything beautiful. They found in each other a refuge from the fear that surrounded them.

One day, while they were discussing the future, Layla told Abboud, "We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we must live today with all the strength we have." Her words filled Abboud's heart with energy, despite the destruction that surrounded them.

Family Tragedy:

Abboud never knew life without poverty. After his father’s death in a horrific bombing at the central market, his family’s life changed forever. His mother exerted efforts beyond her capacity to care for him, though her health continued to deteriorate over time. They no longer had a stable income, and Abboud worked in simple jobs after school to help provide for their basic needs.

Layla lived a similar situation. Her father had left two years ago, promising to send money to the family, but he never returned. Her mother worked from home, sewing clothes to support her children, but the money was scarce and not enough to meet their needs.

Hearts Draw Closer:

Amidst all this pain and poverty, Abboud found in Layla a source of strength and hope. Their meetings became warmer with time. Their love wasn’t just a fleeting emotion; it was a strong bond that connected two people searching for security in a world torn apart by war.

One dark night, while they were sitting on the rooftop of a building overlooking the destroyed city, Abboud turned to Layla and asked, "Do you think we will survive?"

Layla looked at the star-filled sky and replied calmly, "I don’t know, Abboud. But I do know one thing... As long as we’re together, we will find a way to endure."

That love was the only thing keeping them clinging to life.

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