Chapter Six: Planning the Escape and Crossing the Border

After finalizing his decision to take the land route to Germany, Abboud received a call from his friend Abbas.

Abbas: "Abboud, I can't stay here any longer. The situation is getting worse, and I want to escape too. Do you think I can join you?"

Abboud: "Of course, Abbas. But how will you get to Turkey? The borders are closed, and smuggling is the only option."

Abbas: "I know. I've heard about some smugglers who can help me cross the border, but I don't have any experience dealing with them. I need your help."

This is when the idea of smuggling Abbas into Turkey began to take shape in Abboud’s mind. The process was full of risks, but it seemed like a new hope for reuniting the friends once again on a journey toward a better life.

Abboud became involved in finding a reliable smuggler who could bring Abbas into Turkey. Smugglers were known for charging high fees, and many of them exploited refugees, leaving them in harsh conditions along the border.

At first, Abboud contacted some of his friends in Turkey who had crossed the border illegally. He knew not all smugglers were trustworthy, and betrayal was a part of this dark world. However, he had no other choice but to take the risk.

He spoke with one of his acquaintances, a Syrian refugee named Omar, who knew some smugglers.

Abboud: "Omar, I need your help. I have a friend in Syria who wants to join me, but we need someone who can smuggle him across the border."

Omar: "Abboud, it’s not easy. Smugglers demand large sums of money, and some of them are not reliable. But I’ll give you the number of a smuggler named 'Abu Khaled.' I’ve heard he’s one of the few who keeps his word."

Abboud took the number and felt a glimmer of hope. Despite Omar's recommendation, Abboud knew that negotiating with smugglers wasn’t simple. He started thinking about how to secure the money needed for the smuggling operation, knowing Abbas wouldn’t be able to pay the full amount.

Abboud contacted "Abu Khaled," the smuggler Omar had recommended. Talking to smugglers wasn’t easy; every word counted, and any agreement could turn at a moment’s notice.

Abboud (nervously): "Hello, Abu Khaled?"

Abu Khaled: "Yes, who is this?"

Abboud: "My name is Abboud. I’ve heard you can smuggle people from Syria to Turkey. I have a friend in Syria who wants to cross, and I want to see how we can arrange it."

Abu Khaled (coldly): "It’s not simple, Abboud. The route is dangerous and requires careful planning. But I can secure his passage if you’re ready to pay the required amount."

Abboud: "What’s the required amount?"

Abu Khaled: "I’ll need $1,500. Half upfront, and the other half when your friend reaches Turkey."

Abboud felt a wave of anxiety. $1,500 was a huge amount, especially considering that both he and Abbas were in tough financial situations. But Abboud knew Abbas needed a chance to escape Syria, and he had to find a solution.

After the conversation with Abu Khaled, Abboud sat down to figure out how to gather the money. He had saved some money from his construction work, but it wasn’t enough. He decided to talk to Abbas to inform him of the situation and discuss potential solutions.

Abboud: "Abbas, I spoke to the smuggler. He’s asking for $1,500 to ensure your passage into Turkey."

Abbas: "$1,500?! That’s a lot of money. I only have $500 saved from a previous job."

Abboud: "I know, and that’s why we need to think seriously. I’m willing to contribute what I have, but we need to figure out how to come up with the rest."

Abbas: "I’ll try to ask some friends here for money. Maybe I can gather something."

Abboud and Abbas both began looking for additional sources of funding. Abbas tried borrowing money from his friends, while Abboud considered working extra hours to gather more. After two weeks of effort, they managed to collect $1,200.

Abboud returned to the smuggler, Abu Khaled, to inform him of what they had gathered.

Abboud: "Abu Khaled, we’ve only managed to collect $1,200. Can you accept this amount?"

Abu Khaled (hesitantly): "The operation involves big risks, but I’ll agree, on the condition that you pay the rest as soon as your friend crosses the border."

Abboud agreed, knowing that the smuggler might be manipulating them, but they had no other choice.

Abbas and Abboud agreed on the date of the crossing. Abbas was to meet one of Abu Khaled’s men in a rural area near the Syrian-Turkish border. The journey was fraught with dangers, as the route was filled with security checkpoints and armed militias.

On the scheduled night, Abbas left his home cautiously, trying to avoid being noticed. He met the man who would guide him across the border, and the journey through the mountains and valleys began. Everything was going smoothly until they reached an area close to the border, where they encountered a militia patrol.

The smuggler (in a low voice): "Stay behind me and don’t make a sound. If they discover us, everything could be over."

Abbas held his breath as he watched the patrol approach, but by the grace of God, they passed without noticing them. Abbas felt his heart pounding in his chest, but they continued walking until they reached the Turkish side of the border.

Once the smuggler confirmed they had crossed safely, he called Abboud to inform him that Abbas had arrived.

Abu Khaled (in a business-like tone): "Your friend has crossed the border. Bring me the remaining amount as soon as possible."

Abboud felt relieved, knowing that he would finally see his friend Abbas again.

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