Chapter Nine: Don’t Risk the Sea, My Son

The car continued its journey along the rough and dark roads, with each passing minute feeling painfully slow. Abboud and Abbas sat quietly in the backseat, their eyes watching the road ahead with a mix of fear and anticipation. The atmosphere inside the car was tense, and every movement outside heightened their anxiety.

Abbas (in a low voice): "It feels like we’re walking through a nightmare."

Abboud (trying to reassure him): "We’ve been through worse, Abbas. Remember the days we hid from the bombings in Syria? This doesn’t compare to that. Just be patient."

Silence settled once again, until they reached a remote area, where the smuggler pulled over and asked them to get out.

Smuggler (in a low voice): "We have to walk from here. We can’t risk driving any further—too many patrols."

Abboud and Abbas grabbed their bags and followed the smuggler down a narrow path through the trees. The road was dark and treacherous, with no light except for the faint glow of distant stars. Abboud worried about Abbas, who wasn’t used to such dangerous treks, but they pressed on without stopping.

After hours of walking in the darkness, they finally reached a safe point near Istanbul, where they were supposed to meet another driver who would take them into the city.

Smuggler (turning to them): "Alright, wait here. I’ll call the next driver to come and pick you up. Things seem calm for now, but we can’t stay here long."

The two of them sat on the ground, exhausted from the walk and the tension of the night. They could hear distant sounds from the city, but they knew they were still far from being completely safe.

Abbas (breathing heavily): "Do you think we’ll get through this journey in one piece?"

Abboud (with confidence): "We have to believe that, Abbas. We’ve made it this far, and there’s no turning back now. Things will be okay; we just have to endure."

After what felt like a long wait, the new driver arrived—a Turkish man who seemed accustomed to these kinds of operations. They got into the car and started the final leg of their journey to Istanbul. This time, the road was smoother, but they both knew the danger wasn’t over yet.

They arrived in one of Istanbul’s crowded neighborhoods, where they were set to spend their first night in the city. They entered a small apartment that the smuggler had arranged for them and closed the door behind them.

Abboud (looking around): "Thank God, we’ve made it to Istanbul. This is a big part of our journey."

Abbas (sitting on the floor, exhausted): "But is this safety? We’re still in Turkey, and we still have a long way to go to reach Germany."

Abboud (optimistically): "True safety won’t come until we reach Germany, but we’ve made significant progress. Now, we need to plan for the next phase."

The two of them began discussing their new plan. Turkey had grown stricter with refugees at that time, especially concerning travel to European countries. The sea routes to Greece were dangerous, and the land routes through Bulgaria were more complicated.

Abbas (looking at the map): "What do you think? Should we walk through Bulgaria, or risk the boats to Greece?"

Abboud (thoughtfully): "The land route might be safer, but the sea is faster. However, I’ve heard of many refugees who drowned trying to reach Greece by boat."

The conversation became more difficult, as neither option seemed easy. Every route carried risks that could lead to failure—or worse, death.

Abbas (hesitantly): "Maybe you should ask your mother. She always knows what’s best."

Abboud (smiling sadly): "I asked her before, and she said, ‘Go by foot, my son. Don’t risk the sea.’"

Abboud called his mother again, telling her about their plans. Her voice was filled with worry, but she tried to be supportive.

Abboud’s mother (in a warm voice over the phone): "My son, I’ve told you before, and I’ll say it again—go by foot, don’t risk the sea. May God protect you wherever you go. My heart is always with you."

The conversation was filled with emotion, and it gave Abboud a renewed sense of courage. After hanging up, he turned to Abbas and said:

Abboud (with determination): "We’ll take the land route through Bulgaria. I don’t want to risk our lives at sea."

Abbas (agreeing): "Alright, let’s start planning the trip. It’ll be tough, but I trust you, Abboud."

The two spent the next few days preparing for their journey through Bulgaria, reaching out to smugglers they could trust and carefully planning every step. The upcoming trip would be full of challenges, but it was the first real step toward their dream of reaching Germany.

The actual journey began with meticulous planning. They contacted smugglers who specialized in getting refugees across the Bulgarian border. The route was dangerous, involving treacherous mountain paths to avoid border patrols, but they were determined to push forward toward a better future.

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